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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. I think you could spend your entire life listening to music 24/7 and still not be able to hear everything ever produced up to this point in time. I think a lot of it would be sh*t though. I'd rather hear stuff that is being created now as well as old stuff really. Are they really stopping music then?
  2. Paul done a bit of work for me, super nice guy, really good work.
  3. i love these strings, I use the 50-100s as well, on pretty much all my basses. Right price for me, and just bright enough.
  4. Oh I just did a quick search for Hondos on ebay, and nearly all the ones I found have been butchered by Basschat's favourite self-styled guitar improver. w***er..... he's been replacing the dimarzios with cheap sh*t single coils.
  5. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1361654887' post='1988996'] there's absolutely no doubt some Hondos had DiMarzios in. I have a Sounds book of the Electric Guitar which has a picture and review of a white one, detachable neck. With DMarzios as standard. I even vaguely remember little "powered by DiMarzio" stickers on them in the shops. I've a friend with one and the top it slightly hollow - even Gibson are chambering their Les Pauls these days, maybe they got their idea from Hondo.... It plays just fine as I recall [/quote] I liked the hollow tops, it gave good feedback. My first one had a replacement neck made by a luthier friend of mine and was utterly lovely. Until I drowned the pickups in sweat at too many gigs and the neck one died, then that lovely neck snapped for no good reason, and I never found another one that played the same. So I now nick the pickups and put them in epiphones.
  6. will sit down with some proper speakers and a bottle of wine later, have a good listen and then vote.
  7. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1361578903' post='1988019'] Haha, I'll keep it in mind, but I don't think its going anywhere! As soon as we get over house-move chaos and I'm settled in to my new music room in the loft the Mustang is the first one getting finished, I've got nothing with single coils for gigging at the mo so looking forward to getting it done. So did that model in your pic always come with the DiMarzios as standard Dave? I've seen a few and I'm very tempted. It's a Deluxe 740 isn't it? [/quote] I don't know the model name sadly, but they did all come with the Dimarzios as standard. Every Hondo 2 i have found with black humbuckers (and a couple of cream ones) did. I just hope I'm not shooting myself in the foot letting people know, cos they might go up in price if everyone finds out. Never seen a cherry red and black one without them. I did once see one with a set neck as well, but I was skint and missed out.
  8. [quote name='mike257' timestamp='1361536400' post='1987093'] The voice on ny other shoulder tells me it'll go on the project pile with the Epi Les Paul Special II I've been planning to convert to a Junior for years and the Sunn Mustang I still need to find a bridge for! [/quote] First dibs on the mustang when you decide you need space.
  9. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361313548' post='1984571'] hah, I saw Warrant supporting Dave Lee Roth, they were funny. [/quote] Heh, shame faced admission, I went to see the same tour, in Shepton Mallet, we went to see warrant.... DLR was better, but I only realised that AFTERWARDS. Did a similar thing around the same time at Donington when I went to see metallica, and left as a confirmed AC/DC fan. I was very young..... As to Zep, I would love to see them live, but will probably be unable to afford it/unwilling to pay that much. Pagey was always ropey live, but that's what's good about it, and Jason is a killer drummist, and more than up to the job of playing his dad's lines. I do not want a slick live show full of lights, I want to see Jimmy Page shuffle about and occasionally stick his hand out at a theremin to make a weird noise. Preferably in massive black flares. If you don't like it, don't go. Fairly simple.
  10. Years ago, when I was still playing guitar, we rolled up to a multi band gig, and the headliners had agreed to share all their gear. I plugged into the guitar players marshall 8080 valvestate (the amp of choice for all tossers in the early 90s, hateful things) and as usual cranked the gain and dropped the master so I could get my happy squealy feedbacky noises out of it. Perfectly safe, pretty normal and standard for the time. He apparently moaned about me for months afterwards, and always looked at me like I had had a go on his girlfriend after that when I showed up to a gig (later on I did, but that's not important) He was a super clean sound funk player, and had no understanding of the workings of his own amp. He was also a tosser for never actually bringing it up with me, as I would have explained to him that that is why you have a dirty channel on your amp. So it's sometimes the lendees that are dicks.
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361301883' post='1984245'] Thanks for the link Dave, I'm certainly going to write to my MP - Jim Dowd. I do actually get replies from the man, so you never know. [/quote] Hooray, no worries, I got myself onto a couple of ecig forums, and having resisted GAS on here for many years, I have now spent a fortune on shiny things that I can vape. Bugger....
