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Everything posted by ead

  1. So true. I'd wager that Karl has owned 82.7% of all basses ever made. Apologies, I can't be any more accurate than that.
  2. What is also mildly weird is that we have ended up with a broadly similar set of basses (except Stingray and Gibson that just don't float any of my boats)
  3. Just finished the book. Bloody marvelous read and highly recommended. I'm approx. the same vintage, maybe a year or two older so all the references worked brilliantly for me. Where do I do the review please?
  4. I'm two basses down overall during lock down.
  5. ead

    PJ conundrum

    The Lakland is definitely the looker of the two. The Fender has the slight stealth element about it, and tbh I was wondering about sticking a pickguard on it maybe in the same style as the BBP34. A bit like this:
  6. ead

    PJ conundrum

    I feel it's too late for me now, the status of 'junkie in oblivion' was passed a while back I suspect
  7. ead

    PJ conundrum

    I didn't mean to sound uncertain or uncommitted . Had events happened in a different order, or over a slightly more extended time period, the circumstances would have different and I would have ended up with only one of the two. Either of these two without the other would have been absolutely great. It's entirely possible I might end up keeping both for while so I can try them out with the band. But if you insist on me getting a third one then I had also been looking for a Squier Standard Series Precision Bass Special which seem to have a good following.
  8. ead

    PJ conundrum

    I know what you mean but I'm quite chilled about basses that have been played a lot as it possibly/probably means they are decent examples of the breed.
  9. ead

    PJ conundrum

    This is the kind of in depth analysis I like It's kind of tempting to put the Lakland neck on the Fender body which would look devastatingly cool.
  10. ead

    PJ conundrum

    The Fender is definitely a PJ455 btw. I took the neck off and both neck and body confirm this.
  11. ead

    PJ conundrum

    What, with playing and everything?
  12. Until these last few months I had a long-standing mission to go to see 3 bands I've never hear of every year. That, and the 'what are you listening to now' section on here have provided some really interesting music. I stopped reading album reviews in my early twenties as very few seemed interested in the music I liked. I'm 59 now
  13. ead

    PJ conundrum

    Spector knobs, but not sure which category they belong in
  14. ead

    PJ conundrum

    Since moving my rather weighty BBP34 some months back I've been on the look out for a light passive PJ bass that could take it's place as a gigging bass for the covers band I play in (and hopefully will again soon). I'd had a go on a Lakland Skyline fairly recently but the weight of these seems to vary a fair bit and I was on the look out for one appearing in the FS section. Nothing was grabbing my attention until what might, or muight not have been, a Fender PJ455 appeared on ebay. I took a punt on it as is was an E series so like to be OK even if not one of the top fligh models. Wouldn't you know it, a 44-64 Custom PJ turns up on our FS section as the Fender was in transit. As the owner was happy to do a part trade I bought that one thinking I'd just flip the Fender. Long story short, they are both really nice basses and both c.8.5lbs. The Lakland has the J pickup in the 60s position and is pristine; the Fender has it in the 70s position and is roadworn. I've but a nice Gotoh bridge on the Fender as some groovier Spector knobs. The previous owner had already put some nicer knobs on the Lakland. Both sound really punchy but one needs to go so a real dilemma here. Any thoughts learned BCers? Mandatory pics to prove it happened:
  15. Just picked up some J bass bits from Dean. Totally effortless transaction, thanks very much.
  16. Midnight Wine I think, lovely colour.
  17. Different bass, different place, but I have this one...got a few spare if you want one for nowt.
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