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Everything posted by Earbrass

  1. Why wait for that? As long as he's getting the minerals, Trump won't care whether he gets them from Ukraine or Russia.
  2. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20250130-marianne-faithfull-british-pop-icon-and-rolling-stones-muse-dies-at-78
  3. OK, I finally got a very apologetic reply, so I am somewhat mollified, especially as I realize it was at least in part my fault for not reading all the FAQs before purchasing!
  4. I don't think Glenn is personally involved in the technical side, and the auto reply I got had someone else's name on it. I think Glenn was more involved in designing the product from the point of view of what it should sound like and the features it offers - I think the actual coding and tech support is handled by others.
  5. I've been a follower of Glenn Fricker's YouTube channel SpectreSoundStudios, which focuses on metal and hard rock production techniques and gear, for quite a while. I enjoy Glenn's content, and feel the channel deserves extra support at the moment, following Glenn's wife having severe medical issues, which has limited his ability to produce content. However, Glenn also has a spin-off venture called Spectre Digital which creates and markets software and plugins. I have no idea about the actual commercial relationship is between the two entities, but Glenn frequently promotes Spectre Digital products on his channel. One of the products Spectre Digital produces is Element Bass, which is an amp-sim plugin aimed at bassists. I bought this back in November, and I have to say it's really good. However, I have two issues with it, and with the company in general. 1. It requires you to login to your Spectre Digital online account every few weeks, or it stops working. This may not be an issue for some, but I like to keep my (Windows) music production laptop offline to prevent any issues with o/s updates upsetting anything I have installed, so this is an inconvenience and an annoyance for me. What is especially infuriating is that this is not highlighted on purchase - I only discovered it when it stopped working after a few weeks, demanding that i re-authenticate. I think this is unacceptable - once you've bought the product, I think you should have unrestricted use of it. This is how all my other purchased software works. 2. Worse, in my view, is that I raised a support ticket with the company questioning what was going on. Almost immediately I received an automated reply saying they had got my message and would reply within 24 hours. That was the Friday before last, and since then I have heard nothing from them, despite further attempts on my part to make contact. They were very happy to take my money, but now they have no problem with completely ignoring me. I did find the information that the re-authentication would be required every few weeks on their website, but it was in the FAQ's section not in the 'technical requirements' bit. If they had just replied explaining that that was how it was designed to work, I'd be lot less pissed off about it To be fair I probably should have read all the FAQ's before purchasing, but the lack of any response is unacceptable.
  6. Bought a bass from Kris. Great communication and excellent packing. Would definitely deal again.
  7. Tons of videos on youtube you could show him made by people who actually sell or make the things; defy him to find one where they pronounce it his way.
  8. Better in the room than being left in the car, surely?
  9. I don't listen to much pop music, and the only music radio I ever tune to is Radio 3, but I do like this a lot To be honest I only discovered this track from this rather wonderful comedy version (David Armand)
  10. I've only ever owned six basses: two of those were Peavey Milestone III's, so .......
  11. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/perry-farrell-dave-navarro-janes-addiction-fight-reason-b2612937.html
  12. There's a committee. They take various factors into account, such as mobility, continence, deafness, depth of contempt for "modern" music, tolerance of noise, tolerance of b/s and so forth. If you've not had the letter calling you for interview yet, you're probably ok for a while.
  13. that's just what they want you to think.
  14. Soma are certainly one of the more interesting manufacturers out there. I recently sold a Lyra-8 after I'd owned it a little over a year. Built like a tank. I used it to record weird space noises and textures for use in the space-rock band I play keys for, and it's great for that, but not really for much else. I have many hours of recordings from it that I can sample from to use live, and plenty of weird plug-ins so I can make many different versions of any given bit of the recordings, so it seemed like time to move it on.
  15. I have a Digitakt, and the XLN XO vst (mainly for the great sample library and sample search facilities). I can't imagine wanting or needing anything else. For a while I was intrigued by the Soma Pulsar 23, but I watched a ton of YouTube videos on it and never saw one where anything I would describe as listenable music was produced using it, and so the fascination faded.
  16. Gemma bought a set of strings from me. No issues, great comms, a pleasure to deal with. Recommended.
  17. Heads up I have just posted a set of unused, unopened short-scale LaBella flatwounds in the marketplace
  18. La Bella Deep Talkin' Bass 760FL-S Short Scale Flatwound strings - brand new and unopened. Gauges .043, .060, .082, .104 Was going to put these on my Gretsch, but decided to stick with rounds. Price includes postage within UK.
  19. Live looping vocals and kantele from Pelkka Poutanen
  20. Driving home from band rehearsal yesterday evening (Rememberance Sunday) this came on Radio 3. I'd not heard it before, and being on the motorway I couldn't hear all the lyrics, so this morning I checked the programme's playlist and looked it up on YouTube. Beautiful and moving. It was written and is also performed by Eric Bogle.
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