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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1364295314' post='2024372'] Buy a squier when you arrive in croatia, play gig. Sell squire, leave Will probably work out cheaper [/quote] Yep, I'm off to Brazil at the end of the year on weeks tour, if the promoters don't want to hire me a bass at the other end, I am chucking my bitsa P fretless (which cost less than a 100 anyway) in my ABS case, and hoping for the best. If it dies, it dies. Not risking my very very cheap EUB in the hold, and a hard case for it would cost more than it's worth.
  2. I like [i]my[/i] "fender"s. Not desperately obsessed by Fenders in particular, same as I like my Rickalike, and other stuff. If other people don't like my instruments that's fine, I don't make them play them. My favourite bass is made of so many different basses that there is only one in the world, it is mine, and I doubt anybody else would like it, in fact most people who have tried it have variously described it as "an unplayable piece of crap" "a lump of driftwood and rust" and "what the f**k is that thing?" but I love it. I tend to stick with the axiom, if it sounds good and plays good, it is good. There is so much variety just in the narrow field of MIA P-Basses/stratocasters etc. etc. that you can't pick them that way that easily. I need to listen to more Soft Machine btw....
  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1370553492' post='2102765'] all I will say on this matter is number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine number nine [/quote] Best thing the Beatles ever did, bar none, set everyone up to do sampling and tape loops, and cool stuff. not the first to do it, but certainly the first mainstream act to do it. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1370561867' post='2102906'] There are highs and lows in pop music. There are exceptions of course, but in general... Highs -- Big band era, late 60's, early 70's, scattered 80's. Lows, The 50's, 2000's Look at the Billboard Top 100. In the late 60's there were about 30 great songs each year. But the 90's there were maybe 3. [/quote] With respect, this is a matter of taste, the 50s had the Elvis, Buddy Holly and Gene Vincent, they were popular, it is pop music. The 80s on the other hand, were utter and complete sh*te for the whole decade. (Just going for a sweeping generalisation, thought that was what we were doing?)
  4. If you are desperate, PM me your dates, and venues, and a set list, and I'll see if I can manage them.
  5. also Brian Johnson, Paul Rodgers.... Robert Plant is not the same as was (he has altered stylistically to his changing voice) but still not as bad as the awkward mumblings I witnessed at Ian Anderson's show, which I was really looking forward to, Thick as a Brick is maybe my favourite album ever.... I may have had unreasonable expectations, I will accept that...
  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1370518848' post='2102072'] I was wondering last night if The Beatles are responsible for a lot of the mediocrity in mainstream pop, much like Led Zep are for rock bands. No conclusions were reached [/quote] Owch, you will get replies now Nige, i reckon...
  7. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1370517809' post='2102048'] Really? I saw it in Cardiff & thought it was bloody great. [/quote] Must have been a bad night when I saw it then, Ian's voice is a shell of what it was, and I found myself wishing he would stop trying, and let that other lad he brought in sing the whole thing instead.
  8. Still want a Jazz with a reverse precision neck on it and a dodgy hippy paint job. That's Glenn Cornick's fault that is. Saw Anderson doing the Thick as a Brick show at a festival last year, it was not great. i was sad. First 3 Tull albums are utterly sublime. Reissue of Stand Up on CD has LITP on it as well.
  9. watermelon in easter hay is sobbingly brilliant. If it doesn't make you cry you are wired wrong I am a bit drunk, so this is affecting my judgement, sorry.
  10. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1370370236' post='2099893'] Willie Shakespeare said it all, IMHO. [b]Polonius:[/b] Neither a borrower nor a lender be, For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.[url="http://www.enotes.com/hamlet-text/act-i-scene-iii#ham-1-3-79"]Hamlet Act 1, scene 3, 75–77[/url] [/quote] Yeah, but he got stabbed behind a curtain, and had a name that sounds like a nasty STD. I always felt bad for him and his miserable daughter.
  11. nice clang-stick
  12. Sunrise festival from Sunday Afternoon, I was much happier than my face was at this point..... Also really pleased to find the supplied backline was an old-school H+H, lots of fun.
  13. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1370335871' post='2099160'] Well, I think you're absolutely wrong -- not because I disagree with your opinion, but that you're saying I'm doing things that I am not doing. Your claim is simply erroneous. I never ONCE said I thought someone was wrong for liking someone I didn't care for. Not ONCE. In fact, I've said quite the opposite. Maybe you have me confused with someone else. [/quote] [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1370334012' post='2099138'] I don't see this in any way as comparable to the Beatles argument. To me, there's no argument there. The Beatles took pop music and made it high art and changed everything about it. The way it was played, the way it was sung, harmonized, composed, arranged. Every bass player has been influenced by McCartney -- whether they admit it or not and weather they even know it or not. Hell, you can say that about Harrison, Lennon and Ringo's playing. You can't say any of that about Zappa. (......) But that's subjective. [/quote]
  14. I like that he once said his next record would only be audible to dogs.
  15. I saw this documentary a while back on the telly, it was both interesting and informative for Zappa fans. I bought myself a new copy of over-nite sensation for listening to in the car on the back of it. Also, I like grandiose and silly, along with all the rest of it. *ignoring the undercurrents*
  16. He is surprisingly entertaining when not singing. as is mr Blunt
  17. yep, you're not wrong. i really must get to one of your gigs soon.
  18. hmmm..... might not take the studio apart just yet then.....
  19. I like to have something to lean on.
  20. Sunny afternoon gig at Sunrise festival, fookin' ace.
  21. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1370211285' post='2097744'] Cool beans! I was in that very room a couple months back meself, who was your DJ Dave? [/quote] Mr James Santer, nice lad. made me feel old. I see you're playing with Lisa and her Kate tribute now sprocket, how's that going?
  22. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1370125240' post='2096836'] I got a vote, thanks Dave if it was you, if it wasn't thanks who ever. [/quote] It was, you're welcome, i really liked it.
  23. On iPlayer now, skip to about 52:30 for our session, there's a little gap in the middle where they play some other stuff, but once you've heard 3 of our tracks and some pointless blether from us, then you've heard it all. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p018sz05"]http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p018sz05[/url]
  24. I know it's finished but I only just got the time to vote, and I couldn't vote for Paul cos I knew he'd already won. And I knew it didn't count, but I did it anyway. Nice work guys, it's the listens that matter, not the winning.
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