I have owned 4 like this...
I killed the first 2 gigging with them back when i was a teenager, loved the sound of those pickups.
The other 2 have been bought on whims due to missing my original one so much. Both have had problems with the necks, and been sold on for parts, minus the pickups, which I have in an old Ibanez roadstar, and an Epi SG.
Hondo and Hondo 2 instruments vary wildly from one to the other, as BRX as said. Need to see yours to know, if the pups look like Gibson PAFs they are probably unbuckers. (Single coils hidden in HB covers, lauded by mark d philips as wonderful things, actually a bit sh*t).
If they are black or white, and have made by Di Marzio stamped on the bottom, then yay!