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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. Sorry to tyre kick, but I had one of these when I was 13 and have never seen another one ever, i was beginning to think I'd dreamed it. You don't know any more about them do you? I've never found any information on them anywhere. Bump for brilliantly fun amps (mine got nicked back in the 90s when a band mate disappeared and all our gear was in his house).
  2. Pretty much everything I write and record at home I end up ditching the bassline that I have spent hours noodling around with, pulling out my moog and making fat synthy low noises instead. One day I will learn to do this at the start and not d*ck about with a bass guitar for so long at the start. With my current gig, I am teaching the songwriter to shout at me when I do stuff she doesn't like, as she is only 15, and is understandably a bit cautious when it comes to telling a 35 year old wookie what he should be playing. She's getting it now, as I occasionally throw in something utterly ridiculous, and if she doesn't pull me up on it, I will politely ask her why the hell she though I should be getting away with that. She's learning...
  3. [quote name='The Bass Doc' timestamp='1338393164' post='1673854'] Rock 'n' Roll Hoochie Koo [/quote] I don't often feel the need to say this but.... TUUUUUUUUNNNNNNEEEEEEE!!!! :) (Haven't played it in years, miss it a great deal)
  4. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1338394306' post='1673883'] If you're the type of guy to regularly subject himself to jam-nights, you probably do think your clip-on looks cool! Sorry, just joking Dave, whatever works for you [/quote] They keep making me go, I'm one of only about 4 musicians that live in this tiny town. And it goes straight back in my pocket, especially after I saw that old guy with the ukulele who kept it attached all night, and kept looking at it... *not even close to cool but convenient*
  5. If you also play a multitude of acoustic instruments at jam nights, where the luxury of plugging into your tuner and arsing around for ages fiddling with leads is going to annoy everyone, and have come to the realisation that having a rack tuner for your bass, a pedal for your guitar rig and one of those old school pluggy in things for everything else is overkill, then finding a clip on one that you can chuck in your pocket/on top of your amp/anywhere you bloody like after your quick tuning check THAT WILL TUNE EVERY INSTRUMENT YOU OWN (and the rest of the bands too) is a total godsend. Really, i hated having 3 different tuners, and trying to remember which to take on which gig. and it's red with a cool little speedometer type dial, so of course it's cool
  6. Thanking you, needed an excuse to get new strings to replace the status ones I don't get on with. ta
  7. I'm doing a bit of one on the moor on Monday night, not flag waving though, I'm somewhat of a republican. Not letting that get in the way of an excuse for a bit of a knees up though, shall just get pissed and argue with the other side. Then up to the big smoke for a proper gig in kentish town on wednesday night (at the Bull and Gate, with Maz Totterdell /shameless plug)
  8. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1338382701' post='1673593'] I've never met a guitarist who can play bass. I've met too many who think they can. If the producer has advised him fair enough. [/quote] Poking up my head here, and saying no. There's plenty of us guitarists on here who would disagree with you. Sorry to interrupt your thread EB, as you were....
  9. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1338380765' post='1673542'] am concerned when it's a rocket launcher and flats however..... [/quote] *applause* Nice one sir...
  10. Or a clip on tuner and a volume control on your bass *broken record*
  11. bad company can't get enough uses the same progression, so does Fleetwood Mac's don't stop, have linked all three together before (when drunk, am suitably ashamed of myself)
  12. To proper finish it of I refer you to my earlier clip on tuner point. Best thing I ever bought.
  13. some do some don't. I have a clip on tuner btw...
  14. [quote name='sarah thomas' timestamp='1338290321' post='1672110'] Buying a double bass and not having a few lessons is like buying a car and never putting in any oil. [/quote] Already guilty of the second, and about to be guilty of the first, might have to rethink it...
  15. Couldn't resist sorry.
  16. Okay then (has been done before, but always nice to do a new one, most of us have probably changed bands since then) Here's Maz, who is my only current live gig. [url="http://www.facebook.com/maztotterdell"]http://www.facebook.com/maztotterdell[/url] and here's my occasional solo project, Plastic Squirrel [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Plastic-Squirrel/130695623651842"]http://www.facebook.com/pages/Plastic-Squirrel/130695623651842[/url]
  17. I always mean to warm up, but generally my warm-up consists of hearing someone shout "Oi, Dave, we're on you tosser" downing my drink, putting out my fag and running for the stage. piss-poor preparation etc. etc.
  18. Hi bideford, is it a coincidence that your user name is the same as my old hometown?
  19. Always took spare everything to gigs. Never needed it, and took bloody ages to lug it all in and out of the car. In my new band, neither the fiddle player, guitarist or mandolin player have spare anythings, so I figure I'll join them (although my gig bag has a lot of leads and strings and allen keys, screwdrivers, pliers etc in it, just in case). it is nice to get in and out in one go without detroying my back. bass in a bag on my back, Harley benton promethean clone in one hand, Pint in the other, happy days
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