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Everything posted by ead

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1441751713' post='2861563'] You can always put coil taps on humbuckers. [/quote] Indeed, good point. ACG have some mighty fine RFB p/ups that with a suitable switch can give you series/parallel/single coil so a gazillion options.
  2. [quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1441745821' post='2861507'] Wow would love to, I fear you live far away from me in Bournemouth!! [/quote] That's a shame. Well FWIW I would suggest that if you do go down the ACG path take a good look at the filter pre amp. It does take longer to get you hear around but the experimentation is worth it; they seem to really click with fretless basses. As for pickups, I have one with two of the FB humbuckers and another with SB single coils. I thnk it's really more about personal preference, but I think the FBs are cool and can sound a lot like single coils so the best of both worlds.
  3. I have a couple of fretless ACGs and a fretless Eve. Don't know where you are in the world but if you are anywhere near me you would be most welcome to try them out.
  4. I use a Gen 2 Compact/Midget stack which is pretty much ideal for the bands I play in. I was briefly tempted by a two compact stack but after several discussions with Alex settled on my current setup and have not looked back. Nothing I have heard at other gigs compares - imho of course - and bearing in mind I'm not particularly after the full 'vintage' experience.
  5. I've been using OBBM's cable from my GB Streamliner into my two BF cabs for ages without any issues at all so may be worth the upgrade. They are Speakon to Speakon with big fat cables, rather good I think.
  6. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1441657745' post='2860714'] Likewise! Only just ordered mine, but alnico p in the neck, reverse ceramic p in the bridge position. [/quote] I must confess to copying your design as I thought it was an excellent choice.
  7. My new ACG will have two P pickups, but it's only in sliced tree form at the moment. [attachment=200219:IMG_8907.jpg]
  8. I don't think I've ever been right before (certainly not at ead towers)
  9. If it's just one song in a set, in a pub, with sub-optimal listening conditions then I suspect 50% of the way there will be good enough. We do one song that has a fretless bass intro and fretted for the rest, so I acquired a Zoom pedal that does a passable impression of a fretless bass for those few bars. So maybe you can find a solution with the bridge pickup and a multi effects pedal?
  10. Have you considered Barefaced cabs?
  11. I think it's very much the job of the band to entertain the punters. The gear you entertain them with is personal choice (imho) driven by many variables including things like budget, look, personal preference, external influences etc. My personal thing is to try to buy UK manufactured gear. Massive fail on an amp that I like the sound of so far
  12. ead

    ACG build

    Due to massive amounts of gigging I have been given permission to acquire another ACG. Got as far as body and neck from some stock parts at ACG towers but still deciding on pickups and EQ. [attachment=199365:IMG_8907.jpg]
  13. I would say a fretless, or maybe try playing you bass with the thumb resting on the end of the fretboard to get a softer/warmer tone.
  14. I have a Genz Benz Streamliner perched on top of a Gen 2 Midget/Compact stack. So far no issues although I have changed the feet of the amp to give some additional clearance over the handles. The new feet don't feel particularly more or less grippy than the orginal fit items though.
  15. 846 with a laptop mouse pad thingy.
  16. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1439723313' post='2845194'] Is it Spinachglo? [/quote] I think that is the Rickenbacker version
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1439757325' post='2845575'] Very few players of any instrument are genuinely any good. The rest are basically winging it. [/quote] Damn, found out. Please don’t tell my band mates
  18. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1439564246' post='2843993'] Yes I did think that might arouse your disgust! I think I'm in a minority in that I find modern coffee table basses attractive and I also love the Leo shapes and designs. [/quote] There's at least two us! Whatever any perceived faults, I think Leo's basses are all design classics along with the Gibsons and RICs. The fact they are all much copied is a testament to that surely?
  19. I'm clearly far to liberal for this forum . I'm not keen on unbalanced basses with headstock diving to the floor when you play them sitting down. Similarly I don't really like very heavy basses. Hate is such a violent word though.
  20. I routinely by singles so I can pick the gauges to get even tension. IIRC the B string on my fretless 5er is 130 (maybe 132).
  21. [quote name='Iain' timestamp='1438950326' post='2838915'] I'll need to make up an extension cable though as it isn't possible for the tape to keep it on place on my Dingwall or jazz but that's no biggie. Maybe an idea to put these as orderable accessories if there's some profit in them? [/quote] Me too, not quite falling in the right place for my ACG basses. A great little unit though, and Chris is really easy to deal with and answers questions straight away. All good.
  22. [quote name='GrammeFriday' timestamp='1438773172' post='2837058'] 3. Passive and active basses are very much like vintage and modern cars - the vintage ones have an intrinsic retro charm and vibe of their own, and since they are very simple things, there is less that can go wrong with them. Which is good. But would you really want to drive down the motorway in one? Personally, I'd rather be in the 2015 model with the beefy engine, comfy seats, stereo, aircon, satnav etc! [/quote] …and can be a sod to fix if they go wrong; not that any of mine have failed. Nor have I ever had to use passive as a failsafe, possibly because I change the batteries every year on the same day and I have those low battery warning lights.
  23. Just acquired a Smooth Hound unit, will hopefully be landing at ead towers today.
  24. I've been won over my recent Jazz bass acquisition in Daphne Blue; although I still like the classic 3TSB.
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