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Everything posted by ead

  1. I would love to use BC exclusively but I find selling here requires much patience. Of late I've sold a number of basses on ebay when the £1 seliing fee offers are around so only paying for PayPal. I've closed my FB account so no longer an option but it never really worked for me. I always advertise basses on ebay at a higher price than on here and depite this pretty much sell them all on ebay. I do try and do personal meet ups even it it means a bit of travelling so I can be assured of safe arrival and buyer satisfaction. So far so good tbh although I'll prbably get bitten at some point. I always look to buy on here though and BC is also great for trades.
  2. Your 2nd and 4th points would deffo float my boat @cetera . Both together would be optimal.
  3. Alan at ACG made me this (essentailly a 32" scale P bass).
  4. I had to dispose of a number of basses in October 2018 to raise some cash quickly due for personal/family reasons. I find myself thinking about where it is now and if there is a possibility of repatriation. Therefore if this is in you possession please can we discuss! Last seem at Carlisle railway station where I handed it over to the very nice man who bought it. It's s/n 00208. Here are a couple of pics:
  5. Nice. Have you seen the one in Rome on Evilbay?
  6. Saw this bass the other day at Ash's and had a go. Great range of tones folks and beautiful wood grains to boot.
  7. App developed to allow seamless and friendly transition of musicians between bands.
  8. Hi peeps I have pretty much three sets of used flatwounds here: A set with red silks (Rotosounds maybe?) that are cut for a Fender style bass A set with green silks that I'm fairly sure are Fenders. These have E/A/D cut for a Fender style bass; but no obvious candidate for a G. A mixed set with blue silks that would work for a 2 over 2 headstock arrangement. The whole, posted to UK mainland, for £25
  9. I have some song lyrics tattooed on one arm but not sure if that is bass related enough.
  10. I always think of you as being of sound judgement.
  11. Confession time. Just traded a bass with some cash my way, so that's just a sale really isn't it?
  12. Excellent trade with Ash. Now proud owner of a lovely P bass having been without for too long.
  13. I had a very close shave with @AndyTravis Fender Jazz Power Bass Special. Luckily (or maybe not) I was not first in the queue so still in the game
  14. That is very unreasonable of them, presuming that later models were considered to be upgrades
  15. I'm probably in a minority but I'm not that keen on the early JB stacked knobs controls. Much prefer the VVT arrangement, or V/T/4-way p/up switch arrangement as I spend much less time pratting round with settings this way.
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