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Dave Vader

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Everything posted by Dave Vader

  1. Just realised that's all my basses, I only have bitsas.... how sad.
  2. Well since you insist, this one (which will undoubtedly get me shot one day) is a Rockinbetter, with a hipshot bridge, and the electrics and pickups and stereo outputs from a hondo 2. I like it a lot. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/6127387019/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/6127387019/"]Rickenbastard[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/50579126@N03/"]Plastic Squirrel[/url], on Flickr This here is my dear old Sunn Mustang, which I have merely refinished, put a kent Armstrong pickup in and stuck CTS pots and an orange drop cap in. It is also lovely. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/6127934016/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/6127934016/"]P-Bass[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/50579126@N03/"]Plastic Squirrel[/url], on Flickr Here's the fretless P, hondo body, ebay neck (defretted by me, and dots replaced with bits of maple veneer) wizard trad, and some bridge I had lying about. I only built it to match my strat, they look great in the living room together, and also match the cat. It plays and sounds pretty darn good too. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/6053000482/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/6053000482/"]Fretless Pbass with Bam Bam[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/50579126@N03/"]Plastic Squirrel[/url], on Flickr And my favourite (at the moment) 1983 ibanez roadstar body, seymour duncan Ric bridge pickup, old kay pickup in the neck (really sounds bloody fantastic, i was a bit surprised) weird no-name bridge bought just for the spacing on the pickups. And in this picture it has the neck from my legendary £15 car boot sale fretless. It now has a beautiful unlined warmoth ebony neck on it which i got from CPCustomdubwise on here not so long ago. The refinish never got finished cos i needed it for a gig and had to put it back together. I have since grown to love it's hideousness, and will probably never bother finishing the job. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/6127933632/"][/url] [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/50579126@N03/6127933632/"]Dave Fretless[/url] by [url="http://www.flickr.com/people/50579126@N03/"]Plastic Squirrel[/url], on Flickr
  3. Have you tried this approach? (gets a bit warm after a while though...)
  4. Fender 9050 flats, 100-50 gauge. Lovely. (Although at present due to an experiment they are both sporting status hotwire flats 105-45, I do not like them, though the black silks look cool on the black bass) I like the fenders on my green bass cos they have green silks as well....
  5. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1334855624' post='1622487'] I'm not nice enough to agree to play Mustang Sally So you were at my last gig . I've just found 3rds, it's when you play a 7th you get a strange look [/quote] i was invited, but never turned up, thus you have not yet suffered my hard stare, followed by the indifferent shrug and going outside for a fag at one of your gigs it's the diminished 2nd that most people hate more than any other....
  6. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1334836427' post='1622070'] Some useful 'how to' tips here - [url="http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f38/wax-potting-microphonic-pickup-g-l-pic-heavy-859675/"]http://www.talkbass....c-heavy-859675/[/url] [/quote] Thanks ikay, Anyone done it and regretted it?
  7. I have an old Kay pickup in the neck position of my favourite bass. It is the reason I love it so much, it has a beautiful wooden tone to it when it's soloed, and does nice deep DBesque tones. However, it has gone very much microphonic, resulting in clicks and thuds if I knock it too much. My question is this, if I wax pot it, will I lose all that lovely creamy tone that I am so fond of. Will it sound like an actual cheap nasty old kay bass? I have two of these pickups so theoretically I could a/b it, but I was going to send the other one to andy at wizard when I have a few quid to spare, to see what he can make with it on a rewind. Any suggestions? (Oh and hints and tips on wax potting if i do go ahead with it)
  8. I've seen a lot of bands round here over the years where I reckon none of them were gig-ready. They were still playing though, and the punters seemed to enjoy it enough. Don't worry about it, go and have a go, if you can play root notes along with them (no 3rds, it makes people upset) you'll be fine. There are some god-awful bassists round here getting plenty of regular gigs.
