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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. I like that he polished the frets....
  2. wasn't there once a drummer who might have been at the wrong gig?
  3. [quote name='dlloyd' timestamp='1367404013' post='2065114'] Can it make a cup of tea? (Earl Grey, Hot) [/quote]
  4. Or you are an originals band and you need to write interesting catchy material with input from everybody. That takes longer you know.
  5. Or whether we liked Thatcher or not...
  6. Or if a custom made bass with expensive woods will be utterly brilliant, or a waste of money making up for a lack of talent
  7. perhaps we could find out if a J bass or a P bass is the better design as well?
  8. i quite like him, fairly ambivalent I suppose, count me in the on the fence crowd
  9. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1367396113' post='2064977'] Re-tune? That would imply we've tuned in the first place. We get the occasional free beer. Actually, we do get some paid gigs, but the dosh goes into general side funds and pays for stuff like rehearsal space, publicity materials and the squire's yacht. [/quote] Hmm... free beer you say... tempting...
  10. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1367336990' post='2064404'] Except for the bit about singing, and the fact that it's guys [b]and[/b] girls, that's pretty much the way our morris band works. [/quote] I was going for the generic "you guys" kind, 21st century. It is now unisex. Might join a morris side, what's the dough like?
  11. Thanks Dingus, now if anyone checks my history at work I have anal center parcs in there..... They'll think I've got boring in my old age
  12. Owch, btw, can somebody make ebay stop telling me how many people are watching these items an hour, it is a pain in the arse...
  13. If I take my dog to every gig, can I blame it on her? She has about 3millions worth of PLI in her insurance policy for some reason.
  14. Only one in the world... thank f&^k for that.... Hows the intonation on that thing?
  15. I've run a line from the aux out of a mixer into a crappy guitar practice amp to pacify a drummer before. Everyone has that tiny thing they started out with hiding in the house somewhere. You can't give them away (I have tried). Cheap option?
  16. As a wish list it's good. I have a wish list of a bunch of guys, probably enough for 2 and a half bands, all knowing the same set, and claiming to be the same band (mostly deppy types) who can throw a line-up together on short notice, not have to turn up if they don't fancy it and still keep a full schedule without upsetting anyone. Preferably all multi-instrumentalists, so that switching is easy, and all able to sing well enough to cover pubby things. That way commitment isn't an issue, and the whole thing is relaxed and nice. It will never happen though.
  17. I would like to spend all my time lying on the sofa, puffing away on my cyber-fag, reading a book and drinking wine. Sadly my liver (and my wife) think i should do something a little less destructive with my time, and I'm not bad at this music malarkey either.
  18. 2 gigs a week and no full-time job. They better be very nice paying gigs. I can see all your points Den, I just think you may have to drop a few of them to get answers. I would have gone for the ad, except that I don't want to work that much anymore, and don't like exclusivity clauses. 10 years ago though, like a shot (and with a fake sticker on my guitar amp claiming it's only 15 watts)
  19. I don't know who made it, but the one I nicked from the bastards who nicked my guitar strap back in about '93 still works, so get one of them.
  20. Tell him to chill out and maybe not rant in public about being let down by helpful people who are doing him a favour for, as i understand it, nothing in return. Not terribly professional in my opinion. I would have backed away slowly by now, not taking my eyes off him for a minute....
  21. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1367280430' post='2063742'] I used to sell Studiomaster kit back in the 80's. Absolutely fabulous kit that I'm still seeing used some 30 years later. [/quote] Oh, I have an old Studiomaster 16 channel desk that I was thinking of offloading (only 2 aux outputs though so no good to the OP) might keep it now. It is from the 80s....
  22. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1367270494' post='2063627'] I do it for the cash, the birds, the booze, the drugs, the violence, the guns... and the laughter. [/quote] I'm still a bit goth, I don't laugh. and we do it so we can get free tickets to festivals in the summertime, cos we can't afford to go otherwise. And it is cool when you bump into somebody you know there and tell them to come see your band in the teenytiny tent you're in. Or opening the main stage on the saturday (at Sunrise this year, just saying....)
  23. Congrats, you never need to tune your bass again, just slide around until you find the right note, and take it from there....
  24. [quote name='grumble' timestamp='1367276878' post='2063695'] Does MDP know you have nicked his headstock decal ? Or is he your luthier ? [/quote] I have a pen, and I don't like blank spaces.... MDP nicked every idea I ever had. i remember reading ages ago that Brian May gave Yngwie Malmsteen a go on the Red Special itself. And Yngwie still sounded like Yngwie. And that guitar is about as one-off as you are ever going to get.
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