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Everything posted by ead

  1. I admit to looking quite lustfully at this one, just not sure if I am cool enough and/or have the right shades to wear whilst playing it in front of people http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/portfolio/limelight-custom-00161/
  2. Rather like the Cutlass; with a 3-octave neck too. Never quite understood why Leo stopped at 20 frets.
  3. I had a RW J for a bit, and during one gig the headstock brushed the edge of a bit of the drum kit making a small mark (I was aiming for the singer of course). I was instanteously annoyed with myself and then realised that it was probably the only legitimate mark on the bass so felt much better.
  4. Still rumbling on re some cash back for the general inconvenience. Warwick have moved from replacement pickguard plus full refund inc. postage; to replacement pickguard with part refund; to we'll refund the postage. I did offer to split the whole thing 50/50 but apprently not.
  5. I suggest getting in touch with Scott (All Thumbs on here), here's his website: http://www.shortscalebass.co.uk/why-short-scale/
  6. Good story and good luck. Have you tried tracking it through the feedback threads if possible?
  7. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1453892460' post='2963816'] I am 64 and still gigging (on and off) with two bands. I reckon I have maybe ten years more gigging in me. I'd still gig then if I was fit enough and had a roadie. But music is just one of my hobbies. I have hinterland. I have other interests. I have family. I have NOT spent my life dissatisfied and wishing I was a professional musician.[/color] [/quote] Here, here. In the blues band I play in I'm the baby at 55yrs old. The drummer is 71 (and bloody good) and the two guitarists are in their mid 60s. We all love playing and rarely get less than 3 or 4 encores. The originals band I play is busy becoming a power trio after our singer left. We fully intend to be out there as soon as we have the material sorted.
  8. Sorry I may be missing something here. Is the tone knob controlled 'coil tap' you mention the same as the S1 switch, i.e. pickups in series or parallel or is there something else going on i.e. the p/ups are not single coils? Thanks Just done some googling and I think I have answered my own question. Apparently 4 wires per pickup so looks like some kind of stacked coil arrangement.
  9. If it's your dream bass have you considered getting something wound to your exact specification?
  10. Plus one for Jack. I am trying out his new p/g service at this very moment so happy to report back.
  11. Some days I could easily do so, depends a lot on the level of debate for me. If I get a bit 'disappointed' for want of a better word with the posts then I stay away for a bit and wander back in my own time.
  12. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1453558787' post='2960533'] Horses for courses - both nice basses. I don't see them competing in terms of styling or price, both very different markets so not sure how relevant mentioning ACGs is in this thread other than the chunks of wood with 4 strings strapped on to them aspect but no problem; I wouldn't say no to either if someone offered me one! [/quote] Yeah, clearly a massive error of judgement on my part; I was thinking this thread was to do with the potentially high cost of a custom made P bass. ACGs are clearly too cheap and nasty to merit consideration. Humble apologies to all concerned.
  13. The Farida or the SCG on this list would be good buys too. Mr BB is a top bloke to deal with too. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277035-usa-gl-1500-mij-yamaha-trb-4-sgc-nanyo-sb320-farida-p-bass/
  14. ead

    Fender P Jazz

    Again not a Fender, but a Farida P has a very skinny neck, nicely built too (same factory that bulid the CV Squiers I believe) and sub £200 as well. Just stuck some Fender US pickups in mine.
  15. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1453501234' post='2960197'] I think we've quickly arrived at the 'I like something you don't' part of the evening lol. Si [/quote] It rather looks that way doesn't it
  16. For hand crafted loveliness at a more reasonable price (I'd guess at c. £1,100) how about a nice ACG P bass? http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0217ss-finn-4/
  17. There's a Rock Bass version on it's way in Feb too...much more reasonable for €1,058.71. Second hand it would be a good buy I think. Adam Clayton – Artist Line http://shop.warwick.de/?&lang=de&modul=shop_new&site=shop_overview&ctree=|D0746768001321517432A47035|D0780229001321517432A47059|D0990686001447161976A105|D0271013001447162016A113&modul=shop&site=article_details&article_id=D0074522001433493351A238111&article_category=D0271013001447162016A113&SearchScrollPos=0&lastRactiveSearch=RAL1054%2028PP%20ALD%20FR#fromSearch
  18. Whilst by no means in the Ferrari owning class I consider myself lucky to be the proud owner of some nice ACG basses. When I discussed making a few tweaks to one bass that I acquired (not of my own specification) the estimated costs were extremely reasonable and were a fraction of the cost of the bass so I'm afraid that I'm really not on board with the comments by DiMarco.
  19. Also on the 'quite expensive P bass' list must also be this from Warwick, retailing at a mere €5,697.45. Does look pretty cool though to be fair although YMMV of course. Adam Clayton – Signature model [url="http://shop.warwick.de/?&lang=en&modul=shop_new&site=shop_overview&ctree=|D0746768001321517432A47035|D0780229001321517432A47059|D0784276001447163111A217|D0659892001321517433A47462&modul=shop&site=article_details&article_id=D0455601001433493339A233898&article_category=D0659892001321517433A47462&SearchScrollPos=0&lastRactiveSearch=Clayton#fromSearch"]http://shop.warwick....yton#fromSearch[/url]
  20. Yup, the black one is the new one. Chimes with the black headstock rather nicely too.
  21. Progress. New p/g landed and fit is spot on (custom one made for me by Warwick). Here are pics before and after: [attachment=210291:Warwick Streamer CV 102.JPG] [attachment=210292:Streamer CV with new PG.jpg] Now just need to sort out the refund...
  22. [quote name='CyberBass' timestamp='1453194240' post='2957183'] When playing a cover to you play note for note accuracy or your take of the song? Any tips or advice welcome and appreciated. [/quote] For what it's worth my perspective is learn the key stand out bass parts as has been said above. As to the note for note I guess I'd draw the distinction between a tribute band and a covers band. If you're doing covers I'd wager most people wouldn't know anyway, just get the feel right I think.
  23. I saw this cab and played through it yesterday, It's like new and sounds great (but I may be ever so slightly biased ) http://basschat.co.uk/topic/277057-barefaced-gen1-with-fitted-cover-and-genz-benz-shuttle-60/page__p__2956711__hl__barefaced__fromsearch__1#entry2956711
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