  9. [quote name='Tinman' timestamp='1334822060' post='1621681'] I'd get myself a top notch Taylor 12 string acoustic and sit on the porch in a rocking chair making up tunes....heaven. [/quote] And tuning it every 10 minutes...
  10. I have a similarly buggered ring finger on my left hand at the moment, it's a pain in the rear, am going to the docs with it tomorrow. Can't have been playing related though, as it kicked in on note 2 of the 1st set a couple of weeks ago. Can play around it fine with the other 3 fingers in my current gig. But can't play guitar properly... Also can't afford to rest it til after friday night, than we have a long gigless gap. Good luck Jay, will compare notes with you after I get back from the docs.
  11. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1334652401' post='1619019'] How thick are the tops on other basses with rear-routed controls? They can't be much different surely? [/quote] I did this with my old 82 Ibanez roadstar, it bent the shaft a bit. never measured it, but it's pretty thick, you can't use a little standard cheapy pot through it.
  12. I think it's the old kay pickup in the neck. It's gone a bit microphonic and does some beautiful noises....
  13. Yep, got a couple of 15" drivers off them a year or so ago, they informed me that those were now discontinued and they shouldn't have been advertising them, and sent me equivalents at the same price (less than list) top guys.
  14. Really good, maz totterdell and her new band return from London for album launch party back in exeter. Packed house, even my stepkids came (they never want to see me play normally) We were pretty darn good, I think i made a good decision leaving everything else for this.
  15. Cheers (new) Dave, it went well, hope the prospect went easy on you on Saturday, they're feisty there.
  16. My favourite is back when i was in a band which used to smash up all our stuff at the end, i was a guitar player still back then, and had a yellow strat that i used to rebuild the day after every gig. After a monstrous crescendo ending and me whirling the thing round and bouncing it off the stage townsend style, the singer turned to me and reminded me that we had changed the set list that night, and i still had one more song to do. I had not brought a spare... I managed to shove enough bits back in with gaffa to get some sound out of it, and retuned it, and hobbled through the last song, with a little less gusto,
  17. I like the bass, but am having trouble working out why it would need a thumbrest?
  18. It's tomorrow night, I have found out that the other bands are animal kingdom and JJ Symon and the Rescue, are you in either of these bands? Will I be using your amp? I will probably not be back on here til afterwards now, but i assure you I will be nice to it. ta,
  19. My Sunn Mustang, got it for £30 many years ago (well repossessed it off the owner for what he owed me in beer money). It has had a Kent Armstrong pickup put in it, what cost me 30 quid as well, and I changed the pots. I think that cost me a fiver. So 65 quid then It gets gigged a lot, I played it last weekend and wondered why the hell I'd been playing anything else recently.
  20. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1333010700' post='1596035'] You string your bass with boot-laces? [/quote] When i can get them yeah.... nice earthy tones...
  21. Very smooth indeed, I'd played 2 gigs with them before I spotted any gap at all.
  22. [quote name='HeavyJay' timestamp='1332667120' post='1591242'] Someone shouted out a request for Elenor Rigby at a gig of ours, we apologised for not bringing the orchestra that night. [/quote] We used to do that in a 3 piece (very differently of course) started off with a stabbing telecaster Em, and was oft mistaken for London Calling... Got very 'eavy by the middle....
  23. I have depped on guitar for more than one band in this situation... Bass player - "here mate, can you tune this bass for me?"
  24. I have an unlined neck, it has top dots, i still have to look at my left hand a fair bit, but intonation is not a problem, after a while....
  25. [quote name='lurksalot' timestamp='1332798621' post='1593421'] One song that troubles me that we do ( very well ,as it happens ) is Poisons , Every Rose has its Thorn ...... I have to say that having recently done some research, I have planted a Zephrine Drouhin and can categorically state that it is a climbing rose which has no thorns I am worried that one day our fans will see right through us , should we put a disclaimer at the start of the set stating that the opinions of the songwriters do not necessarily reflect the the views of the band Having said that, I really think that they SHOULD fear the reaper [/quote]
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