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Everything posted by ead

  1. Cheers Dan, that's what EMG suggested too. Think I might go for either the P4X/CSX or P4X/JX combo, but still a shade undecided. The DC pickups don't seem to get a lot of love on here. Have you been able to compare X and non-X EMGs as yet?
  2. Which of course begs the question which would work best for a 4-string bass? I thought the 35 size was the 4-string and the 40 being for 5ers.
  3. ...and the winner is........sorry wrong speech. From EMG: [i]The 35px is Has magnets for a 5 string, the 35P4x has 4 string magnets. Cheers! Derek B. EMG[/i]
  4. Hi all I'm looking at replacing som older humbuckers with some EMG 35, but I'm struggling to work out the difference between the 35P4X and the 35PX, can anybody shed any light please?
  5. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1481528689' post='3192863'] To be fair to EVH (who I actually believe is a compete cock), he has never actually claimed he invented the technique, only that he did things with it that hadn't been done before. Which is why the world of rock guitar's collective jaw dropped when 'Eruption' first got played. At risk of sounding like Blue, you perhaps had to have been there to understand the quantum leap in technique this represented. Hendrix redefined the way electric guitar was played, so did EVH. [/quote] But did he play 4 hour bar gigs for nowt?
  6. ead


    Just sold a tuner pedal to Alan. Quick payment, good comms, a credit to the forum. Many thanks for a smooth transaction.
  7. TC Polytune clip-on these days. Had a Korg Pitchblack and latterly a TU-3 but the clip on is pretty good and very quick so convenience wins and the other two are sold off.
  8. I'm sorry, did you say tasteful?
  9. I used to have an RBX270 fretless, pretty decent bass, kept it and gigged it for 5 years.
  10. Gosh, I confess to never having given a thought to the need for this type of product for our more humanitarian colleagues. Ashamed of Chorley.
  11. A bit of mild compression is nice with a fretless bass.
  12. What more can I add? The ACG that replaced this has the same pickup combination albeit with a different electronics package and the combination is a good one imho. Very flexible with the pickup switching and dual volume controls plus the added EQ. The neck is great, so very tactile and slim and you don't get too many basses with wood cavity covers in this price bracket either. Martyn is a top banana so buy with confidence.
  13. I put some EMG JVXs into my Cali II TT and really like them.
  14. Also sold some strings to Davie. Perfect gent, fast payment and easy to deal with. A credit to the forum.
  15. I'm a serial 170BT user and I do like the feel of them.
  16. Wireless systems on a stage no bigger than the average hearth rug also leave less things to trip over/get caught up in too.
  17. Good point about a spare amp above. I always have a second head with me just in case (as well as fuses) and of course leads in case the wireless system dies).
  18. Where's the vid of the permed and shoulder-padded guy when you need it?
  19. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1480515229' post='3185020'] I signed up, been using their strings for years. [/quote] Ditto. Have bought a few sets over the past few months as it's time for restringing but pacakging all recyled now.
  20. Prefer satin finish myself - no reason in particular. The best one I own is a Sandberg Cali II neck, it's like silk.
  21. Interesting thread. I'm thinking about upgrading the electronics in my NS-94 and was contemplating a 35PX and 35JX setup and a separate volume and tone for each pickup with the outputs being connected together at the jack socket. Would this work as a set up or would I be best using the V/V/T arrangement and fitting a talent control in the empty hole?
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