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Everything posted by ead

  1. It does sound a tiny bit Jazzy but is a really flexible beastie. Apologies, should have read your post more carefully . I think I just saw the 51 reference and drifted off into thinking about the Alpher.
  2. I have two of those Nordys in my Alpha that is pretending to be a J bass.
  3. My fav P bass is a recently acquired Squier Silver Series P bass with the std 40mm nut (same neck for both the J and P basses in the range). It's truly a delightful Precision and caused me to sell both an MIJ and a US P bass.
  4. Surely @Scoop must be in there for the most ACGs owned medal. Not forgetting @cetera for his modest Spector collection.
  5. I occasionally stick a bit of quite squishy foam up against the bridge when I'm seeking to emulate the upright tone.
  6. I was looking at it recently then got distracted by the Leo Lyons Woodstock bass but actually cheaper to buy a Limelight I suspect.
  7. You're right folks it was Spacer I was referring to, my apologies but I was a couple of beers in by that point. It came to mind as Sophie Ellis-Bextor has recently done a cover(ish) of it. Starship Trooper (the Yes version) is immaculate and should not be mentioned in this thread at all
  8. Not keen on any of those. Nailed on D'Addario fan and also Newtone.
  9. I'll offer up Sheila B Devotion with a great little ditty Starship Trooper.
  10. Lovely. I have an Ash neck on a couple of ACGs and really like that combination.
  11. Hi bud, welcome to the show from somebody suffering from acute GAS most of the time.
  12. Just pickup an ebony item for a Stingray-type bass. Just the ticket, really pleased with it.
  13. My favourites of the ones I've played are the Sandberg California II TT and the Japanese Geddy Lee J basses. My top J bass is my "bitsa" ACG that will likely be buried with me:
  14. Nice one. Hopefully some form of return to normality here in the foreseeable future.
  15. What are these 'gig' things of which you speak?
  16. Isn't is likely that the interaction of all the components in a bass have some effect on the overall sound a bass makes? But when I'm banging out Mustang Sally in the Dog & Duck I genuinely don't give a stinky poo
  17. But imagine how much nicer it would look with a blackp/guard
  18. Just acquired a strap from Tomas. Great to deal with, everything as described, top bloke. Thanks very much for an easy transaction.
  19. ead


    Great vid and all the best for everything. The saintly Mrs ead had gone through this a few years back (different version mind you) so keeping everything crossed for you bud.
  20. I went through Classic & Cool Guitars. Mark is super helpful.
  21. It's just a printed sticker on a std p/guard. I think I have a couple of spares if you want one.
  22. New addition to the fold.
  23. I hope it has lots of embedded LEDs and a sound/light system.
  24. Oooh, not sure. Wasn't the HH configuration a later addition. I'm no expert on the subject though just wanted something close to a '77 Stingray for a few hundred quid rather than a few thousand. I can say that they are much warmer and a little lower in output than the ceramic versions that sound quite 'harsh' to my ears.
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