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Everything posted by ead

  1. Deffo prefer natural wood but does that constitute a colour? If not the close run for me between black and burgundy; specifically Midnight Wine.
  2. I saw that when I posted the pics. I has been played not just left in it's case, but doesn't look like that to the naked eye. It looks like it won't be here long, but I'll give the board some tlc.
  3. Sandberg California II VS4 Bass Made in Germany This is a very reluctant sale. This is the new shape California II in VS configuration, essentially an active/passive Precision bass. Good as this bass is, I tend to gig with ACGs so it's a little neglected, and not getting the use it surely should. The pickup is a Nordstrand NP4 item, more details can be found here: https://nordstrandaudio.com/products/np4. This is a cracking pickup and absolutely nails the P bass tone. The bass is finished a custom colour with matching headstock and mother of pearl dot markers. This high quality German-made Sandberg bass is around 18 months old and is in excellent condition as I hope the pictures show. I would prefer to arrange some kind of delivery / collection / meet up if at all possible. I'm pretty flexible and willing to travel a bit if necessary. Courier would be the last resort and will be at cost to you. This bass would cost around £1,400 so do grab yourself a bargain! Features/Specifications: · Alder body with Maple neck, 22 frets plus a zero fret · Rosewood board with mother of pearl markers · Very light at just under 7½ lbs in weight (3.4kg) · Fabulous neck with a 38mm nut width and a satin finish, so beautiful to move around on · High quality Sandberg chrome hardware with lightweight tuners · Custom colour with satin finish on the body with matching headstock · Unmarked as far as I can see · 2-band EQ with active/passive option. The treble control acts as a tone control in passive mode · Comes with the high quality Sandberg gig bag and tools If you have any questions at all, or require additional pictures of any details please ask away and I give as comprehensive an answer as I am able.
  4. Sandberg California II TT4 Bass Made in Germany This is a very reluctant sale. This is the new shape California II in TT configuration, essentially an active/passive Jazz bass. Good as this bass is, I tend to gig with ACGs so it's a little neglected, not getting the use it surely should. The pickups are Bartolini B-Axis pickups, more details can be found here: https://bartolini.net/product/j44j/ These are essentially hum-cancelling “J” pickups and produce a nice rich sound. This high quality German-made Sandberg bass is around 3 years old and is in excellent condition as I hope the pictures show. I would prefer to arrange some kind of delivery / collection / meet up if at all possible. I'm pretty flexible and willing to travel a bit if necessary. Courier would be the last resort and will be at cost to you. These basses have an MRSP of €1,700 so do grab yourself a bargain! Features/Specifications: · Ash body with Maple neck, 22 frets plus a zero fret · Ebony board · Light at just over 8 lbs in weight (3.7kg) · Fabulous neck with a 38mm nut width and a satin finish, so beautiful to move around on · High quality Sandberg black hardware with lightweight tuners · Natural satin finish on the body; also slightly unusual I guess as most of the natural basses seem to be in high gloss · Unmarked as far as I can see · 2-band EQ with active/passive option. The treble control acts as a tone control in passive mode · Comes with the high quality Sandberg gig bag and tools If you have any questions at all, or require additional pictures of any details please ask away and I give as comprehensive an answer as I am able.
  5. Goodness. I must have been to numerous Resoning gigs over the years and have all the CDs too. Pity the swansong gigs are all down south.
  6. Here's a pic of my J Type (left), my Retro B (centre) and some other thing (right) if that helps.
  7. I think some on the forum know I have an ACG or two so with that in mind, and having removed my tinted glasses, I would challenge the comment above about pricing of ACG basses. I do look around to see what other builders are offering and still find Alan's basses to be very competitively priced, with the acknowledgement that it's almost impossible to compare apples with apples in the space. I must drive Alan nuts as I very firmly in the traditional shapes fold and am a particular fan of the J Type and RetroB. I did dip a toe in slightly choppier waters recently and bought a Border Reiver S/S but have now scuttled back into the relative safety of a new Finn that I suspect will become my favourite fretted ACG in short order 🙂 As always YMMV
  8. Oooh I'm not sure, possibly but I'm rubbish at socail media so AC just sends me pics by MS Messenger. Don't want to derail the OPs thread too much so I'll PM you a pic or two
  9. I'm very much enjoying 32" BR to the point I may have comissioned another 32" P type bass that is close to being ready. Obvioulsy tour rules apply so telling Mrs ead please
  10. It is indeed, I had a little go on the prototype last time I was up in Moffat. I did completely wimp out though and ended up with the 32" scale Border Reiver that Alan was selling.
  11. Loving those micro Krells. I hope you enjoy the bass.
  12. Not sure, tbh I thought the opposite
  13. What is interesting is the low depreciation of Limelight basses.
  14. Mine was about that, maybe slightly less.
  15. @ped Over the years I've accumulated a few feedback threads (you'd think ead would be easy enough to type). Is it possible to get these combined into one thread to rule them all?
  16. I swapped the Delano's in my Sandberg TT for a set of Bartolini B-Axis pickups. Not single coils but nice warm sounding pickups with that bit of growl too.
  17. Jack has made me a few exellent p/gs.
  18. They're only worth what somebody will pay for them. Personally I'm highly delighted with mine but as ever YMMV.
  19. String choice aside, I can't hear a great deal of difference between Rosewood and Maple fretboards in a band context.
  20. I've been reading this thread with interest as I am in the same place more or less as the OP. Without boring everybody with my deliberations I clicked Buy on a Basswitch Sonic Spark too so fingers crossed.
  21. I had one of these and it was a very nice bass to play. Unrivalled value for money. Slightly differnt headstock on mine but no idea in what order they were produced (sorry).
  22. I've left the bridge cover on my '66.
  23. You could put a post on here (and maybe the Ric forum?), explain there's a lead time and see? Worth doing a design registration if you're serious about it though. Any idea what it's likely to cost? I sold my Ric 'cause I couldn't get on with exactly this issue and in those day additive manufacturing hadn't been invented. Actually not strictly true it was was called rapid prototyping then and still very costly for hobbyists.
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