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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. Arse, I have some serious banjo practice to do for Saturday as I have drunkenly agreed to play at a golden wedding. Might not be able to get my tune done in time... will try though. It has banjos, so counts as practice....
  2. I've got a Kent in my monster green P. it sounds great. Fear not.
  3. Tis going well, I noticed you were after a fretless the other day Dave, I had been thinking of getting rid of my old Black fretless P, but realised that you want a jazz, and i don't want to sell it that much. Has your name on the headstock already though (and will confuse hardcore Spacey fans no end)
  4. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1347570661' post='1802699'] Just a pic with the neck loosley bolted on, awaiting the BAII bridge to arrive and then I can align it correctly before figuring out what i need to do around the neck end. The original pickguard was a bit of a shonky cut with a gap all the way around the Socket. A mate at Fender is sending me a new nut; Hopefully it'll arrive before the bridge so I can do all the setup stuff and then just drop the electronics in. There is still the need to polish the neck pocket, cavity and routs - A friend of mine is dropping off some wNd and some buffing compound. All good fun... [/quote] looks ace mate.
  5. That would make sense (nice job though, they're proper inlaid, not stickers). And the hole for the spacer hasn't been turned round, or the bridge or nut. Will have to ask Stu....
  6. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1347396709' post='1800355'] Here's my entry for now. [url="http://soundcloud.com/thebrokensky/underthesurface"]http://soundcloud.co...underthesurface[/url] I think I MAY have been playing too much Skyrim recently [/quote] Oh I like that, though now I have an urge to put on my big long coat and go walking over the moors while pretending I am looking out for Orcs. My effort has been interrupted by my getting a new toy to play with. However, be warned it does involve banjos...
  7. Yep, fiddled with the pickup angle, took the spacer out and the whole thing came together really nicely. Just played through the whole of our usual set with only a few wobbles here and there. This should go well. BTW, any idea why my EUB has position dots for a lefty while everything else is set up right handed? Mildly annoying, but turns out I can hit the right notes even without the dots, hooray! Also, side finger blister means rolling ciggies is now quite painful.....
  8. Sorry for delay, have been over on the other bass site with it's palatino megathread. They have good ideas over there. Thanks for the advice bluejay, yep, just like yours, though I am finding the spacing bar to be a painful annoyance, it doesn't help the thing balance without using my left hand to hold it up, I'm thinking a modified cymbal stand is the way to go. And I realise that lessons have their place, but thus far in my life I've taught myself guitar, piano, banjo, mandolin and a bunch of other instruments using little more than a headful of theory, and the "if it hurts I am probably doing it wrong" school of thought, and largely it has worked. Can't see why this instrument is anymore special than those, few pointers here and there and i should be okay. Not saying that is isn't right for other people, and not wanting to start any arguments, just going on experience, and if it starts to hurt and i can't fix it, I'll think about it. I think I am playing harder than I need to, I suspect I need to fiddle with the pickup angle, and turn the amp up. I read somewhere that you need to play them harder than bass guitars (and I really play them hard, maybe calm down). Will try and get another hour or so in tonight, sadly can't duck out of it now, posted a picture of it on FB last night, and got a "F&*K yeah we're using that!" comment from Maz (whose band i play for) so nobody's letting me stop.
  9. Bought Stu's Harley Benton EUB, thoroughly decent chap, and perfect transaction. Kept me informed all the way through, and all was very good. Nice one.
  10. So thanks to Lowend Stu I have got myself a lovely new (second hand) Harley Benton EUB. I had no idea that scale was so long! Anyone point me at some books to help me get my head around it? It's not too hard, but my right hand technique needs some work to get a decent volume (or is it my left? See I don't know) I know you'll all say get lessons, but I am reluctant, and cocky enough to thing I can do this on my own. The only pain i have from spending the las hour messing about with it is a blister on my right hand index finger, which I count as a win. But probably means i'm not doing it right. Anyhow, I can play Lovecats quite well now, but that's about it. Happy happy....
  11. [quote name='MSL' timestamp='1347186061' post='1797707'] The gorgeous Carrie Grant. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrie_Grant"]http://en.wikipedia....ki/Carrie_Grant[/url] [/quote] Phwooooaarr....
  12. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1347289383' post='1798869'] What happens when they say ok? [/quote] Not happened yet...
  13. [quote name='AndyTravis' timestamp='1347281282' post='1798746'] Unless it's a 'we can't be arsed doing a piddly little job, say £150; he'll soon sod off...' kind of thing. [/quote] We have a laser cutter that we have never configured for cutting plastic where I work. This is our stock answer, so you could be right.
  14. Who let him work on a USA fender?
  15. Rickenbacker, cost you about a grand, will sell for about a grand. Job done.
  16. That's easy, everyone likes Girls.
  17. Ooooohhh, I need to fix up my studio (currently redoing bits of it) and record something....
  18. I am in the middle of Devon if that's anywhere near you, I will fix your bass up and make you a cup of tea if you can get over here. A £300 odd quid spector is not a cheap bass by my very cheap standards, and we can make it play just fine.
  19. I've just given myself the worst case of GAS ever...
  20. most places round here seem to not start till 9:30 and go on til midnight, with a half hour break at 10.
  21. At this point you need to detune your string so the saddle can move. Or hit it with the screwdriver. Depends how brave you're feeling.
  22. I was going to put flats on it as well.... conflicted again
  23. it has, and if it will only just keep up with an acoustic, it is pish all use to anyone except as an ornament. Thanks, that's what I needed to know. I was hoping for resonator volume.
  24. I have just seen a fretless acoustic/electric resonator bass (like a national, shiny and metal) it is an Ozark that has been converted because of a factory fault with the frets. I actually have a bit of cash at the moment and could buy it, anyone got any experience with resonator basses? I quite fancy it for acoustic rehearsals with my current gig, and might even use it live if it works well with the band. Was going to buy an EUB and a resonator guitar, but this should satisfy two cravings in one, ish... I am too paranoid that someone else will buy it to post the link, does that mean I am definitely going to buy it?
  25. Or you can buy a cheap one and hack it to fit, then stick new holes in your bass, then it can look like one of mine Also, my black gaffa taped tele pickguard looks ace. Cheap too.
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