Hello, been lurking for ages on here, thought it was about time I posted and said hello.
Been playing for years, mostly just dabbled on bass until about 3 years ago when the call hit me as I was standing in for a mate, as their bass player wasn't around, felt the low end through my knees, and have barely touched a guitar, keyboard, banjo or mandolin since.
Playing in 3 bands at the moment, in the hopes that they will supplement my meagre income, just about works. Difficult to do down here in deepest darkest Devon as well.
Steadfastly standing by my Sunn Mustang as well, played and own other, apparently better basses, but that one just keeps sounding and feeling better. Knowing that this is a british site, there'll be more people who know what I'm talking about here (in regards to my Mustang) than on that other bass site, I've been known to hang out on.
Anyhow, hello, I am the master of the very cheap gear.
Sunn Mustang P-copy, had it since 1989 on and off, quite a few changes here and there, still my main bass, love it. Oh, and my GK backline 600 and ancient Laney PA cabs.
Tokai Rockinbetter, with seymour duncan humbuckers and a hipshot bridge, never before posted pic, only shot of it with the hipshot.
The mighty Dave bass, 1983 Ibanez roadstar bean bass, with a generic P-neck from ebay, and a pair of Kent Armstrong soapbars in it, had to do a bit of routing to get it to work, and I never did finish that refinish either.
Jazz fretless, made of many, many cheap bits I got here and there. Still on phase 2, phase 3 may never happen, constant project bass.
And here's me with my collection stacked in the living room during the recent freezing weather. Had to come in from the garage/studio for a week or two, how happy was the wife?