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Everything posted by ead

  1. OK, I've now been playing with the strap for a few hours using a few different basses. There is no doubt in my mind that with a few minor tweaks the strap will be as advertised. I think that having now had it on my shoulder for a while the original estimate of 1" off the width over the shoulder is spot on plus the fix to ensure full contact across the back. I can definitely confirm that there was no slippage at all. Quality of maufacture is excellent and I'll say right now that I'll be on the client list when the design is finalised. Great work Karl. Next question; with all that lovely expanse of leather can things be done with it Maybe embossing with custom designs or something more adventurous...
  2. Well the beastie has landed. Briefly unpacked and tried on then enlisted Mrs ead as photographer (fee still under negotiation, but looking likely to be at least one large gin & tonic). First impressions are a lovely feel to both the leather and the suede. I had to adjust for length and the poppers seem to work well, for those who have not seen the strap this trial one has three poppers engaged at any one time (presumably unless you go to extremes). Feels safe. Definitely very comfortable. The heaviest bass I own is the Sei Flamboyant 5er at a little under 8 1/2 lbs - so not very heavy really. It has the strap button behind the upper horn of the bass which works well enough with the strap set for more normal buttons, but having tried the new strap without the twist my next job is reversing the straplocks on that end of the Levy's strap!. I should say for the purposes of fair comparison I am around 6'3" and am reasonable broad in the shoulder from 30 years of rugby. Therefore the fit around the neck area felt ok. Being picky I could maybe loose 1cm or so in width, maybe a bit more. There is the same gap where some contact is lost across my back. I can only imagine how nice it would be with 100% contact and load bearing. For comparion I took a couple of pics of my Levy's strap which is the current favourite here in ead towers. [attachment=170661:IMG_3838.JPG] [attachment=170662:IMG_3840.JPG] [attachment=170663:IMG_3841.JPG] [attachment=170664:IMG_3842.JPG] [attachment=170665:IMG_3843.JPG] [attachment=170666:IMG_3844.JPG] [attachment=170667:IMG_3845.JPG] [attachment=170668:IMG_3847.JPG] I am now going to have a good practice to check for slippage etc and will report back later on as to how it all went plus any final thoughts. Edit. Don't know why the orientation of the images is weird, they are fine on the laptop.
  3. My old Antoria is a butchers block of mahogany: [attachment=170475:Antoria Jazz 1975 06.JPG]
  4. Looking forward to receiving this now
  5. Modulus of Rapture, there's a band name waiting to happen.
  6. Please add me to the list. Paying to go to the next person seems best then everybody only pays one postage.
  7. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1408561335' post='2531419'] .... and as has already been pointed out, the formative years were days of very frequent new experiences. [/quote]
  8. Oh man, so sorry to see this up for sale. I was watching the build with interest and hoping to have a go on it some day as I think the pickup combo with the 4-way switch and P Retro was as inspired choice. I have a Custom Recurve in build now otherwise...
  9. I think Jon Letts also does a scroll type bass.
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1408442062' post='2530095'] Oh dear you lot do realise your parents said all this when you were young! It was all fields around here, bag of chips was ten pence, waggon wheels were as big as your head etc etc etc [/quote] [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1408442171' post='2530099'] You must be a youngster yourself as chips were in old pence when I were a nipper [/quote] [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1408442370' post='2530104'] Wagon Wheels and Farleys Rusks are most definitely smaller! They were bigger than my hand when I was a kid. NOW! Pfft, barely the size of my palm. [/quote] [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1408443067' post='2530117'] I bet you had to walk fifty miles with no shoes to get them too?, lol I was born five years after decimalisation, thank God, what was that all about! [/quote] [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1408443189' post='2530121'] Anyone had a curly wurly lately? They are neither curly nor wurly anymore, just a series of triangles,wtf. [/quote] Nostalgia's not what it used to be
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1408408468' post='2529958'] These days I wear big pants and elasticated waist-band trousers... but I did anyway back in the 70s, so does that mean I'm dressing inappropriately?? [/quote] Probably just means a complete lack of self respect (in the 70s). What was wrong with purple flares with the paisley inserts, I'm convinved they will be back in fashion soon so hanging on just in case...
  12. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1408396875' post='2529859'] I have this weird vision where some day there will be old folks homes where 85 and 90 year olds will sit around and reminisce about the good old days with Cradle of filth, Megadeath and Snoop dog [/quote] I so hope this comes to pass and I'll be joining in; assuming the kids haven't buried me in the garden. Difficult to call though. When you hear what Radio 2 is playing I am increasing despairing about having to listen to hippity hoppity in 20 years time, not to mention what passes for R&B nowadays. Don't get me started on that.
  13. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1408390878' post='2529766'] Might have something to do with the word "Porn" in the title. [/quote] That seems unlikely
  14. [quote name='bagsieblue' timestamp='1408390387' post='2529763'] ?? Interesting description...especially considering the postage price - and that's for economy! [/quote] I thought it a bit steep when I went back to the ad the second time to copy the URL, I think I mentally assumed £32 the first time. Do you think it will sell for £427 ish?
  15. ead

    ACG build

    The neck is now getting under way... [attachment=169491:Body and neck 20140818.jpg]
  16. Here the P version; the RBX270 is a PJ. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-RBX260F-fretless-electric-bass-guitar-/390912237644?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item5b042f604c
  17. That's a beauty. Glad you're liking it (despite the unmanly scale length ) Have replaced the p/ups in your erstwhile Zebra Finn with some overwound single coils and the new noise is very pleasant indeed - when someone else is playing it obviously.
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1408358990' post='2529262'] For pics there's already a fretless porn thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/136517-fretless-porn/"]here[/url]. [/quote] Oddly these pages seem to be blocked at work, will need to check out at home. Looks like there might be many happy hours of drooling to come.
  19. [quote name='Pixiechick23' timestamp='1408126503' post='2527472'] After playing one recently I want a fretless so bad. [/quote] I picked up a cheap Yamaha RBX 270F for around £90 as my entry point and then once bitten by the bug, went to an MIM Jazz, then a Vintage V1004SPFL before ending up with the current more exotic offerings. I had the Yammy for quite a few years and I remember it being nice and light and pretty decent quality too. You see them around every so often.
  20. Thanks people, that was really helpful and in words I can understand too. All good and will check all my future images for compliance.
  21. For techno muppets like me, what's an optimiser and what is the opitmum image size/resolution etc please?
  22. Ooohh are we doing fretless pics? Excellent; here are mine: A brace of ACGs [attachment=169365:ACG fretless family 02.JPG] An Sei [attachment=169366:SEI Flamboyant FL 17.jpg]
  23. Love my fretless basses, they get way more use than their fretted cousins. Added bonus, last night I'm almost certain I played some notes in tune
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