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Everything posted by ead

  1. JUst bought it but not played it yet.
  2. If it's not been said already, then the best beginners bass is one that you can't walk past when it's on the stand at home without picking it up for a noodle.
  3. Have you stolen my identity
  4. I went to that show (and then on to see Dr Feelgood later that night).
  5. The first LP I ever bought was Close To The Edge. It's still right up there for me, along with The Yes Album. I actually quite like Fly From Here, but then it would be massively tedious if everyone liked the same stuff.
  6. For me it's the dread moment when trying out a bass in a shop or such. Mind goes blank as to what to play,doubly so if there's someone waiting to be impressed
  7. For sale is my barely used Tascam DR-05 recorder that I purchased to record band practie sessions to discover that the drummer had bought a similar version with a slightly better spec., (I know). It has thus barely been used. I have the original box, instructions plus a little soft pouch that I acquired to store it safely. Pics below. Please let me know if there is anything else you'd like to see in detail. Now sold
  8. This was sourced from WD Music at a not inconsiderable cost . Save yourself the wait and the expense . Pics below, please let me know if there is anything else you'd like to see in detail. It's in very good condition having spent the best part of 2 days on my CIJ Geddy Lee bass. The shiny black loviliness of the top has picked up some stray reflections. Sorry about this, mea maxima culpa. £20 posted UK mainland
  9. That's fine then. I quite like the red bits, but I'm a bit odd in any case. Lovely bass.
  10. I don't know if you're near me but I have a few variants that you would be most welcome to try. None of the MC series though.
  11. I looked into this when contemplating how to put the Amalgamation symbol on the p/g of my Geddy Lee. Ended up with a sticker for much of the same reasons as above.
  12. I had a 3TSB version. I made two mods, a Kiogon harness and an SD Quarter Pounder. Used the bass for a few years gigging. For a low cost fiver with nice wide string spacing I thought it pretty good. String wise I think I went for a 130 B string as it fitted with the general 40/55/75/100 light strings I was using then. Seemed fine to me.
  13. I think it might be one of the Performer basses having poked around the Spector website a bit.
  14. This from the Spector website. Doesn't look like either an NS2000 or a Q4 tbh? Is the body curved or flat?
  15. I'm not an expert but I've owne a few and the horn looks a bit long an skinny to be a Legend plus it looks like a one-piece neck. Pretty sure the Legends have 3-piece maple necks, not to mention active EQ. Not sure what is is mind you but definitely interesting! Maybe alround Spector expert @cetera can help?
  16. You see a lot of conductors wearing them nowadays not to mention anyone sitting in front of the brass section. A full orchestra in full tilt can getty pretty loud. I have had the in-ear molded items for a while now and they have been transformational for me. I left them at home in error for practice the other week and the difference was massive so I'm inclined to agree to disagree with your consultant. I know the bones pick up vibrations as you can get those headphones for running in town so you can also hear the traffic but there is no comparison in the sound quality/volume cmpared to proper ear buds. I'm inclined to think that the layer of skin and fat covering the bones acts as an attenuator; somehting your ear drum doesn't enjoy.
  17. Not at all, functions as it always did: Series / Single coil / Parallel. Note that this particular pickup does not have the hum-cancelling phantom coil.
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