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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. Brilliant, I wish to click the share button, ironically...
  2. I have 5 again... Shame on me However, the 2 fretted are there as backups to each other (read one i can gig with while the other one sits in pieces in the garage while i fiddle with it) As are the 2 fretless, for fretless gigs. And the EUB is an EUB (backed up by one or other fretless). You don't have to have a backup, but I used to be a guitar player with the ability to break at least 3 strings every gig, so no backup makes me nervous. Also whatever people say, you can't do the same things on a fretless as a fretted, can't do slidey stuff with frets on, and you can't slap a fretless (well not properly anyway, although i have been known to)
  3. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1356300630' post='1909045'] Well sorry, but you all clearly knew what i meant. That was just a massive run through Pedanticland. [/quote] Have you not been here before then?
  4. Is that the proper DVD or the version they had on the Beeb the other week? I'm starting to think the TV version was shorter and worse mixed to encourage people to buy the DVD instead.
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1356105384' post='1906951'] I never play sitting down. Playing for me is all about gigging, and I'm certainly not going to sit down when I gig, therefore I always play standing up because that's how I'll do it in public where it's most important. [/quote] This. Though more cos playing sat down ends up playing merry hell with my right shoulder. I'm like Lozz, bass at the end of my very long right arm. Which interestingly may make it more like Spike's.....
  6. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1355935254' post='1904743'] As for 'bassists you can't hear' - honourable mention for JPJ on Celebration Day! [/quote] I thought it was just my crappy TV in the bedroom (and having the volume down so as not to wake the wife up). So it was jimmy page's mix then? Dazed and confused was even more confusing than ever without bass.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1356091212' post='1906653'] I want a curry and a drink for £5.45. [/quote] i think we all do.
  8. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1356019629' post='1905834'] Isn't it simply a case that [i]music is an art[/i], whereas [i]sound[/i] [i]is science[/i]? One highly subjective, the other measurably objective. The characteristics of sound and of different musical formats and playback devices can be described in scientific terms (specifically the laws of physics). So while science can't easily determine what sounds better - only your own ears can do that - it can determine what has the most potential to sound better, based on things like frequency range/response, etc, etc. At least I think that's the point people are trying to make here. More importantly, which is better: ice cream or custard? We all know it's custard, right? [/quote] Clotted Cream for &*^%s sake.... why can't you see that?
  9. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1355952701' post='1905035'] Just to point out, Dave only sounds good because he mimes to a backing track I'm f***ing awesome, Mr Houtermans told me so and he's a wicked bass player, so there [/quote] True.... ish
  10. Me too, but I scored a second hand HB on here for cheap. So it won.
  11. been away for a bit, just wanted to pop in and say you're all sh&te and none of you can play half as good as me. As you were.... (specially gaf, he doesn't even do solos...)
  12. Cool. I got my Harley benton EUB a couple of months ago, and have been gigging with it since about a fortnight later. Like fumps says, once you get your head round the posture (might take a lesson, I just looked at pictures, and worked out what DIDN'T hurt while I was playing around with it.) it's fine. Then working out the longer stretches, eventually your fingers fall into place, and your normal leccy bass feels all wrong and small. Also pedals are fun (I nearly destroyed the house with my mxr overdrive and synth pedals) currently run it through a behringer bass synth for the dubsteppy bits in the bands new material. Very cool. I'm pretty happy with my HB, and don't feel the need for a real DB, especially when I am carrying the bloody thing to and fro gigs, wishing I could strap it over my back like my old fretless. Same with strings, though I worry about not having spares so will replace them so's I can keep the old ones in the gig bag. Cheap is not always bad. Expensive is not always better. Good luck, it all comes together pretty nicely one day, and that is a GOOD day.
  13. Just bought a Roland Microcube from Alec, great to deal with, and a thorough gent. Definitely one of the good ones.
  14. [quote name='RambleOn' timestamp='1352075793' post='1858552'] I´ve used the 9050s for a few years, was actually considering trying HotWire Flats because it looks like they have lower tension the the Fenders and are well priced. I´m curious, what is it you don't like about them? Are they lower tension than the 9050s? Thanks [/quote] They are quite sticky, seem to be higher tension (Compliance, before BRX comes in and says it) and one of them has broken on my P-bass while it's been sat in its case doing nothing. Fenders are also brighter and have a bit of zing in them still.
  15. i think it's the rolling eyes that gives us away. :roll:
  16. typical, just as work goes nuts for the next two months and I won't have time to enter... january better have an awesome prize when I get back.
  17. [quote name='Blademan_98' timestamp='1351689745' post='1854176'] Just me and Mr vader without a hope then lol note: must try harder!! [/quote] Apologies, I appear to have gained on you overnight. Somebody must have clicked the wrong button thanks.
  18. I have voted (finally) All good stuff. And I would love to spend more time on here listening to stuff and being constructive, but 98% of my BC time is spent at work, where I can't listen to anything. And the rest is while I am out here in my studio listening to stuff i need to learn for gigs, or inbetween mixes and takes for my own stuff, so listening to stuff here would take up much needed RAM. I do try though...
  19. good idea Skol.
  20. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1351262425' post='1849431'] Despite the fact he has 4 !! [/quote] and is very much on record as saying that anything that isn't a black USA fender isn't worth having.
  21. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1351102264' post='1847412'] Been a few years and it dont stink yet. On a similar vein though, anyone on here found anything that will lubricate strings ? there used to be some stiff that came in little aerosols, but I cant find any mention of it these days. I just bought a new Precision and theres way too much zing for my liking, I'm too tight fisted to change the strings just yet but they sure are taking a lot of playing in. [/quote] WD-40. Spray it on a cloth, wipe it over, or for super clean, get cloth jammed in under strings, spray it and then pull it up to the nut and down to the bridge as far as you can. Keeps strings nice and clean and unbreaky for just as long as more expensive products.
  22. I have a black strap that came free with a guitar back in about 1989. it was my only strap up until about 2 years ago when i fancied a rainbow one. Now I have 4 rainbow straps, and that black one. The black one did 2o something years as my only strap, being chucked from guitar to guitar night after night. Still fine, and still gracing my SG/telecaster/ibanez depending on which guitar I'm playing as my main one that night. And it's one of those cheap sh*tty webbing ones too.
  23. will be voting once I've heard the last 2. Mostly just posting this so I can find the thread again.....
  24. The red stuff is called specialist, i have a tin of it in my garage. Does everything but that bloody sealer. This stuff. Flipping brilliant it is.
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