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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. Back in my old band from 99 now (on guitar, sorry) all we ever did was jam endlessly until we had something that would work as a finished track (think of a cross between Hawkwind and mogwai and you'll get close to what we're doing) I have missed it, I am glad we're doing it again. it helps that we've all known each other forever so we can nudge it in a particular direction by just looking at each other the right way, also that we can just look at each others fingers and know where we are at any given point musically. I have been stuck in a few bands over the last few years where just as it is starting to get interesting the leader shouts for everyone to stop and enthuses about one little bit, talks endlessly about where it should go, and where we think it could take us, or ask for certain cymbal fills to be chucked in. Which takes you out of the moment, and it all turns to sh*t. Once again I can just leave my guitar to feed back at various different pitches for 5 minutes, and everyone will smile and nod as if I am a guitar playing genius. I love jamming. Those who are meeting up and playing covers are not jamming, nor are those playing what they are being told to play. never be afraid to play wrong notes, and never be afraid to boldly play a riff that does not fit what the others are doing until they move along to your way of thinking, otherwise that 10 minute blues thing that was alluded to earlier might happen.
  2. [quote name='phil.c60' timestamp='1427980415' post='2736638'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"In truth, this obsessive attention to detail can wrap us up in knots if we let it. Most lines break down into very few important notes surrounded by a lot of flubber. If in doubt, roll of the treble and 'thud' away!!! I have done whole gigs like this in the past [/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] "[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I do whole gigs like this most of the time.....[/font][/color] [/quote] Yep, the bass players equivalent of the guitarists pentatonic widdling cover up. I am guilty of both.
  3. I bought ER-20s, but they didn't stay in my ears, so I don't use them, I just point my deaf ear at the noisy stuff, which may not be a scientific method for preventing hearing damage.
  4. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1427973715' post='2736479'] [i]We need someone who is into classic rock and not some long haired hippy!!![/i] What does everyone think? [/quote] I think most long haired hippies are into classic rock [size=4] [/size]
  5. That is pretty cool, I really want one now damnit.
  6. No, hitting the ground with the right side of my head from the top of a little cliff damaged my hearing. Though the other ear is pretty buggered now as well to be fair, that might be the music.
  7. and where is this harley benton forum? I wish to read his review....
  8. Wizard, as I need it to have two pickups and be Orange, I still have a desperate need to be Tyla from the Dogs D'Amour but o[size=4]n a budget.[/size]
  9. I was thinking of getting one, but while I was thinking they stopped having them as part of their product range. Same as happened with their rick 12-a-likes (can still get the 6 string version though). Will have to get the slightly pricier manhattan instead then. Though it will have gone by the time I get the scratch together no doubt.
  10. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1427319277' post='2728959'] It matters not what bass you go for...your name is more important than the one on the headstock. Go for it. [/quote] This is the headstock of my fretless... Have I broken your theory? Unlined, with side dots on the lines is always better and easier IMO, I started with one that had lines, and spent way too much time looking to check if I was on the line rather than listening to whether it was the right note or not anyway. Eventually you can give up tuning it in and just adjust where you stop the notes instead
  11. Dagobah reformation gig, first one we've done together for 15 years at the Cavern in Exeter last night. Went down brilliantly, and according to all accounts, I can still play one of them little 6 string things pretty well, despite all the time I have been spending messing about on bass inbetween, so that was good. Am I allowed to post my guitar gigs on a bass forum? (yes I am)
  12. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1427067921' post='2725512'] I used to post a lot more than i do now. I browse at least once a day usually, but i don't see much that i think is worth commenting on. Wouldn't surprise me if there were many others in the same boat. Liam [/quote] Yarp, Also playing guitar again now, not touched a bass in anger for 9 months. Also actually busy at work nowadays, so less time to dick about on here, and typing stuff takes ages, who has time for that?
  13. The White Noise - An Electric Storm
  14. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1423692768' post='2688100'] Yep, that sums up the bay. Castle is worth a visit though. If you're in Bristol check out Electric Ladyland. It's a strange sort of music shop where sometimes the owner Steve will actually let customers buy something. [/quote] Oh, I'm going to Cardiff for the weekend soon, I was hoping it might be nice...
  15. Starting to think my year off from gigging might get a lot shorter, itchy fingers...
  16. I always like to rock out with my **** out in the verses. Which is probably why I haven't been allowed to play it in a very long time
  17. The landlord of my local once told me he wouldn't book any band that had ever played in one of the other two pubs in town. I then told him he didn't pay enough for me to really give a toss. He is a mate, so he took it in the spirit it was intended luckily. It's true though... although there's only one other pub in town now, and it's sh!t.
  18. [quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1420759124' post='2653252'] I like the approach of using the little finger - why didn't I think of that myself d'oh! [/quote] No good for me, I have calluses on all my fingers and thumbses from my various stupid techniques on various stupid instruments. am often laughed at when seen trying to work my phone with the side of one of my fingers. Damn you modern world.....
  19. I don't like special edition box sets as a rule. But I really want that one now.
  20. They're ruining the guitars as well in their defence. See, somebody has scribbled on the new Les paul headstocks...
  21. [size=3] It would be this one, but I suspect it would survive anything, so i might not bother[/size] [size=3] [/size]
  22. Turns out Saturdays last ever gig with the current fiddle player has been upgraded to whole band's last ever gig [size=3](which I kind of expected/planned for) [/size] Am considering retiring for a bit now.
  23. I regularly gig round Exeter with either a P copy I got for 30 quid 25 years ago, or a 150 quid harley benton upright, and occasionally the ibanez I got for a tenner off ebay and rebuilt with cheapy bits off an old kay (fretless it is now) all through a harley benton amp (just short of £200 for 500w). And i am &*^%ing awesome, ask anyone.
  24. Spent the last couple of years clawing my bands down from 5 to 1 (yay Doors reference) Am hoping to claw all the way down to zero for a bit before too much longer.
  25. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1410189706' post='2546950'] He says there's no more major acts anymore but he's forgetting Foo Fighters, who are a major stadium band now as are the Chilli's . There's plenty other rock acts that have not had enough time to become legendary. I always liked Kiss and Gene, but he's becoming a bit of a knob with these outbursts and statements! [/quote] I'm mostly with you on this, but it's worth remembering that both of those bands have been going for more than 20 years now, it's like defending the 90s with Black Sabbath and Deep Purple (both of whom did do albums in the 90s, and no, none of them were good).
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