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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1370116306' post='2096691'] Probably a step up from buying GG Allin's old microphone. [/quote] we need the like button back for this one. And Lemmy used a fair few rickenfakers at one point, could well be his still. Hope John Hall tries to kill it though.
  2. what they all said. I can usually find a workable sound from any amp I find in front of me. Very long lead, walk out front on the soundcheck and you will realise it's much nicer than you think. I was frustrated with an amp I had for ages, then I loaned it to a local festival for the weekend, and out in the audience it sounded bloody lovely. And then I sold it to Marvin.....
  3. You know that guy that pushes through everyone to get past the tall buggers saying "scuse me, thank you, scuse me, thank you" a lot, and then turns out to be 6' 2" and wearing a big hat? Yeah, that's me, sorry.
  4. and I've just remembered I have a bottle of Laphroaig hanging around somewhere for special occasions, this might be one now.....
  5. [quote name='BottomE' timestamp='1370086280' post='2096310'] Just given up the fags so looking for inspiration here. Got some electronic thingies charging in the USB right now and a gig tonight so will see how it pans out. Used to like a Jamaican Woodbine so just bought a bullet pipe to ingest that type of stuff. Oh, and always a black coffee and a few fingers of brandy/armagnac... [/quote] I'm on the robofags too mate. Very happy with them, and less likely to die now hopefully. I tend to go with a tin of cider from the fridge, or whatever booze is lying around, a puff on the robofag (used to be proper ones, miss them a bit/lot) and try to find some lovely old grey whistle test stuff on BBC4 to watch. Missus still can't understand why I can't just go to sleep like normal person might.
  6. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1370031275' post='2095898'] The only reason for not putting flatwounds on any bass, fretted or not, is that you don't like flats for one reason or another. I have flats on everything. [/quote] Me too, I also slap them sometimes. They sound larrygrahameriffic.
  7. It was on earlier, sounded better than I remember it being. Which is always nice.
  8. [quote name='megallica' timestamp='1369999060' post='2095337'] I still love Nirvana's Nevermind album but there was something a bit too out of character and calculated about Metallica's Black Album that spoiled things for me. [/quote] The fact that it was pretty bloody terrible and yet had loads of people fawning over it was what spoiled the black album for me. I went to Donington 91 just to see Metallica, and came away as a massive AC/DC fan and haven't really listened to much 'tallica since.
  9. Also the fact that Nevermind sounded all polished and shiny, rather than the terrifying gutteral screech of brilliance that is Bleach, that didn't help. I am no longer 14 so I don't in reality mind about selling out. But a lot of bands do peak, and then go a bit dull. At the moment, I am being disappointed by Laura marling's new album, which is a bit pony. And some others that I was hoping for more from, Vampire Weekend started well a few years back, and are now unsufferably annoying. Also don't like the new Daft Punk stuff much either, might be some weird switch in my head. I didn't love early Muse, and I don't like them now. So I'm fine with that.
  10. I am upset that I was conned into voting for Skol by this terrifying anonymity. He needs no more help at winning stuff and were it not that the result went the other way, I would be calling for him to be barred from entry. Unless I didn't, can't really remember which way i voted.
  11. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1369933387' post='2094670'] I usually get the greatest 'fanboy' click with bands/artists that I feel I've discovered for myself, rather than those I've encountered via regular media. It's not always that simple, but a sense of having uncovered something special for myself is a big part of it. If my friends or partner happen to pull a face of dislike at my newfound fandom, then that only serves to reinforce it even more! That's when my undying teenage rebellion kicks in... [/quote] I think you may be my northern doppelganger Paul I don't really do fanboi anymore for anyone. I got bored of the Residents a few albums ago,and they were my last obsession. Probably because I discovered them by buying one of their albums by mistake (was looking for the replacements and couldn't remember the name) Interestingly I gave the album that I considered had killed them off (animal lover, if you're interested) another spin the other day, and suddenly got it, it is just as good, and I have some catching up to do. I do recall as a teenager deciding to stop liking bands if I saw my brother in one of their T-shirts (he is a cultural barometer of what is overly popular, and therefore unacceptable to be seen to enjoy), and thus went Nirvana....
