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Everything posted by ead

  1. Me too. Mine is one of the transition bodies with the body carved like the revised 57 P bass with the split coil p/up. Mine also has the Lollar SC p/up in it. I have been looking at the SD stack as it sounds interesting!
  2. As a fellow ACG addict I can say that I have just got the bug too although mine is a reliced faker. Different to your std P bass and almost the complete antithesis of an ACG filter preamped bass, there is just something about them that I really like but find hard to put my finger on. If you're a finger style peep then finding somewhere for your thumb is trickier but not impossible. If you're anywhere near me you are welcome to come and try it out btw.
  3. Hi folks Having recently acquired a PJ bitsa I have decided to swap out the electronics for a Geezer PJ set I had for emergency use, that was my excuse at any rate. What we have here is P pickup from a MIM 50s reissue P bass, a US J bridge pickup and a Vol/Vol/Tone harness including the jack socket. The whole lot for a very reasonable £65 but I will consider splitting up if you twist my arm and cross my palm with silver. Here are a few pics but do let me know if you want to see more detail. Thanks for looking.
  4. Also I realise that I have failed to add my Limelight P bass.
  5. This Limelight just appeared on ebay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/373713750914?hash=item5703134b82:g:sqQAAOSwbgNhOMIF
  6. What a great guy as had been said many times already. Steve very kindly purchased a bass from me, super quick payment, loads of good chat, a real gent. One of the forum's topest of top bananas.
  7. Not the KY Jelly that you used to like?
  8. TBH I just screwed them straight in. If you are concerned then maybe a small needle file just to widen it slightly?
  9. ...and now he's made me buy a PJ. The usual excellent bass and Ash is a real gent to deal with. Great to see you again bud and catch up on events.
  10. I do this to all my basses, no issues with the Sandbergs.
  11. I use these all the time (£21 for 3 or more sets) and really like them but I have no experience with your TIs I'm afraid. https://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/strings-c1/string-sets-c865/bass-guitar-c34/daddario-exl170bt-nickel-wound-balanced-tension-45-107-bass-guitar-strings-long-scale-p3011/s3053?cid=GBP
  12. The bass is not for me I'm afraid but loving your tunes on YouTube.
  13. Where are you situated? I have an ACG 32" scale bass that I use a lot! Weighs nothing, easy to get about on and a great neck (for me at any rate). You are welcome to come and have a try if you're nearby.
  14. I'm putting this PA up for sale as the band no longer require it and we have nowhere to store it. It is a few years old and has seen its share of gigs over the years. I've had it on test for a few hours and everything seems to work fine as far as I can tell. The main components are: A pair of JBL EON 175W powered cabs that also make very high quality monitors A Behringer UB1832FX-Pro desk (note one of the knobs went AWOL so we used a small screw driver to select the effect setting) A couple of microphones and stands A load of cables and kettle leads Clearly awkward to ship, so collection of meetup for petrol money definitely the way to go here! A few pics for you follow. If you have any questions please just ask and I'll do my best to answer with a degree of accuracy. Thanks for looking.
  15. For sale is this OLP that I acquired in its original passive V/V/T setup and have modified as follows (the original bits are included in the sale): Stinger '77 2-band EQ Nordstrand MM4.2 pickup An ebony thumb rest - using double sided adhesive tape I fitted a battery box separate to the main cavity as it was a bit tight in there with the active EQ as well and this makes for a much better solution. It's a pretty tidy job if I say so myself although one screw doesn't quite bite properly. The bass is in pretty good condition with a couple of light marks on the body. The scratchplate is a bit scuffed. The neck is very nice to move around on and the frets are in good condition. The bass will come with a decent gig bag. Pickup or meeting preferred but I will post if required for a cost of £25 including insurance. I think these basses were made in China in around 2005-06 and I believe this to be the first series. It's a comfortable weight at 8.5lbs by my scales and plays nicely. Here are a few pics. Any questions please ask.
  16. Recently acquired a Fiesta Red Limelight P bass so listing this is really not fair at all Karl
  17. Just acquired a Barefaced Two10S cab from Alex. Very easy transaction along with very complex pick up arrangements that all went very smoothly. Thanks very much. Deal in confidence folks.
  18. Sorry, am I missing something? What exactly is the issue here, this seems like perfectly acceptable behavior?
  19. For me that is Rosewood. |Just my view of course.
  20. I think you could do a lot worse than this one. Ash is a super reliable guy:
  21. I have a set of Black Label pickups in my new TT passive bass. The are hot and punchy and I lowered the p/up heights a bit to compensate. They do work really well with a passive set up imho.
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