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Everything posted by ead

  1. Whereabouts in Scotland are you located please?
  2. There's a very nice Squier Silver Series Jazz on here for less than your budget so not in either category! It used to be mine but I foolishly sold it and then subsequently bought another one.
  3. [quote name='CaptainBlackarm16' timestamp='1473367112' post='3129592'] Beaut!! Luminlays? [/quote] No, they're aluminium dots. Used to be mine this one and sorely tempted to buy it back again.
  4. Well, I have 3 atm. A Squier Silver Series, a Sandberg California II with EMG X pickups added and a custom ACG with the basic SEQ filter preamp. All slightly different but good in their own way (successfully avoided answering the question there). [attachment=226959:SSSJ 01.jpg] [attachment=226960:LR Sandberg California II TT 01.jpg] [attachment=226961:ACG Standard J Type 03 lo res.jpg] If you made me pick one then I'd say ACG closely followed by the Cali II. Sorry, no idea why two pics are rotated?
  5. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1472888559' post='3125009'] He has ALWAYS been my prog god. nice to see the world has caught up finally! [/quote] This
  6. It's an interesting question. The electric bass has only been around for maybe 70 years or so and is therefore a pretty new kid on the block compared to some others. With my rose tinted shades on I'd probably agree with the OP but I think the variety of instruments available today and the leaps and bounds in amplification makes today a pretty tasty time. Whether musicians exploit this is a different argument I think,
  7. Both basses now safely in my possession. Absolutely delighted with both of them, Alan has absolutely nailed the sounds I wanted (despite my medioce efforts trying to describe what I was after). Graham, not sure about the multicoil pickups, there's a lot of info on the ACG website but I did see anything specific about magnets although I was skimming the text pretty quickly. In case you haven't seen it, here's the link: http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/basses/pickups/ just go down the page a bit.
  8. I started out as a Standard spec then I started asking for extras so it morphed into a sort of Custom/Standard hybrid. Picking ti up tomorrow so hopefully I'll get some quality bass time in the evening.
  9. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1470348834' post='3105479'] Also has a bass boost on the push/pull on the active stack. Pull bright on the volume/tone when in active mode. Four options regarding bass boost frequency plus level selected internally. Yes it is a split coil and in this case with Alnico magnets rather than the ceramic I normally use. [/quote] Thanks Alan, I forgot about the configurable bass boost thing.
  10. Thanks for the comments all. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1470310698' post='3104968'] Ooh, lovely P... what are the controls? [/quote] It's a an ACG/East P Retro. So the first stack is volume/tone (active and passive tone); the second stack is more complex being a mid boost in one direction and a bass and treble boost in the other. There's also a pull for bright function and an active passive switch. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1470310284' post='3104963'] That's a lovely looking pair! Fnaaar Is that actualy a split coil p-type pickup under the soapbar or is it just a humbucker in the p position? [/quote] It's a real live split coil. A bit over-wound too so very punchy.
  11. Here we go peeps, a couple of pics of my new ACG Recurve fretless and the first ever ACG P Type. [attachment=224831:Recurve FL 01.jpg] [attachment=224832:Recurve FL 02.jpg] [attachment=224833:Recurve FL 03.jpg] [attachment=224834:P Type 01.jpg] [attachment=224835:P Type 02.jpg] [attachment=224836:P Type 04.jpg]
  12. Hi all I'm looking for a nice P bass to play in the blues band that I'm a member of (as opposed to this P/J which is a little too 'metal' apparently). I have cash to add for the right bass. I acquired this in a trade from Mr Bagsieblue of this parish and (hoping he's OK with it) here's the link to his post with some better pics than I managed: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/281246-traded-farida-hb20-hypersonic-series-set-neck-pj-lightweight-75lb-cw-farida-hard-case/page__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.u...__fromsearch__1[/url] Here are a few pics, but it's tricky to photograph being very black. Thanks for looking.
  13. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1469985464' post='3102472'] There's a nice Japanese, Silver Squier, bass on sale on BC at the moment. Very nice, well put together basses. Edit - Actually there's two.... [/quote] This would be my call too.
  14. Just acquired an ACG from Mark; what a top bloke. We had a good bass related chat over a cuppa too with intermittent bursts of playing and peering at the ACH website. What about the bass I hear you ask. Well, it's an ACG so it's chuffin' gorgeous. Just for the record three cats were in evidence.
  15. I don't know if it's urban legend, but I think the head guy at Ashdown has BA55AMP.
  16. Sounds good. I was considering doing something like the Flea sig J but V/V/T. My other plan is a Dakota Red/Parchment P bass...
  17. Got to say my Squier Silver Series Jazz is a seriously nice bass. On the hunt for a matching P bass now.
  18. Hi Karl I have a Wenge board on one of my ACGs. Per instructions from ACG towers I used some of that ultra fine wire wool to get the gunk off and then just a little lemon oil just to moisten the cloth to clean off the dust. Worked a treat. Just to note the dust is apparently not at all good for you so no inhaling please. Gratuitous bass porn link: http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0178-recurve-4/
  19. This used to be my bass and after I sold it I pretty much instantly regretted it and went out and bought another after a month or two. I had even asked paddy109 to give me first refusal if he ever sold it, but when this came up for sale I was already fully tooled up with SSS Js otherwise it would not have made it onto here. The neck is great and the satin finish really works well. I had the bass fully set up and serviced by Richie Thompson in Wigan (ask Karlfer if in doubt). He gave the fretboard and good clean and oil and it is now magnificent as well as general TLC. Do not hesitate folks this is a great bass and paddy109 is a solid citizen.
  20. I've just swapped out the standard fit Sandberg single coils in my Cali 2 TT for EMG JVX (with some trepidation initially) and am now a total convert. Plenty of everything imho. The bass whisperer does a good review too.
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