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Everything posted by ead

  1. Another Barefaced fan here. I have a Gen 2 Compact and a Midget, plenty loud enough. In fact the Compact on its own is very impressive.
  2. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1423254860' post='2682951'] Drooled over this beast last time it was up on here. Sadly I don't think my fretless skills are worthy or capable of filling leitnerJoe or Kevs boots so to speak. [/quote] +1 to that, I was severely tempted myself.
  3. Very interesting. Mine average out at around 8lbs, but I do stay away from the heavy weight stuff as my neck/back sadly is not what it once was after 30 yrs of rugby.
  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1422922313' post='2678554'] ... and I immediately downloaded 'em all again; success. However, when I tried out the 'PPM' one this evening, having read the above problem, PPM wouldn't print..! I downloaded it for a third time, about 20 minutes ago, and it prints..! Win..! Why it screwed up at all, goodness knows (Finger trouble..? Badly saved..? Dark forces in the Universe..? Dunno... ), but it prints now, that's the main thing. Once again, thanks for putting this stuff out. [/quote] Yeah, just worked for me too. Downloaded and donated. Many thanks to y'all.
  5. I still can't get Please Please Me to download without the protection. Any chance that some kind person could email it to me please and I'll happily donate.
  6. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1422366249' post='2671661'] Antoria EB3 copy, seen a few miles: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Antoria-bass-guitar-EB3-Sort-of-Ibanez-Gibson-copy-Lawsuit-era-/181649011554?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2a4b1ff362"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2a4b1ff362[/url] [/quote] Are these any good? Weirdly attracted to it.
  7. Very difficult, after all anything is only worth what somebody will pay for it. I tend to do a bit of research and then price according to whether I want a quick sale or I'm prepared to wait. Probably no help at all, sorry,
  8. I'm not sure I've got a pic of the actual bass, but it was a black Squire Affinity Precision like this: [attachment=182296:Squire Aff Pr.png]
  9. WIlko Johnson & Roger Daltrey - Going Back Home (classic Rythm & Blues tunes most by Wilko) The Waterboys - Modern Blues (Some great song-writing on this one)
  10. Also worth noting that is that I beleive Mr C is working on a bass to loan out (with a filter preamp in it). Not sure how far away this is from being ready though.
  11. My choices (of many possibles) would be: Five Years Ziggy Diamond Dogs Wild Is The Wind
  12. Yes I saw that. I'm going to book myself in for the Manchester gig.
  13. I have a few of Alan's basses: http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0120-custom-j-type-fretless-4-string/ ; http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0178-recurve-4/ ; http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/g025-finn-4/ ; http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/g019-j-type-fretless-4/ Starting with the easy bits, I really like the flat board and asymmetric neck although I will 'fess up and say my custom fretless has a radiussed board. All of mine are under 9lbs weight and balance really well on the lap or on the strap, however if you play sitting down a lot I would probably suggest that the Finn body shape might not be the best option due to the lower horn being quite small. Personally I prefer the double cut body styles and the custom headstock shape. I'm also a big fan of the filter preamps; I know they are not to everyones taste but are worth checking out before you make a decision. You can dial up all sorts of tones from double bass to a really agressive bark. The passive basses with the 4-way switch are also great if you prefer that arrangement, different options to VVT or VBT and I think the new ACG 2-band EQ will combine the 4-way switching option with active/passive switching with a 2-band EQ in active mode as well as still having a tone control in passive mode. If there is any way you can get to the MBB it is worth the effort as there will be a lot of ACGs to try if the past few years are anything to go by. There are also a few on here for sale and if you get a good deal on a preloved one you get to have an extendede trial and are unlikely to lose much f anything if you move it on. I have had a go on the Border Reiver 4-string travel bass and I think it's a great bass; so light and well balanced. I'm not aware that Alan charges more for lefties, but Dread Bass on this forum is similarly afflicted and could not doubt put you straight on this point (or just ask Alan who is really helpful). Not to mention really patient with me as I'm sure I must ask him loads of daft questions. For what Alan charges for hand made basses you will be getting an exceptional instrument for considerably less dosh than a lot of other luthiers charge. Naturally my opinion may be a tiny bit clouded as you might imagine
  14. Just acquired the new Waterboys CD and after a few listens I have to say that imvho it's one of the best records I've heard in the last couple of years. Some great song writing, please give it a listen.
  15. [quote name='pajc72' timestamp='1421881334' post='2666303'] For those having a problem printing, I've just uploaded all the books again with printing restrictions removed. Apologies for that! [/quote] Thanks very much. Also to all others for helpful suggestions.
  16. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1421853452' post='2665805'] Which album was that? Perhaps some have different permissions. I've only looked at Sgt Pepper. [/quote] It was Please Please Me. Not tried any others but will do to see if I get the same thing.
  17. I gig all my ACG basses; no point owning a beatiful bass if you don't play it. That having been said the replacement cost for them ranges between £800 and £1,600 so not in the Fodera et al price range, but still not an insignificant amount of cash by any standard. I do have a bass for the less salubrious venues though.
  18. I'm not sure that's the case as it would mean that you only ever heard the fundamental when you pluck a string. Just stick a spectrum analyser on the pickup output and you'll see all sorts going on.
  19. I tried this when I first had the problem and got this: [attachment=181648:Permissions.jpg]
  20. Have you seen these, 4-string R*********er like basses for £249 [url="http://www.probass.co.uk/Home.html"]http://www.probass.co.uk/Home.html[/url]
  21. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1421786424' post='2665076'] I've used Acrobat reader and Foxit (free pdf reader), both print OK. Do you know what you are using to view the PDFs ? [/quote] Adobe Acrobat. It came bundled with my laptop.
  22. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1421763470' post='2664653'] Ah. User error then! [/quote] My download still says in the Permission box that you can't print it. I am a techno muppet though so if anybody can tell me what I'm doing wrong that would be good.
  23. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1421744320' post='2664416'] Err… It's just a PDF you print out individual pages just like any other PDF. [/quote] [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1421757141' post='2664567'] Your browser may be displaying them in its window. You need to download and then view with any PDF viewer. You can then select any page(s) to print. Printing direct from the browser is usually a mess. [/quote] I tried all the downloading and printing but it looks to me like the file is protected to disable printing.
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