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Everything posted by ead

  1. And of course returning back up north to the land of cobbled motorways.
  2. I use them on nealry all of my basses. Favs are the 170BT nickels, and either Chromes or Tapewounds for the fretless basses.
  3. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1454807234' post='2973216'] Tried mine first time live today. What a difference it makes. absolutely faultless and no cables to trip over, love it. Plus the battery level didn't seem to go down on my rechargables for the whole gig. [/quote] Which ones are you using as I really need to sort out this aspect as I'm chucking the occasional pair of Duracells into mine?
  4. Not 100% definite yet, but it looks like I'm driving down to London next weekend and will have space for a bass or two if anybody needs anything shipping down. I don't intend to spend a lot of time delivering around the capital, but if I am going and you can get it to me I'll get it to the Islington area next Saturday.
  5. Get in touch with PJ at Spector. Probably the most helpful human being in the known universe.
  6. I have a selection of highly trained operatives who are attuned to all my bass playing needs. If for whatever reason they are unavailable then I use a sports kit type bag and a rucksack. Amps and basses in their gig bags and cabs as they are (not to self - should really get some covers).
  7. Having had a go with mine, the guitarist in our band has just bought one too. No problems at all with two users in a confined space. May need to get a second transmitter unit at some point I think.
  8. I can't answer that question myself, but this site is one I often go to for that kind of knowledge. Hope it helps. http://www.headfonia.com/
  9. Must be time for a thread about the controversial new vs roadworn pants now surely.
  10. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1454685101' post='2972055'] I actually prefer the cream one. [/quote] THe black does pick up the black headstock facing though...
  11. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1454666521' post='2971760'] If the bass was not as you were expecting, and did not meet with published spec, Why did you not return the bass? [/quote] In short because returning a bass because the pickguard is the wrong colour seems somewhat extreme as it is so very easily changed. My beef is not so much about the spec differences but that this should have been a ridiculously simple transaction; a replacement p/guard for a production model.
  12. Truly a grim time for musicians that were the soundtrack to my youth (sorry for the overused cliché) and opened my eyes to music in all its variety.
  13. I just acquired a set at the time I posted on here but not fitted them to a bass as yet. Never tried this type of p/up before as I've always been a single coil guy.
  14. Another week has gone by and not a peep out of Warwick. I love been treated like this.
  15. Just a heads up that Thomann are offering these at c.£76 + P&P. Seems to be about £20+ below the average.
  16. Great buy Jon, looking forward to seeing the finished article. Just acquired a Farida P myself that I'm 'upgrading' a little. Nowhere near as old but equally good value I hope.
  17. How long is the threaded part of the pots please as my intention would be to use it on a bass with no plate but holes drilled through the top into the cavity? Thanks
  18. I hear from sources that Mr Rothery attracted some comments from Mr Wilson re his tardiness.
  19. Saw Steve at the Manchester Apollo last night. What a great show, recommended to all who like this style of music.
  20. Happy to help as I'm a Chorley (Lancashire just to confirm!) resident.
  21. ... and my first proper bass, a Spector Legend 4, I wonder where that is now?
  22. ead


    I'm fairly sure there are a couple of ACGs with ebony tops knocking about. But not the full monty so to speak.
  23. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1453986387' post='2964939'] If you post a video of yourself standing in the centre of Aberdeen (in your pants) shouting "Gibsons are crap" I'll do it [/quote] With pants? You're going soft in your old age. Votes duly cast.
  24. Steve Wilson in Manchester tomorrow.
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