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Everything posted by ead

  1. If we get the right answer do we get points, and do points mean prizes?
  2. ead


    Similarly, I just purchase a Nordstrand P type pickup. It all arrived with zero hassle; plenty of PMs; nothing to be concerned about here folks. Solid BCer.
  3. Serial abuser of the EXL170BT sets here. Major fanboy.
  4. [quote name='SteveFromBerlin' timestamp='1497477913' post='3318607'] I love my passive California TT... it's got the thermo and vibration treatment and plays smoOoth! Sonds killer through a GK 700RB MKII... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7Mdi89ncAM"]https://www.youtube....h?v=N7Mdi89ncAM[/url] [/quote] I'd really like to hear this back to back with a standard one to see what the difference is. I am fortunate to own a vintage Fender P bass and there is definitely a difference which I had always assumed was due to the vintage electronics more than the aging timbers. It's all weird magic though.
  5. Maybe keep a weather eye on the f/s bits of this very forum?
  6. Nice; I presume the cream/white p/up covers are in case you put it down in a dark room?
  7. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1460579567' post='3027070'] If you're after vintage, rather than modern, then I'd be tempted to try those from jlguitars.com Jess Loureiro winds the pups by hand using the old methods and materials. I've got some on order right now. So I'm about to find out what they sound like. I've tried his 51 Precision pup and that was great. [url="http://jlguitars.eu/shop/index.php?id_cms=7&controller=cms&id_lang=4"]http://jlguitars.eu/...r=cms&id_lang=4[/url] [/quote] I've just bought one of the P Bass Classis pickups. Looking forward to trying it out, it's this one: http://jlguitars.eu/shop/index.php?id_product=11&controller=product&id_lang=4
  8. Looks great congratulations. I tried a couple of Paul's basses at the LBGS a couple of years ago and really liked them.
  9. [quote name='MilkyBarKid' timestamp='1497197363' post='3316464'] The tascams are great,but sound quality degrades very quickly when slowed down, and they're unreliable, my first one conked out completely, the batteries stopped holding charge after a while, and they are expensive, light also failed, and jack failed. Tthe second one I bought, the jack doesnt work, and the effects are stuck on, and the tuners not great on the b string, - its a bit better on the others. I use transcribe on pc now - the sound quality is much better. [/quote] By contrast mine has been going strong for about 7 years now.
  10. I have one of the ones where you load on MP3s rather than play a CD. I've used it 3 or 4 times a week (with headphones0) for practice and leaning new stuff. I will be devastated when it eventually dies. Pick one up pre-loved if you can find one, they are really good for what you descibe imho.
  11. [quote name='DBerriff' timestamp='1496406765' post='3311159'] That just gives you (and me) time to save up for the big day. The size of deposit seems to depend on the dealer. [/quote] I paid around 15% as the deposit.
  12. [quote name='DBerriff' timestamp='1496385525' post='3310912'] The Sandberg costs less in the UK. You will have to wait a few months for a bespoke build but you can also specify the configuration and finish you want. [/quote] I ordered mine via Classic & Cool, got a good price and the bass arrived around 6-7 weeks earlier than promised at the time of the order. Gotta love that.
  13. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1496331704' post='3310620'] Depends on what kind of jazz sound you want? The neck pup on the Jazz gets close to a P sound and the tone roll off is very responsive. The Jazz sound is lovely. A TT Jazz will give you this with a more modern twist as the bridge pup is closer to the neck, again delano's more hifi, sandberg or Haussel pups more warm and vintage. The TSBS is a string through and the pups are slightly in between, not a huge difference IMO, and I don't like the yellow. MarloweDK has a slimmer neck than other TT's, different ageing pattern to the body and the bridge pup is closer to the bridge giving it a more 70s Barky feel when dialled in. The way to see a VM is like a P bass but with more clarity for pushing through in a live setting, you may not get the satisfaction you want from the M bucker alone. Fully passive or active and passive is purely your choice. I have a lot of pre-amp pedal push so purely passive is good for me. To me they do some of the best ageing, if you like that. As Cilla would say, the decision is yours... [/quote] My Cali II TT was the passive version with V/B/T and Sandberg pickups. Although very nice sounding I've swapped the electronics for some Hot Rod JB-74s and a Kiogon V/V/T harness. Sounds immense and really nice in the mix. Mandatory pic: [sharedmedia=core:attachments:236844] Plus a couple of the VS (custom colour Dakota Red): [sharedmedia=core:attachments:246118] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:246117]
  14. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1496340951' post='3310736'] Oohh....well played sir! I like that explanation. Unfortunately I was adding tension for the whole of the first verse! [/quote] That is quite a lot of tension in all honesty
  15. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1496163331' post='3309268'] Started a song at a gig last weekend in the wrong key. This is a song we've been playing for ages and it starts on an F sharp. Started it in F. What a knob! [/quote] Just adding a bit of tension to the chord before resolving it, therefore surely intentional?
  16. TT4 and VS4 owner. Pretty bloody nice, the pair of them.
  17. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1496217328' post='3309559'] ta, they changed bassists a bit. And guitarists, even Tony Iommi was a member long enough to appear on the Stones Rock n Roll Circus dvd [/quote] I think Mr Anderson can be 'challenging' to work with...
  18. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1496202520' post='3309494'] Tull have had some great bassists whoever it was on Living in The Past gets my vote [/quote] I think that would be Glenn Cornick from (failing) memory. Also a great and sensitive player.
  19. Just landed from Sandberg, Dakota Red VS4. [attachment=246117:VS-4 Custom 01 LR.jpg] [attachment=246118:VS-4 Custom 02 LR.jpg]
  20. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1495614055' post='3305220'] I think you're right about looking for a non-pristine one. Here's a pic of the one I'm talking about, whilst it's not pristine it's definitely all original, but there's discolouring on the wood, chips on the headstock and body, hairline cracks in the binding, and the pickguard is pretty warped. The neck is straight enough but the action definitely needs to come down a bit, and I couldn't really gauge the state of the saddles and bridge because of the cover. But as it is all original, and sat in a posh shop, it has an almost 3K price tag which I can't justify. However if these mid 70's jazzes really sound this good, I think it would make more sense to look for a refinished one instead, because it seems like a refin reduces the price by almost half. Someone suggested that the the tone I'm after is a result of the 70's electronics as well as the pickup configuration, and they said that a lot of 70's jazzes don't have the typical mid scoop with both volumes up full, they're really focussed on the mid-range. I don't know if this is true or not but I'm going to try a few 70s jazzes and see if that characteristic is there in all of them. If it's not then this bass is a one off. [/quote] I suppose it also depends on your resale policy. My '66 is going nowhere (barring massively unforeseen and serious circumstances). When I stop playing the kids can decide what they want to do with it. Although post CBS Leo & crew were still making the basses at this point so I think it will have risen in value by then but that was never the prime motive for buying the bass. The neck on the bass is superb, arrow straight and no dead spots I can find, nice and light too. exceeded all my expectations A couple of pics for you: [attachment=245979:_MG_0002.JPG] [attachment=245980:_MG_0026.JPG]
  21. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1495528035' post='3304409'] Thank you mate! I wonder if I can get "Top Banana" on my business cards! Eude [/quote] JFDI; easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. In evidence I can confirm that I'm still breathing, although now walking with a severe limp.
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