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Posts posted by Earbrass

  1. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1340215196' post='1701260']
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Whoops! Didn't realise I was so shallow! Not proud of that.[/font][/color]

    Sorry, didn't mean to make you feel bad - I think we've all felt the "basschat effect". :lol: When I first joined I went through a little phase of bass acquisition / swapping, but I'm all better now and back down to the one old faithful.

  2. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1340208250' post='1701099']
    In over 30 years of playing I have had one bass at a time apart from the last 3-4 years and now I have 5. What changed?

    [b] 4 Strings[/b]

    Member Since 19 Oct 2009

  3. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1340196258' post='1700778']
    I seem to be getting the impression, although I could be wrong, that some people feel that making a living as a musician, or more specifically as an artist, that the possibility of developing your art or craft without the distractions of a full-time job, is no longer something to aspire to.

    Another thought on this: if you rely on your music to pay the bills, you are going to have to devote your time and energy to the projects that bring in the cash. Unless you are very talented or very lucky these won't always be the projects that you believe in, or which will allow you to develop your art and craft. You may find that you have less time and energy to devote to those than if you had an income from a less demanding day-job. Being a pro can be something of a double-edged sword.

  4. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1340133708' post='1699798']
    [size=5][b]buy this man's LP ^^^^^^^ ![/b][/size]

    i just did. it kills. :)



    played some of the tracks from the site and am now awaiting the CD

    ..although I was less than impressed by the confirmatory email: [i]If you haven’t [b]gotten[/b] your download already...[/i]

    ugh. What's wrong with "received" ? :P

  5. [quote name='Wil' timestamp='1340198681' post='1700867']
    If all music were free, the only people with any reason to make music would be those who had something to say or a deep love of it.


    [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1340199116' post='1700880']
    Yes but I think "your day" is longer ago than you realise

    Harsh. :lol:

  6. [quote name='4000' timestamp='1340196258' post='1700778']
    I seem to be getting the impression, although I could be wrong, that some people feel that making a living as a musician, or more specifically as an artist, that the possibility of developing your art or craft without the distractions of a full-time job, is no longer something to aspire to.

    It's a nice position to be in if you can manage it, but my point was that it's not a [i]necessary condition[/i] for making great music, and that it's quite wrong to assume that anybody who is making music on an unpaid basis can only be producing, in Nigel's choice phrase, "underdeveloped hobby music".

    Having said that, I should perhaps add that it probably [b]is[/b] a fair description of my own output. :lol:

  7. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1340192522' post='1700665']
    No, can't find it. Where is it?

    It's here:

    [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1340191696' post='1700634']
    For example, there's a guy who works in my office who sings in a choir in his spare time. They do a fair few international concerts at top venues, and have had their performances at the Royal Festival Hall broadcast on Radio 3. By your definition, that would be "underdeveloped hobby music", I presume, yet the quality of musicianship far exceeds the majority of commercial pop acts.

    [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1340193595' post='1700712']
    You have not understood me. Where do you get time to develop as an artist?

    Some people will "develop as an artist" despite having many claims on their time, others will never develop even when they have all the time and money in the world. There is no simple correlation between the quality of music produced and whether the artist is getting paid or not. There are plenty of stunning amateur musicians out there making great music, and plenty of highly-paid professionals churning out dross.

  8. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1340192003' post='1700647']
    Why is it?

    Please see my edited post above.
    [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1340191696' post='1700634']


  9. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1340190562' post='1700610']
    The music you are happy to give away is [b]underdeveloped[/b] hobby music.

    a rather patronizing assumption, don't you think? :lol:

    For example, there's a guy who works in my office who sings in a choir in his spare time. They do a fair few international concerts at top venues, and have had their performances at the Royal Festival Hall broadcast on Radio 3. By your definition, that would be "underdeveloped hobby music", I presume, yet the quality of musicianship far exceeds the majority of commercial pop acts.

  10. 1min 30 secs (tried to put the time into the link, but not working for some reason)


  11. If you want to cut a "real" CD, rather than the CD-Rs that are used for smaller runs, you may find that the cutting plants won't make your CD unless you fill in forms confirming that you have all the necessary permissions from the composers. Not usually an issue for CD-Rs, as anyone can make them.

  12. When I got the synth bug a few years ago I ended up buying a second-hand [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/sos/apr02/articles/novationkstation.asp"]Novation K-Station[/url] on ebay for not very much. Small keyboard (but I also have a 76-note stage piano I can use to play it with), but everything you'd expect/want from a proper synth*, with a sensible user interface (unlike the microkorg).

    (* I mean the "build the sound from scratch from the oscillators up" kind of synth rather than the "choose from hundreds of real instrument samples & presets" type synth.)

  13. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1337956366' post='1668037']
    I had an epiphany about two months ago when I bought some Warwick EMP 40-100s. They are incredible strings.

    So that would be an Incredible String Brand?

    ...sorry it's Friday afternoon

  14. [quote name='Stacker' timestamp='1337929611' post='1667457']
    I've often fancied getting Cajun box; remember looking at 'em on ebay a few years back. Any tips, Oggiesnr?

    Sorry to but in, but I'd recommend visiting [url="http://forum.melodeon.net"]http://forum.melodeon.net[/url] and picking the brains of the very experienced folk over there (as well as browsing the "for sale" section). [url="http://www.melodeons.com/"]Rees Wesson[/url] (username Rees) on that site builds one-row boxes to order, though there are cheaper mass-produced options available. Also check out [url="http://www.themusicroom-online.co.uk/"]The Music Room[/url] - great shop! [url="http://www.hobgoblin.com/local/melo-Melodeons-online-sales-page.htm"]Hobgoblin[/url] are highly recommended too, though I've not dealt with them myself. Conventional wisdom is that starting on a one-row is harder than starting on a two-row, but never having tried a one-row myself, I can't confirm or deny this. Boxes can vary a lot from individual instrument to instrument, rather more so than basses, so it's always best to try before you buy if at all possible. Hope this helps!

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