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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. I clicked vote before i realised I could do more than one rig. Currently use 2x15 (old Laney PA cabs with celestions in, and the horns ripped out) and a 1x10 (harley benton promethean clone) Also have an old Peavey 1x15 combo, and whatever size them 4 speakers in the roland micro-cube are. 2x15 is my favourite, but some of the places I play now it's bigger than the sodding PA system.
  2. nice job, I had similar experiences with refinishing a few years ago, and stumbled over the very same thread you did. Still makes me laugh.
  3. price down to 15 quid type bump. If you're local you can have it for a couple of pints of cider.....
  4. price down to £20 type bump, Really just want the space, feel free to lowball me
  5. Yeah, we got picky I'm afraid. Then we shouted down the singer as it's only a demo, and the real recording later in the year can get done by playing it faster on the f*&^ing takes. Paul did a stand up job though, i was on to the 3rd set of speakers before I spotted it. I would have snuck it through without saying anything if the actual engineer who's been mixing for us hadn't piped up.
  6. The one with the van. (mmm.... chicks with vans.... )
  7. and wanting to keep Mustang Sally in ...... unforgiveable.
  8. Cheers for the clarification xgsjx I got rid of an OC-2 a few years ago, because it didn't do what I wanted it to on my guitar. How ironic, i'll probably have to pay double what I sold it for now to get another one....
  9. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1359376095' post='1953671'] Turn it round. Point out that it was he who joined your band knowing full well what you played - and though you welcome his new ideas and input and will incorporate them as you would your own , on any subject - not just song choice , if he thinks he can walk in and run the show overnight he can f**k right off. He may well chuck his hair gel out of his man bag but that's his problem. Then the rest of you get practising singing and share vocal duties. Bit off effort = more money and no tosser. [/quote] Dave once again has a very good point. Why join a band if you don't like the set list? Also, quite often the guys I meet with all the "experience and contacts" mostly have experience of being fired and if you speak to the contacts, they will roll their eyes and say, "oh christ, not him!" Nip this in the bud before it gets worse, there's a chance he's just hit that age where learning lyrics becomes near impossible as your brain is full of old ones.
  10. That's kind of what I'm after, but post synth for the LFO wobble. So I get a sub wobble underneath it, that would be great. With the direct level up as well, so there are, in effect, two synth sounds going wob wob wob wob wob an octave apart.
  11. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1359367784' post='1953489'] Personally, I'd put the octaver first & then the synth after to affect the octaved sound. But try it both ways & see what you like. [/quote] yeah, but it's a monophonic synth, thus the octave will be rendered useless surely?
  12. You stick the jack plug in the socket on yer bass. Also you stick the strings in through holes. AFAIK there are no bits of the bass that you then stick into other things. Thus it is a she.
  13. Slight hijack, I'm thinking of getting an octaver to go after my bass synth pedal (which does the wobbly LFO thing, so I want the octave after) will this work? Or will it sound shocking?
  14. Voted, all good, tough decision, but threw a fag end at the laptop and picked the one it bounced off (this is a lie).
  15. Never done one, but used other people so I can hear the line properly. So ta peoples.
  16. I thought my bass was ply for many years, owing to an amusing grain pattern and a poorly placed chip in the paint. It's not, I should probably not have told people how good my ply bass was. (Amusingly did the same thing the wrong way round with a pair of stratocasters, still have the solid one) I do have a ply one now though (checked underneath the paint and everything) and it sounds lovely. Weighs a $%^&ing ton, but sounds lovely.
  17. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1359128916' post='1950356'] I have a lot to learn about amps, but at the same time I've never really been disappointed by any amp - including my first one, a Carlsbro Stingray! [/quote] There's one of these in rehearsal place I use (one of the proper old ones with the front port, comes up to your chest nearly) It sounds great. really farty and overdriven without any valves. Not for everyone maybe...
  18. Might be safer, I think that was what I heard first, but was too lazy to boil a kettle and had a lighter to hand... have caught a few on fire before, never tragically though.
  19. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1359125776' post='1950280'] Can I be first? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMWUYMWlEyo[/media] [/quote] awwww.... you beat me....
  20. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1359126931' post='1950310'] [Spoiler] [Spoiler] [Spoiler] [Spoiler] [Spoiler] [Spoiler] [Spoiler] [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [/Spoiler] [/quote] Haaaaaaaaaa. Worth it.
  21. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1355216693' post='1895368'][size=4] them knocking over the 7-tier wedding cake and rolling around on the floor of the marquee.[/size] Might never happen of course.... [/quote] This image is refusing to go away, rolling in the cake (to the tune of Adele, which makes the image a little less pleasant...)
  22. [quote name='Dom in Somerset' timestamp='1359124918' post='1950254'] My biggest fear is that i'll absent mindedly end up doing this: [/quote] You should definitely do this.
  23. Yes it does. I also have a green precision, but I refinished it myself. Hello by the way.
  24. [quote name='BOD2' timestamp='1359042525' post='1948908'][size=4]But I'll bet there were gigs when even the Simple Minds' bass player would be thinking "oh no.... not Waterfront again !"[/size] [/quote] If he were thinking that, then maybe he would have written his line differently?
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