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Everything posted by ead

  1. Consider also moving your picking position a little. My fretless basses all have a particular sweet spot where the mwah and the swell of the note is more pronounced than when I just play over one of the pickups.
  2. Just wondering if there is such a beastie so that I can switch between two basses easily and tune up?
  3. [quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1434708874' post='2802015'] Right, that's me listening to Jethro Tull for today! :-) [/quote] Yup, me too when I get home!
  4. I acquired this recently (probably from looking at this thread a bit too much) to see if I can get some of the P bass type lurve going again.... [attachment=194460:Sandberg VS4 07.jpg]
  5. Might be worth looking at the Sandberg Porn thread to see if anyone has one on display and PMing them (just in case they don't see this topic).
  6. I've been in contact with Sandberg who said it was early 2014. Apparently the full passive is an option still with some finishes. First impressions are all good. Nice finish, very well built with good hardware. The delano pickup sounds good through headphones and the tone control seems to have more breadth than the Fender on/off version; the real test will be at band practice on Wednesday. Neck is a nice compromise between J and P, frets are immaculate. I was after a P type bass for the blues band I have just joined and this one came out of left field a bit. I think the only thing that might be changed would be the pickups if they are a bit to modern sounding, but that will need to be tested for a bit first.
  7. Just picked up this lovely thing on this very forum. A Sandberg California VS4 (MIG version), my first Sandberg bass. [attachment=194179:Sandberg California VS4 01.jpg] [attachment=194180:Sandberg California VS4 02.jpg] [attachment=194181:Sandberg California VS4 03.jpg]
  8. Just bought a rather lovely Sandberg bass from Gary. Perfect gent, delivered the bass up to Manchester too. Top bloke, deal with confidence.
  9. I was introduced to this last night (thanks Scott). Check this for fretless bass and vocal: Maddy Prior singing What Had You For Super. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hMV4BTA0gM
  10. For sale a set of brand new, unopened RB45 nickel wound strings. The gauges are 45/65/85/105. Save yourself a few ££s, Thanks for looking. NOW SOLD THANKS
  11. Steve has just acquired some straplocks from me. Very easy to deal with, fast payment plenty of PMs. Deal in confidence BCers.
  12. ead

    ACG NBD x 2

    [quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1433456352' post='2791322'] that 5 string is wonderful I'm in communication with Alan to build be something a bit like this, can you tell me how much this cost you please? [/quote] Thanks very much, it is lovely and credit to Alan for building it. I'll PM you on the other matter.
  13. That's a beautiful looking bass.
  14. ACG for sure if it's a custom bass.
  15. Jeff has just bought some string from me. Very professional, instant payment, one of the good guys. Many thanks.
  16. Nice Legs, Shame About The Face, or maybe Too Drunk To F**k?
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