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Everything posted by ead

  1. Posting is not my preferred option, but sometimes it's the only option . I have some bass guitar boxes in the attic too.
  2. I'm now trying to work if I can sell a kidney to buy Kev's fretless ACG . If I succeed (and survive) I'll trade you one of mine.
  3. [quote name='reggieboomboom' timestamp='1396444684' post='2413701'] Hi ead, yes I saw that, it's stunning, i would love that bass, I'll drop Alan an email and see what he says. Sure I can't tempt you with mine and a bit of cash?;-) [/quote] Love to be able to help, but I'm just too attached to them.
  4. Yep, sorted it from home PC. Looking forward to the CD...
  5. I saw this bass at the MBL and had a quick noodle; very lovely. I'm afraid my fretless ACGs are not for sale, but there is on on the ACG website which is absolutely gorgeous - had a quick noodel at the recent Moffat bash. The pics don't do it justice at all. Maybe be worth a chat with Alan, don't know if he does part exs though? [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0151-recurve-fretless-4/"]http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/portfolio/0151-recurve-fretless-4/[/url]
  6. Love your stuff and have a couple of your CDs. Just tried to do my thing but having trouble with the Paypal option. It maybe the work filters but will try later at home.
  7. If you decide to split, then I'd like to register an interest in the Sight Reading book please.
  8. I struggle to see how it would make a discernable difference on a fretted bass when at the end of the day your fingers are putting pressure on a string to jam it onto a fret. I guess you can feel a bit of the board at each side, maybe more so with the narrower gauge strings. But if you play with a light touch then I guess less so. On a fretless I think it does make a difference in feel. FWIW My two fretted basses have acrylic impregnated maple boards. Dead easy to clean if they get a bit grubby. Look nicer than rosewood for me although YMMV
  9. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1396387690' post='2413117'] Nor me! Wonderful thing the interweb!! [/quote] Me neither.
  10. Thanks for that, technology impaired person here.
  11. You're welcome to try my Dingwall, but it has got 4 knobs and probably 18mm spacing so may not be what you're after at all really
  12. For plebs like me that don't have a smartphone, let alone an iphone could these files be converted to something like a jpeg please?
  13. No idea, but surely it's only worth what somebody is willing to pay for it? Just like our very own F/S section
  14. For those that enjoy self abuse, you can get a whole CD of Stairway covers. Although to my mind the crucial omission is the Dolly Parton rendition... [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Stairways-Heaven-Various-Artists/dp/B000005J65/ref=sr_1_2?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1396267995&sr=1-2&keywords=stairways+to+heaven"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Stairways-Heaven-Various-Artists/dp/B000005J65/ref=sr_1_2?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1396267995&sr=1-2&keywords=stairways+to+heaven[/url]
  15. Thanks for all the offers so far. Not seen 'the one' yet though so please keep them coming.
  16. Wow, there's a name I've not hear for a bit. Thanks for the memories!
  17. Truly beautiful. I've just had one of those moments when I wish I could find some Talent F/S in the Other Musically Related Items section
  18. I've been in contact with him about it, but we remain a little way apart on price and value
  19. I know, gutted tbh . I guess the ideal for me would be a Combustion 4 if such a beastie existed. All the current 4-string Dingwalls are very pricey though and there don't appear to be any 'pre-loved' ones in my price range.
  20. Had a few interesting offers but nothing has quite yet hit the mark. Still available.type bump.
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