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Everything posted by ead

  1. ead

    Dov65 feedback

    Just sold a bass to Dave. What a gent, he travelled down crossing international borders to collect the bass. Had the chance for a quick chat which was great as I always enjoy meeting BCers. Trade in full confidence folks. Dave is one of the good guys and the reason this place is what it is.
  2. Does that make your eyes water?
  3. I highly recommend that you should . Mine due to be finished in a week or two all being well.... Pic just in case it helps
  4. What can I say, I'm a gear slut and really wanted your Dolphin (bass, just be clear ). I rather liked this and it was a bit of a wrench to let it go
  5. For me very positive. Learned the violin to a pretty decent standard and played in orchestras, quartets etc. Even toured with the national schools orchestra so learned a fair amount about music. Quartet stuff particularly useful for later playing in bands.
  6. Just completed a trade with Karl. As always a complete gent and went out of his way to accomodate ref. timings to meet up and exchange. Top banana, 'nuf said.
  7. There a post in the Wanted section for one of these, may be worth checking?
  8. Equally a propos of even less I lived in Hamburg for a number of years Lovely looking bass BTW
  9. Not at all, and duly noted
  10. I think it's more about the spec and the parts. Still MIJ but to USA specifications and, I think, with US p/ups.
  11. Interesting ref. the weights. Mine have been pretty uniform between 9.0lbs and 9.3lbs. Pretty sure all Alder but as you can see they were painted so hard to be sure.
  12. I think the grounding strip is particular to the '62 reissue basses but not 100% on that. Over the years I've had three Japanese jazzes and all have been excellent. Currently (selfishly) playing a couple of Japan Geddy Lee jazzes both excellent but at some point will need to let one go. These are probably my favourite of the various offerings, one is CIJ and one MIJ. From different manufacturers in Japan I beleive but you'd be hard pressed to spot a difference bewteen them. A couple of 62RIs ...and a 65RI One of the Geddy Lee basses
  13. Or indeed pass the port. Traditionally passed to the left (and behind lady peeps).
  14. It is my first Alpher. I had a play the prototype at a show up here a couple of years ago and was massively impressed with it. Took me a while to save up some cash.
  15. The NS2000 is a quality bass. I think these were made under the Stuart Spector Design (SSD) brand when Spector was having difficulties with Kramer over brand ownership and had to have basses made abroad. These and the NS-94 were almost like US basses in terms of fit and finish; lots of lovely little touches. There's some stuff on the Spector website about the history plus some details of where the basses made.
  16. I can't comment on whether the design has been registered or not, no whether the luthier (Alpher) would mind. Maybe you might contact them?
  17. I did commit to updates on the 'legal' purchase. Here it is on the right (next to the prototype) just needing the pickups and string tree to arrive.
  18. Very tricky. Both brands make quality instruments and will probably boil down whichever feels best in you hands. I ended up keeping the Spectors and selling the Warwicks but it wasn't a strightforward choice. Probably no help whatsoever
  19. Beautiful basses @three Quite a lot of knob action there too.
  20. We must both be afflicted by a similar talent deficit
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