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Everything posted by ead

  1. Hi Gary A couple of questions for you please. WHat is the string spacing at the bridge, and is the ramp fixed to the bass in any way by which I mean as someone who wouldn't use it had it affected the finish or caused any more holes to be drilled! Thanks
  2. [quote name='Paulhauser' timestamp='1493844496' post='3291282'] If you were born in 1962, then the YOB bass is a '62. '63 makes no sense for me even if you were born so close to the end of the year. [/quote] This. My YOB (1960) makes it too expensive so I have had to settle for a '66 P bass and now lie about my age
  3. What function do the two switches near the bridge perform?
  4. Mine was a black Squier Affinity P. I recall it being fine as a starter bass and played a few gigs with it. In the end I gave it to a friend's son to encourage him.
  5. Acquired a strap from Nick. As has been mentioned many times a top guy to deal with, mega quick despatch plenty of PMs. Another BC Top Banana.
  6. I believe the 'Gneco' logos are the early one and more sought after than the later 'Greco' ones. Good basses though, my EB-350 certainly was. Obigatory pics... [attachment=244295:Greco EB-350 02.jpg] [attachment=244296:Greco EB-350 03.jpg] [attachment=244297:Greco EB-350 01.jpg]
  7. Here's one on Evilbay in Lytham St Annes: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Spector-Rebop-5-string-deluxe-bass-/192163054177?hash=item2cbdcf8261:g:5fYAAOSwtZJY937t"]http://www.ebay.co.u...fYAAOSwtZJY937t[/url] Maybe worth a try and haggling.
  8. Good point. I had a "Gneco" EB3 clone which was an excellent bass. I believe they are well regarded.
  9. I know what you mean re the hissing. I personally think it's something to do with the bass as I have noticed that it seems to be hypersensitive to external noise. I've not yet been able to nail it down. Lovely playing btw Adam (thus avoiding words like rubato, lyrical, etc).
  10. I fell this is beyond my below average ability to cope with GAS
  11. I'm sure I saw one of these on the Classic & Cool Guitars website but with a maple board. Yup, here is it: http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/portfolio/1981-greco-pb-450-bass/
  12. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1493309486' post='3287382'] I owned an SSD-94 (NS-94) and it was an excellent bass. [/quote] That what I meant to suggest, an SSD-95. Had a couple of the 4s myself. Good basses and excellent value given the quality of build.
  13. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1493238031' post='3286868'] Also worth a look are the late '90's NS2000's which are great value 2nd hand. Slightly different body shape if you can live with that. [/quote] Good call. NS-95s not too shaky either.
  14. There are a couple of Spector 5ers in Promenade Music in Morecambe if that helps (no Rebops though).
  15. I think lee650 maybe also have done a bit of this kind of thing.
  16. Just acquired Pete's Microthumpinator. Per above super quick delivery and all in order. One of the good guys, deal in complete confidence.
  17. Perennial problem really. We have a few songs that cause me to die a little each time we play them, but more often than not people will come up after the gig and say how much they loved such and such. I think I'm just about over my personal 'too cool for school' phase and I enjoy seeing people listening/singing along/dancing/getting involved with the music.
  18. I think there are a few out there, although on the mainstream side I'm not sure. My Yamaha RBX270 was well under 8lbs, and my lightest bass at the moment is an ACG at 7lbs 6oz or 3.4kgs in new money; happy accident rather than by design i should add.
  19. Mess with their minds, stick a RIC logo on. JH will see the funny side......won't he?
  20. Top bloke and very innovative player. Met Kev at Moffat a couple of times (spoombung on here).
  21. Mine looks a bit like yours. Hadn't noticed it until now, and am most likely to do absolutely nothing about it.
  22. My '66 P bass just in from the USA (thanks Si) [attachment=243689:66P 20170419 02.jpg]
  23. Si has been massively helpful in finding me a vintage P bass, ultimately from the USA. Very patient with my inane questions and clearly very knowledgeable about these matters. I am most grateful to him and heartily recommend him to all fellow BCers.
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