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Everything posted by ead

  1. Thanks. The spacing is akin to a 60's Jazz. The pickups are the Nordstrand 51P (humbucking version). Really pleased with the whole package, but as has been said above a tad pricier than a modded Squier. I actually played the prototype c. 1 year ago at a guitar show and vowed to save up/sell a few basses and order one. Absolutely no regrets!
  2. I certainly like a two single coil P pickup bass. Recently got this Alpher that I find hard to put down.
  3. The '79LEs ae also cracking basses.
  4. I had the Cali I passive VS4s for a while. Gigged it regularly and tbh couldn't really tell the difference sound-wise between it and my backup Fender MIJ P bass. Gratuitious Sandberg pic.:
  5. Silly me, obvious when you see it
  6. Pretty sure that Mark at Classic & Cool Guitars (home of Limelight basses) will also relic client's basses.
  7. I liked that vid a lot but don't know the band other than by name. Can I have some advise on a good starting point CD to listen to please?
  8. We are in T3. For one band we are all agreed it's not worth the risk. For the other they are wanting to use the 'it's work' excuse when it really, really isn't since we all have day jobs. I think the other three would do it but I am not comfortable despite having a decent amount of space.
  9. Possibly. He definitely has one (and did say he thought this was the better of the two). I tried his bass at a guitar show a while back and was instantly impressed and started saving. When I ordered it he did say he was making a batch of 3 but I didn't see any others around.
  10. I saw a few of the Mini Makos hanging on the wall when I picked up my v2 recenty (obligatory pic below). Sadly I was too pressed for time to try other basses but they looked very interesting.
  11. Great insn't it when a forum actively prevents you from helping somebody sell a book or two. Bar stewards the lot of them.
  12. I've received a warning for a code #7 violation and, apparently, 2 points on my licence whatever all of that means. Thread taken down though. Sorry bud
  13. I enjoyed it myself, right up there with my own work
  14. Just added this one: https://www.talkbass.com/threads/a-good-read-with-some-wry-humour-for-gigging-weekend-warriors.1490403/
  15. Tony very kindly responded to my plea for a short length of velcro for my pedal board. He posted off a couple of pieces almost immediately and then refused to accept any payment at all. What a gent and a credit to the forum. I am most grateful and hope to be able to reciprocate at some point.
  16. The postman has just delivered a very interesting looking envelope. Will do pics later and some yogic flying to pass the time.
  17. Ouch, that hurts. Did somebody run a key down the side (just to make sure the paintwork was OK)?
  18. Good call to put the link in there @Maude . There will be young people here that don't know what Le Mans used to be like in the 60s, have no knowledge of the GT 40 , or even what Gulf fuel was I have a Gulf car for my Scalextric track:
  19. Fingers crossed for tomorrow...
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