  12. [quote name='urb' timestamp='1361007297' post='1979608'] Any thoughts feedback on [url="https://soundcloud.com/munkio/trippy-tundra-oslos-revenge"]my tune[/url] would be massively appreciated - I have no idea whether I've suceeded in getting something half decent together or if it sucks big time - thanks again Mike [/quote] Managed to find a few minutes to listen to this (apologies to everyone else, Mike asked really nicely will squeeze you all in later) I really like it, beautifully insane, I like the drum and bassy beats towards the end. It's like Charles Mingus in a dubstep tent. Which is a good thing.
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1361286461' post='1983921'] So true. But the joy nazis are trying to get e-fags banned in public because 'it looks like smoking' and would apparently corrupt weak-willed teenagers and make them smoke real fags for some reason. Which is patently ridiculous - they're too busy huffing glue. [url="http://www.vapestick.co.uk/e-cigs-banned.html"]http://www.vapestick...igs-banned.html[/url] [/quote] True, we are clearly weak addicts and this is much too easy a solution and will stop too many people from actually dying. But what can you do? This... http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/legislation-news/368593-eu-draft-tobacco-products-directive-who-write-what-say-short-guide.html I wish to ban diabetics from shooting up in public, as it makes me and everyone I know want to get &^$%ed up on skag.
  14. [quote name='fumps' timestamp='1361275263' post='1983630'] I do like a drink but really my mortagage comes first. Seems like an odd thing to add but I'm hoping for the live music scene may get better with the advent of the e-cigarette [/quote] I would like a mortgage but the drink comes first And the e-cigarette is a wonderful thing, it has made my life a billion times better. I dont mind taking it outside (and a lot of places really don't get it yet) but it is lovely to be back propping up the bar with a drink in one hand and a "fag" in the other.
  15. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1361219348' post='1983093'] Mmmm, it seems to be. Loads of people speed and drink drive because they think they won't get caught. You're right, people do have a strong sense of morals. [/quote] Not quite, I have been known to drive home at 65 miles an hour after a couple of pints of cider because I'm pretty sure it's safe. Legality and morality are not the same thing at all.
  16. I like gear share gigs. It is easier for the engineers, the changeover times etc. etc. The worst experience I ever had with a gear share was last year at a festival, I lugged my amp all the way from the car park across fields of mud (having been told there was no backline, fair enough, that's why I bought a tiny amp that is nice and easy to carry) since the "roads" between stage areas were now just bogs. I got there dragged my little amp on stage, and began to hook it up, when the lovely sound guy pointed at an ampeg 6x10 and Orange Bass Terror on the stage and said "do you not want to use that then mate?" to which I obviously said, "by golly yes I would." I then lugged the bloody thing all the way back to the car park, and didn't use it, got it spattered with mud, and gave myself a backache for absolutely nothing. Bugger. BTW, if I am ever in an amp-share with you, do not be afraid, I rarely touch the controls, as long as I can hear it, I let the sound guy do the tone twiddling, as my bass tends to sound the same whatever rig it goes through.
  17. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1360954815' post='1979074'] I like that! Very catchy. [/quote] Thanks man, I was worried it was going to get too long and complicated and never end, but then it shrank. Will listen to everyone else's stuff when I get back from Surrey next week.
  18. [url="https://soundcloud.com/plastic-squirrel/the-rola-cola-polar-bear"]https://soundcloud.com/plastic-squirrel/the-rola-cola-polar-bear[/url] Boom, and I'm in, didn't think I'd get it done, and then I did. There were some problems involving a crappy old PC refusing to load the VSTs as I ran out of RAM, but I got round them. ADT wouldn't load, so a little cloning and shifting on the vocal tracks, sadly the SM58 is rubbish for studio recording, as is my voice at the moment (well most of the time to be honest) None of my analogue synth VSTs would load either, so I had to use my Roland D110 for the synth sounds, that actually worked out alright in the end. Anyhow, it is done.... And I am in.
  19. Did I mention I am incredibly lazy and haven't got round to it yet?
  20. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1360836029' post='1977073'] Ace!! Pics please? [/quote] Squint at the profile pic, it's that one.
  21. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKo17FJo9p8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKo17FJo9p8[/url] this....
  22. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1360787521' post='1976607'] Do you really want Basschat : The Magnolia Edition? [/quote] Yes, if it has the cool bit where it rains frogs.
  23. I keep getting compliments over my batman bass. They will stop if i take the batman sticker off from over the harley benton logo.
  24. soapy tit w*nk (my favourite post of the whole beatles thread btw, and i think it was aimed at me as well) You're all a massive bag of tw@ts btw.
  25. are we still doing this?
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