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Everything posted by ead

  1. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1449229856' post='2921732'] Some of us are mostly in it for the drugs and women... [/quote] What about the beer?
  2. Thankfully our nominee left of his own accord. Now a power trio with a guitarist who turns down the bass on his amp to leave space for me. Brilliant.
  3. I have some of each and genuinely just don't notice the difference anymore. I'd go flat personally though.
  4. Do they have a standard Fender-sized bell plate?
  5. One of the great bands, much forgotten about sadly. At least two of them are no longer with us now.
  6. Firefox seems to work much better at home. Thanks for the tip.
  7. [quote name='albinokiller' timestamp='1447008012' post='2904133'] Hi...please help...how secure is escrow transaction through [url="https://www.transpact.com/"]https://www.transpact.com/[/url] Thx [/quote] I'd be interested to know this too.
  8. Thanks for the above. Previously everything had worked fine both at home and work. I guess I have noticed this in the last month or two. Windows 7 at home with IE or Chrome. Not sure at work but think it's Windows NT with either IE or Chrome. Will try FF at home but will not be allowed to do so at work. Alain
  9. Hi there I can't get either posts or PMs to accept a paste from another source e.g. Word docs, web links etc. I have also noticed that if I type at my normal speed half the characters go missing and it takes ages to type anything. I also notice that on occasion the red wavy line in spellchecker hovers under a word and flashes a bit. Very odd.
  10. Another boys night out at the local. Must be all of 50yds from home for me but a few miles for my boys night out mates (phew, nearly said band mates there). We're getting 2.5 times the usual.
  11. Thanks for the info. Not for a Fender so battery space would not be an issue.
  12. Lovely bass. Severely tempted by this one when I was in Moffat picking up my Harlot a couple of weeks ago.
  13. Great thanks. Can I just check that the pots are part of the pack too?
  14. In this set is the bridge pickup slightly longer or are they both the same size please?
  15. Also talk to All thumbs on here. He is developing a range of shorties as they're his passion.
  16. Thanks for the kind offer Merton but I'm not going to be able to get to the London show this year.
  17. Will change my footer thingy to Boys Nights Out rather than bands. I'm clearly a rank amateur and my lack of commitment is entirely the fault of having to work for a living.
  18. Never owned either a Stingray or a Sterling and itching to try a Sterling.
  19. The ACG P looks the dogs. Are you bringing it up to the MBB in March as I'd like to try it out if poss?
  20. I can try, but it might be easier if you PM an email address as I have trouble putting images into PMs let alone sound clips (techno muppet)
  21. I have sound a sound sample from my ACG J Type equipped with single coil pickups and the SEQ preamp but no idea how to share it other than emailing it around. For some reason BC won't even let me share the link to the ACG website so you can see the bass.
  22. Speak to Allthumbs on this forum. He has his own range of s/s basses in a Jazz configuration and the reasonable too.
  23. Try emailing PJ at Spector basses, massively helpful and pretty much second to none customer service imho.
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