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Everything posted by ead

  1. Is anybody keeping score? I reakon @bassfan is schooling us all here
  2. Mike and his Mechanics?
  3. That's good enough for me
  4. Point of order here. How can it be Chic without Bernard Edwards?
  5. Pickguard still had the protective film on. Curiouser and couriouser...
  6. Supported Joanne Shaw Taylor in Holmfirth Can't recall the venue but I have seen them. @bassfan 1,000 apologies missed this one. You are correct. I desperately tried to get tickets for the reunion gigs but sadly failed to get one.
  7. Found a couple of areosols, one of matt black and one of satin clear varnish so might well have a go at it.
  8. Afraid not MEN Arena a few years ago. Missed Free sadly, but got to see Bad Company.
  9. Interestingly (or not, YMMV) some weeks ago I was idly looking at websites for a couple of my local guitar shops and came a across what was described as a new SB14. It still had the sticker on the pickguard and was being offered at a price that would be rude to refuse. I've owned a couple in the distant past and have a soft spot for them. Needless to say I relieved them of the burden of ownership The best I could get out of them was "we've had it for a while". Anyway it turned out to be immaculate, beautifully set up and a little under 9lbs to boot. Not a fan of the pearlescent white scartchplate so that might get sprayed black if I get bored. Gratuitous SB14 pic:
  10. Cheers @Reggaebass I will do my best! Here's a few blues-type combos plus a few miscellaneous artists for your delectation: Cream Joanne Shaw Taylor The Blues Band King King Bad Company P-A-U-L Aynsley Lister Martin Barre Caro Emerald KT Tunstall
  11. Just splashed out on the Ashdown unit as my ancient Tascam MP-BT1 Bass Trainer, whilst still going strong, may fall over at some point
  12. Magnum looks slightly out of context
  13. Are we allowed more than one guess?
  14. I would echo that, just don't notice the difference. I have a selection of ACGs and they are marvellous basses.
  15. Rats, thought that looked slightly suspicious
  16. I'm calling you out with Aswad.
  17. Correct! Like a chuffin' idiot I turned down a ticket for the first series of concerts way back when (I was under the influence of a rather nice young Italian lady I was seeing at the time).
  18. 'fraid not. Blackpool and Manchester Academy.
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