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Everything posted by ead

  1. My fav Floyd bass line is definitely Time (as on DSOTM).
  2. Did anybody get to any of the UK dates last month? I sadly couldn't make it to the local ones.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1385071594' post='2284257'] That's a great idea, actually. Stand by for about a thousand different opinions on what makes a good colour scheme! [/quote] 3TSB and white or is it 3TSB and black?
  4. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1384952439' post='2282670'] You'll be asking for straw boaters next! [/quote] Good thinking (although they were called Barges where I was dragged up)
  5. What about a stylish waistcoat for jazzers and folks with a slight higher BMI than strictly necessary (ahem)?
  6. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1384902844' post='2282268'] Ah, if it had been a five string, I'd have had it. [/quote]
  7. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1384619600' post='2278832'] Vintage Trouble [/quote] +1 Excellent live band if you get the chance.
  8. The ACG 4-string Graft basses have a 3 over 1 tuner configuration: [url="http://www.acguitars.co.uk/acg_admin/wordpress/graft-series-2/finished-graft-basses/"]http://www.acguitars...d-graft-basses/[/url] just click on the images for more pics of each beastie. As to any advantages over 2+2 or 4 in-line I'm not so sure. The ACG headstock is nice and compact so helps with the balance - infact it's very similar in size to the ACG 2+2. It does look a bit different too so I guess that might be a good or bad thing depending on which band you are in / auditioning for
  9. ead

    Neck dive

    tbh I was thinking more about the one at the bridge end of the bass. The one on the top horn is pretty much predetermined I guess?
  10. I was having an idle conversation today with a friend and ended up talking about basses. Somehow drifted onto the topic of how people wear a bass whilst playing and then on the mechanics of balance etc. This person then asked what influenced the placement of strap buttons and why they were often in the same places. Has anybody added a strap button "above" the supplied position to help with this issue - making the rash assumption here that most basses come with a button in line with the centre of the strings.? If it does work, and how far above the centre line seems to be best, and does changing the way a bass hangs affect playbility? Thanks
  11. Nice looking instruments. Welcome to Basschat.
  12. Was my dream bass until I owned one for twelve months; big disappointment for me personally. Still have a massive soft spot for them though.
  13. Is dense mass like dark matter? I think "......because of it's density" would suffice re the above.
  14. [quote name='EMG456' timestamp='1384259098' post='2274488'] Here's my somewhat modded Antoria P. I've owned it for 35 years and it's a great bass. The second pic shows the laminated body construction. cheers Ed [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/eddiem/10817952815/"]antoria_1[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/eddiem/"]emg456[/url], on Flickr [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/eddiem/10818081754/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/eddiem/10818081754/"]antoria_2[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/eddiem/"]emg456[/url], on Flickr [/quote] Here's a pic of the butcher's block Antoria Jazz I used to possess and a couple taken during the refinishing (it used to be black). [attachment=148437:Antoria Jazz 1975 06.JPG] [attachment=148438:Antoria refurb 291012 02.jpg] [attachment=148440:Antoria refurb 181012 01.jpg]
  15. I used to own an Antoria J bass that had a butchers block of mahogany strips with a thin layer of something between. Sounded lovely. I'll find a pic and post it.
  16. I have realised that the last two gigs I saw with left-handed bassists, both players had their instruments (left handed basses) strung with the E string nearest the floor, as if they had learned on a RH bass turned over. Clearly a sample of two is not significant, but is this more common than I might have imagined. For the record one was Mr Pomeroy (Steve Hackett) and the other Gary Fletcher (The Blues Band).
  17. Just enjoyed a fabulous evening listening to some great classic blues tunes and original material too. Heaven.
  18. If you want something a little bit different try Dali's Car - Mick Kahn on fretless bass plus the former Bauhaus singer iirc.
  19. Just acquired The Winery Dogs CD. Me likey
  20. My abstract measure of relative quality between series is the number of CDs from new bands I buy. Not seen this week's effort yet but to date the last series is about two or three up with a couple more shows in this series to go I think. There's worse things on telly...
  21. Alternative to the most excellent John East gear might be an Audere Classic. These are very compact indeed. http://www.audereaudio.com/Classic2.htm#ordering
  22. [quote name='MB1' timestamp='1383295949' post='2262622'] MB1. "Gary's Cat is Missing!" [/quote] So sorry, but I don't understand the reference there.
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