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Everything posted by ead

  1. I have a pretty tame moustache, but not a chance in the beard dept. Same hair colour though
  2. All the bits fitted now. Sounds great and LS is a genius for coming up with the idea. Need to do a bit more tweakery and we're good to go.
  3. Not a fan of steel string but I'll pop some bright nickel wounds on. Thanks for the advice.
  4. Flats or rounds people? Not sure what strings Mr S uses or what were fitted on the original one.
  5. Sadly I couldn't find any of the original sort so it is the modern EMG Ps that are fitted.
  6. You are of course correct my friend. Weirdly my boss doesn't see it that way. However I have loaded a couple of 'pre-EMGs' pics for your delectation. When finished it will be a Limelight Lee Sklar bass although as I don't know any famous recording artistes gathering sigs may take some time Here you go with a couple of pics of the original first: My L/L version awaiting some ink...
  7. First door on the right sir. (Maybe)
  8. Still at work so please bear with...the pic was from Mark at Classic & Cool so I promise it's not a tease. I'm doing the electronics myself hence the mini delay.
  9. Will do some pics later but the bass landed today and very excited to play it with the band. It's neither a P or a J (nor a PJ) and it is the first Limelight with a one-piece Alder body. Quick teaser pic...
  10. Now hiding behind the sofa... On the lightweight question, My ACG Alder bodied basses have been very light without exception. I think Mr C uses special helium infused Alder though.
  11. Meant to add that I'm also listening to our very own Kev's band's (Awaken Eternity) debut album Leviathan. Very good it is too.
  12. Oooh, interesting. What has he done with it? This was the first record I ever bought at the tender age of 11 after saving up my sixpences pocket money and has long been a favourite of mine.
  13. I feel that we share a lot of common likes here (honorable exception of prog of which I am unashamedly a fan). Apols to the OP for the thread derailing.
  14. Phew, I feel you may need a hug or some chocolate. Seriously though, what is your preference?
  15. @SteveXFR is there anything at all that you don't find offensive?
  16. p.s. You are welcome to come and have a play on mine as these basses are not an insignificant investment!
  17. TBH I can't say that I have noticed a great difference, but I haven't had the fortune to own more than one Ric at any one time so it's more from memory. I listened to a few demos online of a Laredo vs a Cheyenne before taking the plunge (through good headphones) and the differences were pretty minimal to my ears. In the context of ripping it up in a live band I very much doubt you'd hear much at all.
  18. Yeah pretty good; I've never had a problem. For further reassurance I recently bought a bass from a different European retailer with the same deal and the bass arrived here with no further charges.
  19. Personal preference for me is the East J Deluxe, has a passive option and the tone works in both active and passive modes. I've had an Audere or two and, whilst it was a little while back, I don't recall them having those features. Happy to stand corrected on this of course
  20. I never got on with my 4003, however having acquired a 4004 Cheyenne (as I prefer the unfinished 'board) I find it so much nicer. There is a 4004 Laredo on Reverb at the moment for a reasonable price and they have the lacquered fingerboard.
  21. I feel very unimaginative now. All my basses are called Bob
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