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Dave Vader

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Posts posted by Dave Vader

  1. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1380893190' post='2232030']
    They're only 60 or 120W - absolutely no problem putting a plug onto these.

    I think you want to place the heater as low as possible and allow the principle of hot air rising help dry the room out.

    I reckon your best long term solution is going to be building a false floor on top of the existing concrete one and ensuring you have a couple of airbricks venting the void beneath it.

    Yep, I may resort to this eventually, only problem I have with that at the moment is that I already whack the ceiling with the scroll of my EUB as it is, so the more height i can keep the better. But I expect it'll be the next project once I've finished with the actual house.

    [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1380897533' post='2232129']
    Hi mate

    As I do this for a living do you want me to do a specification for you ?

    oooooohhhh, I don't know what one of those is, but I think i want one Gav? Is it free? Cos if it is then I do.
    Thanks mate.

  2. Right, I now have my extractor fan (the one that Dave linked to earlier) and my greenhouse heater (one of those tubey ones like this [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121067066775?var=420122285822&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121067066775?var=420122285822&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649[/url]) and a little thermostat plug thingy for it.

    Here are some more questions, sorry. Is it ok to wire these things onto plugs and stick them in the 4-way gangers that I have attached to the walls, rather than wiring them into the mains with switches? The mains goes through some sensible fuses already, and the gangers are surge protected.

    And then... please see diagram

    The gaps in the walls at top and bottom represent the holes that pass as air vents. The numbers 1 2 and 3 are possible places to mount the fan, number 1 would seem to make sure that airflow is maximised (which is what I want) but would have to be half way down the wall, and i would think it would be better at the top, sucking out the hottest air. If it were in positions 2 or 3, it would be at the top, and much easier to install there, but would it mean that the airflow didn't work as well, and the venting would be all messed up (am I really over thinking this?)

    And the red cross shows the one bit of the room where I can probably safely put the greenhouse heater, about halfway up the wall, it's in the cob bit so should be a chuckle. is this optimum, or will I be giving myself more problems here?

    Thanks for any advice chaps, I really am crappy at this, and don't want to get it wrong.

  3. Genuinely, why would you buy this?


    I am unsure, I suspect there are proper reasons for it though.

  4. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1380737277' post='2229833']

    I deal with this guy, great service [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cleartone-6445-Nickel-Plated-EMP-Treated-Bass-strings-45-105-/370627957370?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item564b25d27a"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item564b25d27a[/url]

    Best of luck with the eczema mate, I have it too.

    Might get a set of these for my Rick, it sounds nice with rounds, but they are a bit rough, and i've got used to flats, and all the rounds I've used die too quickly under my acid sweat. Also it doesn't get used much, so a new set every time it comes out of the case seems a massive waste of money.

    I get filthy sweat rash between my fingers after very hot gigs, not eczema, would be interesting to see if gloves cured that or made it worse.....

    Cheers Nige, good stuff.

  5. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1380719489' post='2229472']
    Form a supergroup with Pete Townshend, if he is acquitted. What other band members can they have?

    If not acquitted, form supergroup with [font=Arial,Helvetica]Tripp Eisen, and the drummer from Judas Priest.[/font]

    Matthew kelly and Rolf harris (fingers crossed)

  6. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1380646133' post='2228412']
    it's not the end of the world.
    [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1380661437' post='2228743']

    I know, but this is a music forum, and they are a pretty popular band, so it's worth a mention at least.



  7. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1380650342' post='2228513']
    I've often seen Precisions where the pup is screwed almost flush to the body on the E and G sides. Needs to be far higher!

    Depends on the pickup/player. My 2 ps have utterly different heights to achieve a fairly similar sound.

    One is flush on the E/G sides, t'other is very far from it.

  8. I found the plastic ones bad fitting as well, but then I heated one up with a lighter for a bit, and then wrapped it round my thumb, and it's much more comfortable now after reshaping.

    I know this isn't what you asked, but another option if you can't find one.

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