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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. You know how much you liked old Ibanez blazer/roadstar basses? Well, guess what? The old pre-84 Ibby RS and Blazers are flipping brilliant, total strat-killers. One of my very favourite geetars is an Ibanez SB-70 from 1982. I gutted it and put P90s in it, but it was good enough before that. (Rare as rocking-horse s^&t though it would seem) feels more solid and sounds more massive than fenders do, and you can get a gibsonish squeal out of it too. Neck decently chunky, and sound halfway between a tele and an SG.
  2. If only people would sell the modded ones on at a reasonable price, I'd quite like an old 70s fender (passed on loads back in the 90s when they were cheap) and would bugger about with it myself cos that's what i do to instruments. But the buggers on the bay put them out as rare and collectable and still over a grand. Not nice... (P.S. don't PM me with you modded fenders, I'm really skint and currently GAS free)
  3. Ok, so after months of wrangling, the girl who's backing group I have been in for the last year (Maz Totterdell) decided she didn't want to be a solo artist anymore, so she made us into a real band, called it Carnivala! And went for a whole new swinging gypsy sound. Ironically she then decided to put up a cover as the first track to introduce us to the public. She must still be in charge then. here's the first track we're giving up from the 3 track demo we just finished making (at Valvetastic Studios in Exeter, in case you're interested) Thoughts? [url="https://soundcloud.com/carnivala/tetris/"]https://soundcloud.c...rnivala/tetris/[/url]
  4. here's the new project, Maz Totterdell (who's backing group I have been in for the last year) decided she didn't like being a solo artist, so she made us into a band, here it is.. http://www.facebook.com/Carnivala (P.S. Holy thread revival batman!)
  5. Newly relaunched band page... https://soundcloud.com/carnivala/
  6. Haven't stopped yet, been nearly 12 hours. This is fun Reminds me of the 90s (which i don't remember)
  7. Equally, the handle fell of the hard case for my Stratocaster. it was fine. unlike the time the boot of the car popped open and it slid down bridge st (anyone from Bideford will know where i mean) and got it's now famous relic finish..... No case that time.
  8. [quote name='Lowender' timestamp='1360081530' post='1964537'] Unless your instrument is being thrown in a truck by roadies or in a cargo cabin of a plane, I see no reason to use a hard case. That's one less hand you have to get your gear in and out of the gig in one shot. [/quote] You've never had the drummer put your basses in the van have you?
  9. I done mine with gaffa tape. Did the job nicely, and is reversible. (I also now have gaffa tape when I need it)
  10. [quote name='Lee Carter' timestamp='1360077697' post='1964458'] Nah, folk you have to wake up just as the day is dawning, blues it can be 11:59 and it still counts. [/quote] Ha ha! And I stand corrected.
  11. Have you tried the time honoured method of waking up one morning? (Also works for folk)
  12. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1360069089' post='1964261'] I've always worked on the principal that if I can't still remember an idea the following day, it wasn't worth remembering. [/quote] I did when I was 15, but now I can barely remember my own name Seriously though, while many of the ideas turn out to be crap, there are the odd little gems in there that I wuold never have remembered. I also found a crappy old 4 track tape a year or so ago, which I had sketched out some ideas on back in about 97, I had forgotten every bloody note of it, and if it hadn't been my voice on there I would have assumed it was somebody else's tape. From the quality of the playing I had definitely done this at about 3 in the morning after a major nights drinking, but the guts of it were really good. Reworked the whole thing and got a really great track out of it.
  13. This thread is making me feel guilty for having excess basses. I only have 4... I only need 2. And yet I never feel bad about the 15 guitars...
  14. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1360070695' post='1964299'] Why [b]am [/b]I me and not someone else? [/quote] I am someone else, it's a lot of fun.
  15. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1360067258' post='1964207'] I do, but I'm not as prolific as I'd like to be. I have a bunch of ideas that I've put down but haven't got round to actually concentrating on doing them. It's always useful to have something to scribble ideas down on. That's something I don't seem to have these days - a smartphone is OK for some things but I can't type on one as quickly as I can scribble. I do have more chance of reading it later though. [/quote] I thought that, and then realised that my phone has a voice notes recorder. I now spend a lot of time humming and singing into my phone when i am out walking the dog. I look mental, but I no longer forget good ideas.
  16. nice to see they've paid attention to Mr Phillips though, single coil at the neck (for blues) and a humbucker at the bridge (for metal)
  17. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1359987464' post='1962977'] I used to have one of those as well but it used to annoy the hell out of me when it blew over my face. [/quote] Big hat.
  18. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1359988581' post='1963009'] You had hypnotherapy to forget the whole thing, and then changed your number apparently. [/quote] makes sense now. I only use the plastic bags to wind up people who are easily wound up. I have proper cases. I like to turn up to gigs with my '56 Hofner in a bin bag, that always amuses....
  19. Drill a diddy hole in it, screw a big old screw in there til it becomes a new head. You can now tighten the truss (you can't ever loosen it again mind) but does work.
  20. [quote name='lettsguitars' timestamp='1359987525' post='1962980'] My old bassist always carried his leads, fx etc around in a plastic carrier bag. Used to make the drummer soooo mad 'I see you've got your little carrier bag with you. Get yourself a f***in rucksack. Loser!' is what he would say from time to time. [/quote] I don't remember playing bass for you...
  21. i still really like my EUB and have no inclination to get a real one. Does this make me odd?
  22. but the whammy bar looks like it came off a woolies top twenty guitar from the bad old days. Yuck.
  23. I have found that ever time I get rid of something because I never play it anymore, invariably, a year or so later, a situation comes up where I need exactly that thing, and I have to buy another one. it is frustrating, and the reason that my rickenfaker is still in its case in the garage, waiting for the right gig. That and it owes me more money than I'll ever get back from selling it, and it's really pretty....
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