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Everything posted by ead

  1. That is truly horrible. Do you have the address please?
  2. Thanks guys. I think that makes mine conclusively an Offset Flamboyant.
  3. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1408056536' post='2526807'] I find myself strangely drawn to this model despite: 1). Not particularly liking the available colours 2). Not particularly liking the pickup arrangement 3). Not particularly liking any Darkglass pedal I've owned 4). Thinking a whipper snapper like Nolly Getgood has no right having a signature bass considering he's really a glorified guitar player... 5). Recently deciding I was sticking to 4 strings... Despite all this, my credit card feels in mortal peril... [/quote] Ticking every box for your there, the recommendation must surely be to buy two of them p.s. Do Ferrari really make lurid green cars? If I ever see one I am going to have to burn it - sorry. I know Lambo make 'em though.
  4. Question for you cognoscenti please: What's the difference between a 'standard' Flamboyant and and Offset Flamboyant? Couldn't find anything on the website about this.
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1408003197' post='2526098'] Thanks! It's an ACG EQ01 - only pre-amp worth considering IMO and excellent for fretless basses. [/quote] I did wonder whether it was an ACG (or possibly the East U Retro Deluxe). I have the EQ03 withe the active / passive tone in my fretless ACG so definitely with you on the whole EQ0X thing!
  6. Nice looking bass BigRedX. What EQ is that you have there? If I were spec'ing one like mine I would, I think, only change only a very few things. Firstly black hardware and secondly, although I do like the Schack EQ, I would go for an ACG filter EQ as they work wonderfully well with a fretless bass. I might also consider the positioning of the upper horn strap button as I'm not convinced that it's in the best place.
  7. LIking the look of the strap. What happens next?
  8. Not had one made but acquired this in a trade... [attachment=169107:SEI Flamboyant FL 08.jpg]
  9. A thing of beauty. Got a feeling that I tried this bass up in Moffat when I was specifying my ACG custom fretless and rather liked it. Can you remind me what the switches do please?
  10. A bit late in the day here (no change there then), but this is the best leather strap I have found so far. Not perfect but good; uses velcro to adjust the length at one end. [url="http://www.levysleathers.com/product;cat,818;item,374;Bass-Guitar-Straps-M29"]http://www.levysleat...itar-Straps-M29[/url] Certainly interested in new developments though!
  11. I find it very hard to discern which bass is being played on any broadcast song. I don't know whether this is due to the amount of compression applied, some bandwith thing, the quality of the loudspeakers on most radios is pants, and since I do most of my music listening in cars all the other noise around to distract. Glad the OP liked the song though, for me it was one of the better U2 offerings.
  12. Worth saying too that a lot of the mwah comes from playing with as light a touch as you can manage.
  13. Just acquired a J East U Retro from Harry. Excellent packaging in original box, superb comms and, as has been said many times above, a top banana to deal with. Many thanks Harry.
  14. Glad to be rid of: Rickenbacker 4003 Jetglo - weird saying this as it was going to be my dream bass and I had saved up for ages to buy it, massively disappointing and I tried to like it for over a year. Wish I'd kept: It's a toss up between a Spector NS-94 or a Peavey C4-NT Zephyr - both great value and characterful.
  15. American Idiot - Guitarist started playing as I was just plugging in, so minor panic to get ready for the cue.
  16. My favourite was the orginal black on white Stiff Records tour T shirt. Made the mistake of wearing it home once and my Mum burnt it
  17. Isn't that 'Off Topic'?
  18. I have a couple of the ACG filter preamps and for both I found that giving the gain pot a small tweak made a big difference in terms of the basic tones coming out of the bass. No treble 'noise' experience though - although to be fair I have never tried tried cranking the high pass filter gain and opening up all the filters. Might give that a go tonight to see what it sounds like
  19. Just sold John some straplocks, smooth transaction, good comms, no issues. Deal in confidence. Thanks John.
  20. Deep Purple play along book supplied by Paul in perfect order and in perfect time (unlike my playing). In fact much like Mary Poppins, Paul would appear to be practically perfect in every way. Thanks
  21. 6/10 must try harder. just like skule.
  22. Interesting views thanks, keep'em coming please. I think what prompted me to start the thread was that I find 'fretting' notes on the B string a bit harder in the sense that I seem to cause a very slight muting effect on the note so notes sound slightly woolier. Reading that back I'm not sure if that's clear but either way it's undoubtedly my technique that causes it. Anybody else notice this?
  23. Nice one, I hope that in you mind the bass live up to the hype!
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