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Everything posted by ead

  1. [quote name='stevebasshead' timestamp='1445905665' post='2895347'] Engorged Michael [/quote] I think this might be on the wrong thread…
  2. Congrats, beautiful bass. Welcome to the fold.
  3. Traded a RW Jazz bass for an amp and cash with Jim, will be gigging it tonight too. Jim is a top bloke; the amp in excellent condition and exactly as described. Highly recommended to BCers.
  4. [quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1445453504' post='2891651'] I know I will have to succumb at some point :-) [/quote] Don't fight it.
  5. Does this count? It's a Warwick Streamer CV. [attachment=203237:Streamer CV4.jpg]
  6. I play my ACGs in pubs. Not yet been quizzed about the absence of Fender products.
  7. Yeah, top band. Never managed to catch them live sadly.
  8. For me the J Type, but get some over-wound SB pickups for it.
  9. There's also the [sfx] unit [url="http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/h1/"]http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/h1/[/url] that I believe is very good for around £140. Personally I use a Tascam bass trainer thingy, got it second hand on here for not a lot of money and it has been excellent.
  10. A quick shout out for Strings Direct who have got a replacement A string out to me in double quick time for the gig tomorrow when I found a duff one in the set I was fitting.
  11. Had some interesting trade offers type bump.
  12. [quote name='DavidMcKay' timestamp='1444856176' post='2886814'] Hi All I was chatting with a fellow BC'er and we came to the conclusion that hand-made guitars produced by expert luthiers - what you may call boutique - aren't fetching their market value when being sold, whereas the usual suspects - Musicman, Fender, and such like - always seem to do well on the For Sale thread. Do you agree with this position? If not - then why aren't the boutique guitars fetching what they should? If so - then why don't more players consider hand-made over mass produced? If we extrapolated this argument to furniture then I am sure most people would go for bespoke, hand crafted as a first choice. [/quote] I think it depends on what you define as market value. As mentioned above a lot of luthier-made instruments are to an individuals’ personal spec. and thus will not necessarily appeal to another player; taste is a very subjective thing and is neither good or bad in my view, just personal. The more mass produced basses are very much a known quantity which must help I guess. I am fortunate to own a few ACG basses. With one possible exception the ones in my possession now will never appear on the market place (although I did get through a few to really understand what I was after). I think if you don't mind looking at wood you can get some fabulous basses for not much money on here. It would be interesting to see how depreciation works for basses in a wider context. I have limited experience, however the two most recent comparisons I would make would be: Fender RW Jazz: New about £1,150 is, market value c.£650 to £700 based on recent sold posts so now worth about 60% of new price. ACGs typically seem to go for around 55% to 60% of their new cost in my experience. One this very limited snapshot it would appear that the gap may not be as wide as one might imagine. Can anybody else throw some examples into the pot?
  13. Bump for additional trade item.
  14. ead


    Met up with Freddie to pick up a nice bass in a secret location in the west midlands. Top bloke, very accommodating in making arrangements, loving the bass too. Deal with confidence, very highly recommended.
  15. Last chance at this price bump.
  16. Hope this is not a duplicate as I couldn't find a thread or Clive. Anyway, Clive bought a bass from me yesterday at a secret location on the midlands. Dead easy to deal with all arrangements as agreed, super bloke. Deal with confidence fellow BCers.
  17. ead

    ACG build

    Progress report: [attachment=202284:Harlot WIP 20151007 01.jpg] [attachment=202285:Harlot WIP 20151007 02.jpg]
  18. [quote name='Macker5' timestamp='1444226346' post='2881333'] Would you be interested in a German made Warwick Streamer $$ - Natural Ash body? [/quote] I've PMed you.
  19. Back up for a couple more days only at this price.
  20. [quote name='Cyrene' timestamp='1443968723' post='2879059'] 2010 Highway One (upgradeJazz in Honey Blonde? 9/10 condition (light polishing of nitro) [/quote] [quote name='Radchenko' timestamp='1443972066' post='2879094'] Any trade for a Fender jb classic 60 ow? Thanks. [/quote] Thanks for the interesting offers. Probably on the look out for something not immediately jazz bass related.
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