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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. [quote name='BarnacleBob' timestamp='1340745495' post='1709154'] Panties or parties asides , it is quite easy! The Pro independants are accused of stealing the original and the anti independants are accused of stealing the original.......... BB [/quote] This thread need some stereotyping and mild racism, so i shall add... Thieving Scots, you can't trust 'em.
  2. [quote name='Commando Jack' timestamp='1340721339' post='1708561'] I thought this was rich: Because we all have 16 different configurations of amp/cab to decide on for each gig. [/quote] Most BC'ers do seem to yeah....
  3. Dave Vader

    Low morale?

    [quote name='thunderbird13' timestamp='1340628230' post='1707208'] ...one of those pointless arguments BUT I'v eseen this all before and it does go in cycles so in a few months I'm sure it will all be a massive love in again [/quote] No it won't...
  4. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1339667895' post='1692186'] I once played a covers gig and two retired ladies came in with PRS cards asking for a list of the covers that we play, as the venue was getting a 'spot check' from PRS. I assume these surveys are to get an idea what material is being performed in venues, but I can certainly see that this isn't an exhaustive survey! [/quote] Had that once, we made up the set as we went along, so they stayed and watched the whole gig, they knew their stuff as they kept writing their little notes however obscure the covers we did. It was boxing day as well.... dedicated.
  5. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1340457809' post='1704706'] nobody playing live round here seems to use them. [/quote] *pops head up and waves as a local(ish) flat user*
  6. [quote name='surfinbernard' timestamp='1340558102' post='1706195'] I disagree, they are doing what they need to to get a certain sound. The skills involved are different, it still requires musicianship. [/quote] Hence the winky face. (I also play slide guitar quite a lot btw) Requires more musicianship in fact, as you can't go for big widdly passages, what with having the whole bar shape to work with. Really have to think ahead with your note choices. .... and back to picks.
  7. [quote name='surfinbernard' timestamp='1340556180' post='1706146'] that would be like a slide guitar player being considered to be cheating because they tune to an open chord. [/quote] which they are....
  8. Dave Vader

    Low morale?

    Shame the threads keep getting deleted, I tend to see the start of them, then wander off, do some work, play some music, come back to see what's happened, and find it's gone. Cheer up chaps, it's sunny today. (fumps is at a festival having fun, so we need to stand in for him, altogether now....) neeeeeee noooooor neeee nooooorrrr.......
  9. Nope, it was lovely and straight when it was last on my bass back in march. Shouldn't have moved since.
  10. [quote name='XB26354' timestamp='1340300036' post='1702599'] Is there even a music industry left? Who makes a living from music unless it's covers or functions, or one of the few fading bands on their last hurrah? [/quote] This poor girl seems to be scraping by a bit... Don't steal her music.
  11. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1340275275' post='1702022'] It's only a small step beyond the historic arrangement, except it puts prattling DJ's out of a job. [/quote] I thought you said it was a bad thing Edit: Bugger, Tom beat me to it.
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1340272052' post='1701935'] One problem I have is that when your internet connection is down, you're stuffed. Mind you, when electricity becomes a rare commodity we'll be stuffed anyway. Time to start buying wind-up gramophones, 78 rpm records and acoustic instruments. Edit: And guns. Lots of guns. [/quote] 3 out of 4 ain't bad.... (unless toy guns count? That would give me a full set)
  13. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1340218798' post='1701344'] Time to check out this Kit Richardson stuff! [/quote] Don't, it'll end up costing you money to buy it, it's a bit good. (or you could go and download it for free somewhere.... )
  14. But without t'interweb I would still be making crap tapes on a 4 track that only my Mum listened to, and she said they were crap. Now there are 2 blokes in Sweden and a couple of deaf yanks that regularly refuse to pay to listen to my solo music project. This is better. I also get to listen to weird stuff that I would never have heard about without the net. I however fully accept that it has only made it MUCH better for those of us who realise we are a niche interest and will only ever reach 3 people that like us.
  15. My favourite fretless sound comes from a knackered old Kay pickup up by the neck, wide open.
  16. If the radio stations and record companies did not incessantly play songs for months BEFORE you can get them legally, i have a sneaking suspicion that less spotty teenagers would be illegally downloading them so the can have then on demand whenever they want. The current chart model of going in at the top and going down is ridiculous, don't play the bloody song on the radio until it is available to buy, then a lot less people will want to steal it. Also, iTunes would be a lot better if you could use it with something that ISN'T an iPod. Not seen a real alternative for use with the old generic mp3/ogg player. Plus back catalogues and stuff by dead people might be a decent loss leader, maybe not free, but certainly uber-cheap would be nice. (I'm looking at you Zappa family )
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1340119400' post='1699408'] Soundcheck? Whats that? [/quote] It's when the bloke behind the big twiddly nob table says to you "Go on then, I'll sort you in your first number, you'll be fine" Or "Play your bass a bit mate, (counts to 2) that'll do, thanks"
  18. Cancelled due to bad weather, didn't find out til I'd got there. twunts.
  19. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1339687667' post='1692748'] I'm making an acoustic instrument out of plywood right now. The tone of it is going to blow minds. [/quote] Like this one?
  20. In a similar vein... [url="http://www.nervoussquirrel.com/badgermin.html"]http://www.nervoussquirrel.com/badgermin.html[/url]
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