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Everything posted by ead

  1. OK, reporting back...The TIs are on a custom ACG with fancy EQ but I've been running it in passive as the La Bella's are on a passive ACG. Both basses are fretless, both have two humbuckers and both have ebony boards. Somewhat different body woods though. The feel of both sets under the digits is pretty similar as they have pretty much similar gauges, maybe the E string feels ever so slightly different. Tonally I'd say the La Bella's, to my ears, are slightly warmer sounding, and maybe do the treble slightly better. The TIs though do seem to have stronger mids. We are not talking about chalk and cheese here, I think the differences are noticable but don't slap you in the face so to speak. On balance my preference is for the TIs, even though they are a chunk more costly. It's hard to rationlise in any objective way, I just prefer the sound of them I guess. As an aside, I'm going to take the La Bella's off to keep them in good nick as they may well be of interest to others...PM me if you're interested otherwise I'll stick them on the marketplace.
  2. They feel pretty similar to me, maybe the La Bella E is slightly harder, but it's a thing of degrees really. Both feel nice to the play though, and no noticeable additional effort needed for extended playing.
  3. What's the weight of the bass please? It's oK, just answered my own question from your NBD thread.
  4. [quote name='booboo' timestamp='1381175134' post='2235482'] I'd be really interested to hear more about the 760fx set once they bed in mate. I'm a TI user, but have always wondered if this set could give me the labella sound with the TI feel - let us know how you go on. [/quote] I'll keep you posted. Give me a week or so...
  5. Tascam Bass Trainer fan here. Same principle I guess. If you want a posh one then [sfx] do one: [url="http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/mainpage.asp?page=home"]http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/mainpage.asp?page=home[/url]
  6. I've just fitted a set of the La Bella Deep Talkin' 760FX (39 / 56 / 77 / 96) as an experiment as they are similar in gauge to the TIs on my other fretless bass. Early days yet but so far the G seems overly zingy and the E a tiny bit lifeless in comparison to the TIs. I'll give them some more time to bed in and for me to get more used to them too before I would really make a choice.
  7. [quote name='Leen2112' timestamp='1381159837' post='2235158'] I saw[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] him at a festival this summer (Cropredy) A great set of re-worked/tweaked Tull numbers. Heavy on the blues but some great standards. The bass player had learne[/font]d the set in a few days we were told as Ex Tull bass guy Jonathan Noyce couldn't make it or something. [/quote] Yeah there was a goodly helping of blues last night, but I really like that so not an issue. Cropredy is something I need to sort my life out and get to next year. p.s. As a massive prog fan I shall be checking your band out Leen2112
  8. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1381136761' post='2234652'] According to his website the bass player is Greg Harewood who I'm not familiar with. Probably a jobbing pro session guy? [/quote] Yes that's the fellow. Nice guy. Looked like a nice Sadowsky Jazz 5er he was wielding, but not close enough (left my specs in the car) to see for certain.
  9. I'll try and figure out the set list for you, but bear in mind I sometimes forget my pin numbers...
  10. Has anybody caught any of the shows on this current tour? I was at the Trades Club in Hebden Bridge last night and had a great evening. Superb set, great band including a really good bass player whose name I just can't remember atm I'm sorry to say, but he learned the whole set in less than a week including some of the more complex Tull stuff (TAAB). The venue was really good too, intimate with a good PA and the added bonus of a selection of real ales. What's not to like.
  11. I delivered a mid priced bass to Leicester (from near Preston) in person as the buyer was not very mobile. Made a day of it, took my golf bats so not all bad. Yes it cost me a bit more in fuel that a £25 courier, but the seller got to see the bass was as described and there were no issues regarding damage in transit. Quite agree with all the above re insurance etc etc. Very frustrating.
  12. I think it's a square law too. In other words if you half the distance between string and pickup, in a perfect world, output will be 4x greater. Of course in practice there are various losses, but it's definitely not a linear relationship even then.
  13. My first 'proper' bass was a Legend albeit the version before with the P/J set up. Still miss it occasionally, good basses.
  14. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1380539677' post='2226667'] Not meeting a deadline is one thing, coming to house to show you wood sounds like a police matter! [/quote] Just to re-iterate Eude's point above, the two ACGs that I specified and ordered both arrived within the promised timeframe and are both exactly what I wanted.
  15. Having seen Bonamassa 4 or 5 years ago in Manchester (really great gig), I went to the show in Blackpool a couple of years ago and I was really disappointed. Much less blues, much more a 'look-how-many-guitars-I-have-now' w@nkfest. I won't be going again until something dramatic changes.
  16. Fitted Elacin ER15s here too. Money very well spent imho.
  17. That's a really lovely looking bass you have there
  18. A further addition. Adam has sorted me out with a replacement La Bella Flatwound G string when I reported a fault on a recent set I purchased. No quibbles, no hassle, in the post and received the next day. Fantastic, this keeps me going back there for strings.
  19. Updated family snapshots for you ACG lovers - obviously any bass-related communication with Mrs ead must be sanctioned by me first [attachment=144830:ACG family snapshot v2 01.JPG] [attachment=144831:ACG family snapshot v2 02.JPG] In the matter of the grunge fretless, I acquired an additional p/guard from Mr C and I'm now a bit undecided. What is the view of the BC community, parchment or tort? [attachment=144832:ACG Graft with parchment pg.JPG] [attachment=144833:ACG Graft with tort pg.JPG]
  20. OK, sorry for the delay folks, and maybe not as diverse as the OP's stock, but here are my two ACG fretless basses for your enjoyment... [attachment=144828:ACG fretless family 02.JPG] [attachment=144829:ACG fretless family 01.JPG]
  21. Just acquired an Audere preamp from Mike. Great comms., well packed and very promptly delivered. Many thanks.
  22. Yeah definitely not another P or J clone.
  23. Good choice, a nice bass by the look of it. I hope you get into it - which I'm sure you will. When Mrs ead kindly pointed out the inadequacies of my playing I was forced to remind her that both Cb and Fb are recognised notes in some cultures
  24. Bizarrely my basses seem to weigh either 9lbs or 7lbs according to the scales in ead towers. Nothing in between.
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