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Everything posted by ead

  1. Hi all Is there anything out there with a couple of pedal in the same carcass that I could use individually? I have tried a couple of the multi-effect things but they are very complex and I really am not interested in all the patches, amp modelling etc. etc. I really just want 'on-off' pedals with some controls for each one for mild tweakery. I guess the other option is to buy a couple of pedals and stop moaning, but I just want to know I've not missed anything. Thanks in advance.
  2. Diamond BCP for me. Nice with a fretless bass, although not hyper squishy as compressors go.
  3. ead


    Just upgraded the Sandberg with some custom Hot Rod pickups (from nick of this parish) and a kiogon loom with a different tone control combo to open out the brighter side of the overwound p/ups. Works really well imho. [sharedmedia=core:attachments:236844]
  4. Made the Sandberg TT slighly less black with some custom Hot Rod p/ups [attachment=236844:TT with Hot Rods.jpg]
  5. ead

    Nick's Feedback

    Just acquired Nick's Hot Rod jazz p/ups. All very smooth, item as decribed, despatched quickly, responded to PMs promptly. All good as has been said above. Many thanks for such a model transaction, a credit to the forum.
  6. John has just made me an emergency jazz loom. It was in the post to me within 12 minutes, at least it seemed like that. What a top bloke.
  7. Is that the Cali II version? I have a passive TT and have just ordered a VS in a custom colour. I think they're great basses, phenomenal necks imho.
  8. How about something like a Squier Silver Series Jazz?
  9. D'Addario EXL170BTs on fretted basses. I think the gauges are 45/60/80/107.
  10. I have two of the stacked knobs in original packaging and unopened. Here are the links to the website where I purchased them: Stacked knobs: [url="http://www.allparts.uk.com/products/concentric-stacked-knob-set-flat-top-for-emg-pots"]http://www.allparts....op-for-emg-pots[/url] [b]NOW SOLD[/b] Thanks for looking.
  11. January was/is dead, but around 30 bookings to October. The last quarter can get busy too. Nothing to complain about really.
  12. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1485214873' post='3222279'] To be realistic, I think the popularity of Zeppelin is probably far higher among older people than among today's bangin' yoof. And even back in the day they were something of a cult band to be eschewed by mainstream record buyers intent on dampening their gussets to Mr David Cassidy or Miss Suzi Quatro While the band may form a small if respected component of some young peoples' musical diet I doubt it is quite as central to their continued existence as it is to those whose salad days are but a dim memory. While many of us wee-smelling wrinklies would like to think that the Mighty Zeppelin are still an omnipresent musical force I suspect that the erstwhile practitioners of 'light and shade' may enjoy a passing vogue only among a small minority of youths who for reasons best known to themselves embrace a historiographic musical perspective. Anecdotes about one's offspring's approval of the Zep are (genuinely) rather lovely but does it [i]ever[/i] cross our failing and enfeebled minds that our progeny might charitably be indulging us in the mistaken belief that the [i]apparently[/i] continuing eminence of our long-dead favourite band means we are still relevant? That such a kindly deception is meant to ease our eventual and inevitable passage into that land of ice and snow and the midnight sun, where the hot springs flow? [/quote] Maybe, maybe not. I certainly would not defend the notion of universal admiration/popularity. However my kids definitely don't indulge my preferences; the abuse I get if I put a Yes CD on when they are visiting is quite unsettling For my birthday I know they went through my CDs as they thought they had spotted a Zep CD I didn't own - they were right. They them admitted to accidentally having it in their laptops pre-wrapping.
  13. [quote name='AdamWoodBass' timestamp='1485252305' post='3222411'] Just managed to square this with my wife, I'm allowed to come out to play so I will be there! [/quote] I'll PM you re bringing some ACGs along.
  14. ^ All excellent advice.
  15. Just bought a set of those for my P, never actually tried flats on a fretted bass so this will be a first for me.
  16. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1485188655' post='3221920'] Blessed are the cheesemakers [/quote] What's so special about the cheesemakers?
  17. For sale is a lightly used set of EMG JVX active pickups. All the bits are there and in the original packaging. These retail for c.£155 posted from Thomann so price is a very reasonable £110 posted to UK mainland.
  18. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1485135423' post='3221493'] Every generation has their shot. Do you know what Led Zepplin is to teens today? " Old People's music or referred to as music my parents or in some cases my grandparents listened to.They have no real interest in it. Now, someone here will debate me and say, " my kids love Led Zeppelin" If they do, they are the exception. Blue [/quote] My kids love Led Zep and are massively jealous that I got to see them play live, and are certainly not the exception amongst their peer group.
  19. Damn, missed this one :-(
  20. This will be the most useless post in this thread. A few years ago I bumped into the drummer from a prog band who had moved into the electronics industry. Here's the useless bit, I'm sorry but I'm struggling to remember his name or the band's. Anyway he was showing round the factory and he opened a door in the office suite to a room filled with the biggest drum kit I've ever seen, all mic'ed up and used for him to record stuff for hs own pleasure. He did say nothing would tempt him back/
  21. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1484939187' post='3219929'] I need a Precision. Looking for, American Special Precision [/quote] I hope this wasn't my fault?
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