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Everything posted by ead

  1. Hi all I'm very interested to hear how the BC cognoscenti string your fretless 5ers. I am currently on B-G, but wonder if, for a fretless bass there may be more merit in E-C, or indeed other tunings. Please would you share you views on this?
  2. Scooby makes some good points there. I find that with the filter preamps it's worth investing time in getting each pickup to sound how you want it and then adjust via the blend when playing. I have the slight advantage of tone knob on mine that works in active mode too, so that is useful in a live situation. I think the weight issue is very much dependent upon the woods in each bass. Three of my ACGs weigh a little over 7lbs and are some of the lightest basses I have played, the other is around 8.5lbs. You can ask Alan to build you pretty much anything you can think of - check out this bass http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0159-salace-10-string/ and certainly weight can be managed. From memory I think the single cut the OP refers to is around 9.5lbs but not sure. I'm a big fan of the asymmetric neck but like a lot of features it's a personal thing.
  3. Not the easiest of comparisons I'd say. One is a replica of an iconic 'no frills' type bass, and the other fully luthiered with beautiful wood combinations and a really flexible EQ. I've seen and played that ACG and it is lovely, although as a massive fan of things ACG it might not be the coldest of objective viewpoints. I'm not a massive fan of Fenders, but have been talking to Limelight about a yob bass myself (I'm a complete hypocrit really). Tough call, and I do get your dilemma. As I so very nearly parted with cash for the ACG and haven't got to that point with Limelight, ACG is where my vote would go. Probably no help at all really. Worth noting the 4-string ACG single cuts are very rare.
  4. Pete bought some Sadowsky knobs from me. Excellent cooms., fast payment, pleasure to deal with. Many thanks. A
  5. I'm definitely in (subject to timings).
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1404373903' post='2491930'] Money is the necessary counter-weight to talent. The more talented a player is, the less money he spends on equipment[/quote] Have you been secretly spying on me?
  7. That's far too close to home. I guess I'm in the insanity camp then...
  8. ead

    Kev's Feedback

    Just traded my Dingwall for Kev's SEI. Kev was extremely accommodating and we me up at Stafford railway station to make the exchange. Sadly train schedules put an end to plans for a coffee and a natter but Kev is a top bloke and totally trustworthy. Deal in absolute confidence. Thanks Kev, enjoying the bass - now B-G with flats
  9. I'm not aware of the full list of artists that have ever played there, but some of my choices would be: Prince Earth Wind & Fire Joni Mitchell Dream Theatre
  10. I've been a Tull fan since I was quite small. Lost count how many gigs I've been to and how many iterations of the line-up - honorable exception to Martin Barre, although even he has fallen out of favour with Mr Anderson. Too many good tunes to call. But from the show I went to in Manchester last month where the second half was 'Best of..' I'd say check out My God and Farm On A Freeway as well as the above. Some Great accoustic-type songs too e.g. Kelpie.
  11. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1403712329' post='2485562'] Actually Alain EAD, MY wife would be slaughtering me if I had that bass. Still, you only get killed once........................... [/quote] That's the problem when coincidentally we both married CIA trained wet ops people Karl.
  12. Nostalgia's not what it used to be
  13. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1403853277' post='2487016'] Jeans, Next, Gucci. They are of no importance to ME. I have bought many Fenders in the last 39 years. They do not currently provide a reasonably priced bass in the specifications I would like. Somebody else does. Yes I would like it with Fender on the top because it is a homage to one of their earlier instruments that I adore. Can't afford real or custom shop. I am not buying it to make a profit, I'm buying it for Me to gig. The aesthetics are for ME. Most luthier built instruments you will lose money on. That isn't an issue for me. I would have bought this instrument from Peterbuilt except they do not put Fender logos on. I really don't give a monkey's wang about anybody else's thought's about how shallow I am. [/quote] Karl, will you please get off the fence mate. + several btw
  14. Undisputed champ so far is the lady from Haim.
  15. How long do strings last unopened in their packaging out of interest?
  16. Pete just acquired my Ymaha RY8. Super smooth transaction, real gent, deal with confidence.
  17. I think in some ways the older 'traditional' brands that have not really moved with the times and/or their customers should take a good hard look at this. While [u]I [u]do [/u]not in any way[/u] endorse passing off (i.e. selling something as a Fender that isn't a Fender), the 'tribute' thing is different and Limelight very clearly say exactly what you are buying etc. How much more money could the likes of Fender have made if they had:[list] [*]spotted and acted on a clear opportunity; [*]not taken the p*$$ on pricing; and [*]done something about the uneven QA (not part of this thread but worth saying). [/list] It may be that the Limelight flame burns brightly and dies, but there is clearly a demand for this type of thing out there. If Fender don't pick it up others will.
  18. My YOB bass would be north of $20,000 so out of my league, therefore I probably fall into the first category. Not played one yet, but have been in discussion about price and spec. I'm not a massive Fender fan, but there is no doubting the iconic nature of designs so I guess that would be my motivation.
  19. My CD just landed too, really enjoying what I've heard so far.
  20. That is great value for what will be a great buy. Just bought an ACG FInn 'Jazz' bass otherwise this would be very much of interest.
  21. Like that a lot (said proud owner of a Marvel Comics tie). Is it just old age and poor memory but wasn't there a Ritter Simpson's bass that I vaguely remember seeing few years back?
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