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Everything posted by ead

  1. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1399834986' post='2448188'] Alain, in the interest of subterfuge, get it delivered to me , ring me when the coast is clear and I will bring it round Oh, and the following is the kind of thing in 1960 (not mine sadly) [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/229141-for-sale-fender-custom-shop-60-nos/"]http://basschat.co.u...om-shop-60-nos/[/url] [/quote] Thanks Karl, not doubt you'll treasure it as one of your own, and keep it safe in a temperature comtrolled and secure environment and not even glance at it sideways?
  2. OK this thread is going to have to stop. It's bad for my wallet and therefore my personal safety if Mrs ead finds out I'm reading this kind of material on the interweb. However.....should I wish to (misguidedly) enquire about a Limelight version of a YOB bass as I cannot afford a 1960 original, where could information about about what was in production at that time be found? This is all hypothetical of course
  3. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1399720348' post='2446954'] Tuning BEAD usually means less tension than EADG because a B string is commonly less tense than a G string. [/quote] [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1399724193' post='2447022'] This is quite true, it's usually the D and A strings with the highest tension. [/quote] Depends on your choice of gauge surely? The 'standard' offerings e.g. 45/65/85/105 definitely have this, but if you go for the balanced tensions sets (or just buy the right gauge singles) then this can be engineered out. There is of course then the compliance issue
  4. Good on 'em. If Bruce Forsythe, Jay Zed, Bouncy et al can play Glasto why not Metallica.
  5. They are used in railway modelling to simulate the hoses on locomotives. Clearly if the word gets out that I know this fact I will have to hunt you down and kill you all I'll get my anorak now....
  6. This thread is not assisting with GAS issues!
  7. Peavey Zephyr at £120? [attachment=161999:Peavey C4-NT Zephyr 101.JPG] [attachment=162000:Peavey C4-NT Zephyr 102.JPG]
  8. Something fretless and unlined I think is a good place to start.
  9. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1399042581' post='2440394'] If we had a general agreement that people put the price range in their posts, then we could sort by price already. E.g. someone selling a Squier Affinity p-bass for £510 could put "£5XX" in the body of their post. Anyone wanting to search for basses in the £500-600 range could do a basses for sale search on £5XX. We could make the ranges include thousands, e.g. £1XXX £2XXX. If the seller of the Squier Affinity p-bass dropped their price to £250, then they'd edit their post to include £2XX instead of £5XX. On dropping it to £50, they'd edit the search term to be £XX. If these key terms were decided by the moderation team for basses for sale, and mentioned in the advice for listings, then a number of sellers (most? all?) would use them, and simple searches would show up basses in a buyer's intended price range. And there would be no rewriting of the website software needed at all. [/quote] Something along these lines would be an excellent idea I think. Without the XXX in case of sensitivities.
  10. No idea, but is it any good for metal?
  11. Good point well made. To date purchases have been met with a combination of rolling eyes, exasperation, auditing of bank records and general abuse. So all good There is a distinct possibility that I might have accidently forgotten to declare bass #5 to the boss so things may take a turn for the worst. Gentle reminder that the BC Code Of Conduct When Talking To Partners applies, and that if questioned by Mrs ead the required response is along the lines of..."ooh, I don't think so, I though he only had two basses."
  12. It would be nice to be able to do more structured searches of the For Sale bits. The down side however is most likely to be increased spending on basses etc. leading inevitably to chastisement, mental cruelty, abuse, assault with a deadly frying pan, castration, death and divorce. Not necessarily in that order.
  13. I had one once, but I'm over it now. Matron.........
  14. Manchester on 10th for me. Glad to hear it's sounding good.
  15. How about a bandwagon of bassists? Damn, wrong topic
  16. I had a red one, kinda regret selling it.
  17. Done, but as above Q4 is difficult to answer as there are a lot of unknown variables. Interested to know what comes out of the survey too!
  18. Where's Mr Bagsieblue? I believe he is a big fan.
  19. Within our band we will often take an idea in rehersal - in the prescribed key(s) - and just see where it goes tempo-wise and style-wise. We've had a few songs develop out of this, hopefully in a good way. Plucking up the courage to go to an open jam night so can't really comment on those yet.
  20. ead

    NBD Dingwall

    Lovely looking thing that. Clearly too many strings, otherwise practically perfect in every way
  21. ead

    NBD Dingwall

    [quote name='Jonny Walker' timestamp='1398333942' post='2432947'] I've just baught this guys big brother (the 5er) should be arriving tomorrow. can't wait :-) [/quote] Good man!
  22. You're so fickle, give it some time.
  23. [color=#800080][size=6][b]Four string set now £17 posted [/b][/size][/color] [color=#800080][size=6][b]Five string set now £25 posted[/b][/size][/color]
  24. Never seen one in the flesh but that looks very easy on the eye.
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