  12. Currently I can play well enough for my own gigging and playing needs. So I don't practice unless I'm messing about on some instrument or another for fun/keeping my fingers hard enough to gig with. I am aware of the theories that one needs to practice all the time to be great, but I aspire to mediocrity and have achieved it. It leaves me time to do useful things, like drink cider, read books and listen to residents records.
  13. You need to talk to these people. If they know you're narked about it, they may be more understanding/helpful. If they aren't then toddle off and find better people to play with. You are a bass player with a van, you should never be without a gig (desperately trying to work out who you are btw )
  14. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1369923733' post='2094508'] I feel your pain mate - I'm doing exactly the same myself at the moment. Managed to safely stash my record collection with relatives so there's no chance of any vinyl getting purged in the great clean-out. Although back issues of old music magazines might have to go the way of the recycling bin as a compromise. I'm a terrible hoarder - as is Mrs Skol - so it's not an easy process! [/quote] I constantly feel better that Mrs Vader is a far worse hoarder than me. We do have the very helpful advantage that my friend Rowan lives 2 doors up from the new place, and has a converted barn in the back garden where we are stashing stuff.
  15. and I have to do everything standing up now Mark, if I sit down i can't get back up again....
  16. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1369925859' post='2094539'] PS: I'm jealous of your upright! [size=2]...that sounds more rude than intended.[/size] [/quote] Exactly the right amount of rude i reckon. (and it was not expensive, no need for jealousy)
  17. Thanks all, I think I had to say flip, and duck a few times, but might have got away with it.
  18. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1369915417' post='2094374'] Cheers Dave! Hope the house move is going alright mate. [/quote] Ages to go yet... Forgotten there was a move at the end of it, there's a general sieving of the enormous amount of stuff we own going on at the moment. Therapeutic, but difficult. Ta.
  19. just bookmarking the thread, back later....
  20. silly busy again, managed to squeeze in the mix comp last thursday night and voted there. Hoping to grab a spare half hour in the next day or so to do this one as well.
  21. So we nipped in and recorded a bunch of songs and an interview last night, ready for broadcast Saturday Night 8-10 on BBC Radio Devon, for anyone who is down here and listens to it, and is able to do such a thing on a saturday night. I think it gets iPlayered as well. Which it would have to really, what sort of music fan is sat at home listening to the radio on a saturday night? Not one with a wife and kids badgering him to watch the telly, and not a young single type who'd be out on the town either. Anyway, I digress, here's a shot of us in the studio last night doing some songs. Was rather fun. And doing the inevitable and always painful (remember not to say f***, remember not to say f***) interview.
  22. i think we need to go for 9/8 for the Cmaj, 6/8 for the Gmaj, a cheeky spot of 5/4 for the Dmaj and an unexpectedly bland bit of 4/4 on the Amin. Time changes are fun.
  23. Nope, you can find out what the resistance is, but that won't tell you which is better sadly. Only playing them can do that.
  24. Yep, although to be fair, I would have been unlikely to run into and become friends with the 2 16 year olds in my current band, what with being 20 years older than them. Some people I've been in bands with however, really no, really really... BRX has the right of it.
  25. [quote name='Greggo' timestamp='1369740089' post='2092102'] Thats interesting that the SG liked it but Strat didnt - arent SG's shorter scale? [/quote] Yeah, but I think it's more to do with the glued in neck construction, and the silly high power humbuckers I've got in it. I've had other SGs that didn't like it either, and the strat I just set up for my friend and neighbour was very happy going super low. Just not if i was playing it. No hard and fast rules, if it is nice then it is nice, if it's not, change it.
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