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Everything posted by ead

  1. No more spoilers please, only up to episode 3 but thanks for the heads-up, I'll listen out for it.
  2. Very nice, great job. How does it sound?
  3. I can't get the chuffin' thing to work. Doesn't help that I'm no computer geek and even the videos assume a level of knowledge I don't have.
  4. I can't get it to work. Doesn't help that the help videos assume you understand wtf they are talking about.
  5. Probably best that we stay in the cupboard Karl, we must consider the mental health of others.
  6. Another Smooth Hound user here. Works extremely well.
  7. Nah, having loads of basses makes you play better.
  8. I always seem to get the beans stuck in the toaster
  9. I rather enjoyed these two basses both were Wenge / Wenge so that would be my choice (another all Wenge neck/board on the way too). Dingwall ACG
  10. Progress update as requested...
  11. I'd like a signed note from your doctor to confirm that you are of sound mind when you make rash statements like that please @karlferl
  12. I use a Radial device as the last bit of my signal chain (so after the effect I use on occasion). This allows me to feed a signal to the desk so it can be EQed in the band context and a separate one to the backline that I can EQ for my personal use as a monitor without affecting the front of house sound. At some point we will go 'in ear'. https://www.radialeng.com/product/stagebug-sb2
  13. Thanks for the kind comments. The Farida had a couple of years worth of gigging and then was sold on along with the Overwater (which was a bit too heavy for me in all honesty all though it got a decent amount fo stage time). This funded my next project a £150 Antoria Jazz I didn't do much of the work on this as it was refinished by someone who knew what they were doing so cost more than the bass. Standard Kiogon stacked knob loom and new scratch plate added too. Maybe I should have left it alone and pretended it was a Geddy Lee J. Very nice tone and great playability too. Before: After:
  14. My other project in the same vein was an Overwater by Tanglewood Classic Jazz, coincidentally also bought for £150. I added some preloved DiMarzio DP126 pickups from the site and another Kiogon loom wired as V/V/T (the original fit was V/B/T). I may have put new knobs on it but not 100% sure about that Before: After:
  15. I bought a Farida FPB-08M around 4 years ago for £150. Pretty decent P bass TBH and got gigged a lot in the blues band I was in at the time. I made a few upgrades too. Some preloved US pickups from this site, a custom B/W/B scratch plate from Jack's Instrument Services and a Kiogon loom also from here. Upgrades cost around £100 or so. Mandatory before and after pics for your delectation.
  16. Here are the pickuos from my SSS P bass, as you can see they look like any other P bass p/up. The ones in your pic look to have the poles made so that you can insert a hex Allen key to raise and lower them to achieve a balanced output. I'll have a ferret around my spares tin in the morning Steve and see what I can find.
  17. I'm sure there's one on here for less than that. Update - looks like it's been traded now.
  18. I stuck a Kiogon sourced loom in one of mine and that made a decent improvement. I quite liked the pickups fitted so left alone. Are those Di Marzio p/ups btw? I may have a spare loom knocking about but I'll need to check.
  19. I rather like that look as it is. I have changed the parchment pickguard on my regular Fender P (also black and Rosewood) to matt black which looks better IMHO as you barely notice it's there
  20. Very interesting info there @drTStingray IIRC my Sterling was a little under 9lbs. Don't know if it's comparable but my SB14 is bang on 9lbs (Basswood body I think).
  21. In my defence I was typing as @Dan Dare posted.
  22. Are we not at risk on conflating price and value here? The price set by the seller presumably reflects their perception of the item value, but the value the buyer places upon the item will dictate ultimately what they are prepared to pay for it. Whilst the seller must surely be free to price items as they see fit, in these days, as others have said, price research is not exactly difficult so there must also be an element of caveat emptor. YMMV of course.
  23. This one seems particularly good value (depending upon your colour preferences of course): https://guitarvillage.co.uk/products/music-man-cutlass-bass-black-ex-demo-rrp-1999
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