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Everything posted by ead

  1. Really nice bass this, had a go on it at Kev's recently. Great feeling neck and nice balance too. GLWTS
  2. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1457963476' post='3003387'] ash neck? Never seen that [/quote] Some ACGs have them. Mine is on this bass and all I can say is that it's the best neck on any of my basses: http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0200ss-j-type-4/ The third pic down shows it a bit.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1457962026' post='3003352'] Had it? What is it, then? [/quote] Can't remember , but I'm sure there was a thread somewhere with a most unlikely ending.
  4. However on stuff I'm not too keen on then: Green or blue basses (and white too for that matter - but quite like vintage white or cream or whatever it's called) LEDs Big square lumpy heels Gold hardware Overly large bridge assemblies Single cuts Jumbo frets
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1457615462' post='3000127'] However we still don't know which is the best bass for metal, so have a think about that. [/quote] I thought that had been finally settled?
  6. To pick a few things: Single coil pickups Ash necks Natural finish Banjo frets The complete absence of frets Basses that balance well on the knee as well as the strap NS body shape Most varieties of Jazz and Jazz-type basses
  7. Some good stuff. A Radar Love has already been mentioned I'm going to go with Visage - Fade To Grey.
  8. In a selfless gesture I'll buy your ACGP for a couple of hundred to help you build a fighting fund.
  9. Nice bass, apalling timing for me as just put a deposit down on a Sandberg Cali II TT.
  10. One of the loudest I remember from way back was ELO. More recently Alice Cooper
  11. Had my G2 Compact and G2 Midget for a while now and foresee several more years with them as they work brilliantly for me. Lent my rig to the bass player in another band the other weekend and he's now after some BF cabs.
  12. Have just found a sound clip of the bass too. If anybody is interested please PM me you're email address and I'll send it over.
  13. No, on the basis that the Barefaced cabs I run can cope with my amp at full chat and still have plenty in the tank. As it I rarely run the amp at more than about 60% on the master volume so I suspect the cabs are just cruising. Plus if one pops I still have the other that could do just fine on its on.
  14. Interesting take jazzyvee. Did you keep the treble stack for each pickup too?
  15. [quote name='JohnFitzgerald' timestamp='1457215382' post='2996520'] I can't play a P bass to save my life. I hear someone else playing one and it sounds fantastic. Then I pick it up and it's just rubbish. [/quote] This happens with all my basses.
  16. [quote name='cetera' timestamp='1457305940' post='2997293'] That wasn't the Doobs.... it was Tower Of Power.... [/quote] Bollocks, old age and senility kicking in. Good tune nevertheless
  17. Of all the filter preamps I'd say the EQ02 is the hardest to sort out on a two pickup bass as you have to accommodate the output from both pickups and the blend control setting with just one filter stack and the treble stack. I much prefer the ones with a filter stack per pickup (plus the treble stack and preferably the active/passive tone control too) so you can can get each one to sound like you want it and then just use the blend to your heart's content. They are a bit marmite I agree, but if you invest the time they are great. Also the SEQ is quite nifty, it's a bit like having a really good tone control for each pickup and a volume/blend stack. Still has multiple adjustment if you want them but very intuitive. EQ02 is fine for single pickup basses though.
  18. Interesting comment re the Precision. I used to be in that camp until I stumbled across a Farida P bass (shameful copy - just in case he's reading this). Skinny neck like a jazz and a slightly odd shaped lower horn but really nice to play, I now 'get' the whole P bass thing.
  19. I'm another in the Ricky camp sadly. They were my 'dream' bass and having saved up for a year to buy one I found it to be not a great experience. I persevered for a year then sold it on. On the other hand I love Jazz and Jazz-type basses.
  20. ead


    [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1457012054' post='2994441'] improvement? [/quote] Quite so, but then I think some of the 'copies' also improved the breed.
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