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Everything posted by ead

  1. Plus a kidney or two.
  2. Squier Silver Series J and P basses share a common neck with a 40mm nut width.
  3. Nice, just be thankful you weren't born in 1960!
  4. I'm with Roger2611 and Lozz196. When I went looking for a vintage Fender I deliberately sought a bass that had some visible wear as to me it probably signals it's a good item and has been used not abused (and hopefully maintained) rather than stuck in a cupboard. As original as possible and un-modded. Mine actually has one none-vintage strap button but I guess I could always remove the old hootenany button and use that instead and leave a hole in the headstock. Gratuitous vintage Fender pics (it's a '66):
  5. Wales, Wales Bloody great fish are Whales ...To the tune of Land of my Fathers - probably the best anthem in the world evaaah and I speak as an English person. Every time I hear it at the rugby in Cardiff it absolutely sends a shiver down my spine.
  6. Not a Fender expert in any shape or form, but I don't believe in 'free lunches'.
  7. The only thing Fendery Jazz bass I've played with a wider nut was a Squier SIlver Series Jazz which had a 40mm nut (slightly narrower than the B neck). I think I'm right in saying this particular neck was used for both the P and J basses.
  8. I surprised myself recently by rather liking Fly From Here. Can't remember the full back story, but I think some of it was written somewhat earlier than it's release.
  9. Taking the "etc." a bit further, I've commissioned an ACG RetroB Jazz that is sub £2k. Probably (almost certainly) less options than maybe SEI or Sadowsky. http://www.acguitars.co.uk/retrob-basses/
  10. Not even looked at it tbh. As you say spectoremg, does the world really need more versions of old Yes classics? However I would be interested to hear Lee P do The Fish.
  11. St Patrick has a lot to answer for. We are essentially a juke box rock covers band. At a gig last St Pats day one particularly drunk lady kept asking if we could play a selection of Irish jigs, and when we pointed out that it wasn't really our bag she then asked if we knew any songs by Irish bands. We had of course just played a couple of Thin Lizzy tunes and a U2 tune to boot.
  12. This used to be mine until I had to sell a few basses, a P bass with P Retro + active/passive switch but no series/parallel option. I'd buy it back at the drop of a hat tbh. http://archive.acguitars.co.uk/portfolio/0252-p-type-4/
  13. I genuinely don't think Alan would mind. John East makes the P Retros for ACG (which are slightly different I think) so worth giving him a call too.
  14. Thanks boys, I'll give it a good listening to.
  15. Where is it please, for those folk who are not savvy in these matters?
  16. The long-awaited but ultimately uninteresting post...

    Whilst dismantling and cleaning an old BBOT Fender bridge I have successfully managaed to loose one of the saddle adjustment screws and the associated spring (for setting the intonation).  Does anyone have an unloved one in a drawer somewhere please?

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