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Everything posted by ead

  1. Fair dinkum, as they say in Bradford. Thanks Karl, hope you're keeping well young man.
  2. I have tried this site and a couple of others. No reference to the s/n described above.
  3. Hi team BC, I'm looking for some guidance from the hive knowledge. Just looking at a bass on t'interweb that proports to be a Japanese '75RI but it sports a JD serial number followed by 8 digits i.e. JDxxxxxxxx Any thoughts? I can't find any reference to this format out there other than a few others asking about it. Thanks in advance....
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1502185648' post='3349789'] I don't even know what 'post hardcore' is? [/quote] A delivery of rubble?
  5. Not quite pre-CBS but built be Leo and team, my '66 P bass gets regular outings. I didn't buy it to watch it go dusty.
  6. Personally not a fan. Also not disappointed with my class D amp and Barefaced cabs which I just use for on stage monitoring and practice sessions as I play through the PA at gigs. Really not keen on the design either, just a personal thing I guess.
  7. Good point Ped, clearly I'd not thought that through
  8. ead

    NBD ACG Krell

    Good man. Resistance is futile; there must be some link up between ACG and The Borg. I have virtually no internal organs left now.
  9. I stick a bit of foam next to bridge for light deadening. Pretty much FOC if you have bought anything with a bit of packaging.
  10. I have swapped the Delano item for the Nordy NP4 pickup in my Sandberg VS, but the Jess Loureiro was a very close second http://jlguitars.eu/shop/index.php?id_product=11&controller=product&id_lang=4
  11. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1501953950' post='3348474'] I like that. [/quote] Me too. Was that all guitar or was there some surrepticious keys playing going on al la Muse?
  12. I use the Eneloops in my Smooth Hound wireless system but never tried a 9v jobbie in a bass.
  13. Paul has just bought some pickups from me. Quick payment and great comms. Perfect, many thanks for your business.
  14. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1501098648' post='3342556'] If it was the destructions of Violas, everyone would have been having a good laugh.** [/quote] As a former orchestral operative I salute you sir
  15. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1501115622' post='3342655'] Good idea. I can't seem to come up with much of any kind of plan. Blue [/quote] It's a tricky business. I think were i to be asked to do something like this I'd start from the 'sales' plan. That is to say answer the following questions: What am I selling? What is the competition? What is the market value of my product/service? How can I differentiate my offer? Where/how do people buy these products/services? How can I best deliver my product/service? What do I want to get out of each transaction? Once you think you have the basic answers to the above then I think it might help you work out what to do next.
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